
教学计划(英语第四册)英语组 徐柏艳教学目的1 .激发学生学习英语的兴趣2.培养他们良好的语音、语调、书写基础3 .培养他们良好的学习习惯4.培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力5.培养学生的爱国主义精神、增强世界意识教材分析本套教材的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展,吸收了当今国内外把英语作为外语教学的理论和成功的经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国小学英语教学的实际有机结合起来,形成了适合我国英语教学基本状况的模式和方法。总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构逐步引导学生运用英语完成实际目的的语言任务。即:话题一功能一结构一任务。教材的主要特点1 .强调语言运用本套教材吸收了交际教学思想,注重学生语言运用功能的培养。教材在整体构思,内容安排,活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现了语言的交际功能。2.注重能力培养力求用生动简单,通俗易懂的方式渗透学习策略目标鼓励学生能动思考,主动做事,自动调整学习方式发掘他们积极求知,努力进取的潜能。3 .突出兴趣激发从内容、形式、方法、插图及装祯设计等方面都以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机和兴趣。教学内容紧密联系小学生的生活和学习实际,选择话题充分考虑小学生的需求。4.重视双向交流选编了一些与学生日常生活紧密相关,与教学内容和教学进度同步的中西放文化知识5.融合学科内容十分重视在学习内容上与其他学科知识的兼容并蓄,精选学生最需要了解的,最感兴趣的,最易学会的,最有普及价值的与学生日常生活联系最紧密的学科知识内容,融如语言材料之中。6 重视灵活扩展运用有效的编排形式,使教师充分发挥特长,使学生能够各得其所。7 实现整体设计运用整体系统的合理编排力求达到各阶段的教学内容与目标自然衔接,以确保各阶段的顺利过渡。教学方法1 会瑞话会教话学教学于情景表演之中,让学生在表演中练2 词汇教学巧用实物和卡片融词汇于会话教学中3 歌曲与歌谣教学在每节课中渗透灵活运用在各个教学环节中唱演结合,培养艺术素质4 趣味故事教学5 阶段复习The fourth volumecontents arrangement:Unit 题目TopicUnit 1Our schoolSchool thingsUnit 2What Time Is It?times;subjects;mealsUnit 3Is this your skirt?Clothes;colourRecycle 1Unit 4Its warm today.Weather;clothesUnit 5How much is it?shoppingUnit 6At a farmFarm animals;number;vegtablesRecycle2Teaching degreeof progressWeek timeDateContent of courseLessonhourRemarks12/9-2/1032/9Unit 1343/10 3/16Unit 2353/17-3/23Unit 23学生情况分析:63/24-3/30Unit 3373/31-4/6Unit 3384/7-4/13Recycle 1394/14-4/20Unit 43104/21-4/27Unit 43114/28-5/4The Labor Dayhave a holidays3125/5-5/11Unit 53135/12-5/18Unit 53145/19-5/25Unit 63155/26-6/1Unit 63166Z2-6/8Recycle 23176/9-6/15It is mobile toreview3186/16-6/22It is mobile toreview3196/23-6/29It is mobile toreview3五(3):听课认真,总体素质交好,但个别同学胆小,举手发发言不够积极,例如:金鸽、付康晔、王浙川、许圆、陈夏、方柯等,这些同学不善于表现自己,课堂上还不够专心,还需要帮助。五(4):课习惯差,喜欢讲话,五(5)同学之间的差异比较大,好的同学成绩突出,但有一部分同学还不够认真,听成绩不够好。如张垒杰、黄国伟、金尖标、金晨、黄塞等,这些同学还需要帮助。:个别同学听刻习惯欠好,喜欢插嘴,而且上课不够钻心,不喜欢发言。如于小坚、金康康、楼栋、楼威、这些同学需要帮助。五(6)班:听刻习惯较好,但还有个别同学不认真,陈澹、郑毅淳、吴宣宣等课堂上还多提醒。五(7):听课习惯不够好听课不认真,大部分男同学学习成绩较差,对学习英语的兴趣不够浓厚,还需要鼓励支持如郑期天、李林川、陈涵、郑弘天、于开怡、付东人王昱等。五(8):听课习惯较好,个别同学还需要努力,边涅懿、张辉环、杨晨、张行赵荣荣等,还需要帮助。Unit One OUR SCHOOLPeriod OneA Lefs learnTeaching aims:Be able to listen say and read playgound canteen garden libraryteachers office.Be able to act and say:go to the canteen/have some noodlesGo to the playground/play football.Teaching steps:step 1 RevisionWarm up:1.work and play,work and play,in the classroom every day.2 Sing a song.(In the classroom)3 GreetingsStep 2 presentationT:Whats in our classroom?S:A board,four lights,many desks andchairs.T:Do you like our school?S:Yes,1 like our school.T:What do you like in our school?S:I like.T:Do you like our playgroud?S:Yes.T:What do you do on the playground?Jump/run/playbasketball/playfootball.?I like basketball.I like football.I like running.T:What do you do in the garden/in canteen/in teachers office/.S:Hike T:Go to the canteen,eat some noodles.Go to the teacher office,hand in the homeworkStep 3 practicePlay a game.Guess 4 Whats in my hand?T:Whats in my right hand?S:a canteen/teachers office/Step 4 Consolidation1 copy and read2 preview and revisePeriod 2 Lets talkTeaching aims:Be able to understand and say This is the teachersoffice.That is my classroomBe able to sing 4our schoolGood to know.Step 1 RevisionWarm-up:1.Lets do.2 Guess some cards.3 Listen to a song.Step 2 presentationT:Why do you like our school?SI:I like our playground.S2:1 like our garden.S3:1 like.T:I like our canteen.I can eat some dilicions foods.I like our school.Our school is very nice.Today some friends from American are coming to seeour school.Chenjie is showing them around our school.Lets look at thispicture.Step2 presentation(put the picture on the blackboard)T:Whats this?S:This is the teachers office.(write it on Bb)T:Whats that?S:That is our classroom.(write it on Bb)T:How many students are there in our class?(write it on Bb)Ss:Sixty four.T:Do you have a library/playgroud/garden/?(write it on Bb)Ss:Yes.T:Where is the canteen?S:The canteen is on the frist floor.T:Look!Is this your playgound?Ss:Yes.T:Wow,your school is beautiful.Step 3 practiceT:Open your books on page 5.listen to the tape and read after the tape.Read and act the dialogug.Step 4 consolidation and extension1 Do activity book.2 Read the dialogue to your father and mother.3Introduce our school to your father and mother.Peroid 3 Read and writeTeaching aims:Be able to listen say read and write:board,light,fan,computer.Be able to sing lets chant.Step 1 RevisionWarm-up:Sing“our school song.Act the dialogue.Preview:1 Whats in the classroom?A board,two lights.2 Lets do.Open the door.Turn on the light.Sweep the floor.Clean the window.Put up the picture.Clean the board.Step 2 PresentationLets do.Go to the library.Read a story book.Read and write:T:Where do you read?S:In the library.T:Where do you draw?S:In the art room.T:Where do you play computer game?T:In the computer room.This is my computer room.T:How to write sentences.Capital the first letter T.Step 3 practicea.Act the dialogue.b.Play a game.Guess a sentence if it is right orwrong.For exzample:There are three computers

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