
备考备考 20232023 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力能力提升试卷力能力提升试卷 B B 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、There is a _of impatience in the tone of his voice.A.dot B.hint C.notion D.phrase【答案】B 2、Passage 2 A.top performers used to cling to their posts B.loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated C.top performers care more about reputations D.its safer to stick to the traditional rules【答案】A 3、Tom is snobbish,always _the influential people.A.making out for B.making up C.making up to D.making up for【答案】C 4、Teachers believing in the _ model in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words,sentences and then the whole passage in the reading class.A.interactive B.top-down C.bottom-up D.interactional【答案】C 5、The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities,A.wherever B.whenever C.even if D.as if【答案】C 6、In terms of _,words can be divided into closed-class words and open-classed words.A.meaning B.quality C.variability D.membership【答案】D 7、What rhetorical device is used in the sentence:The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.A.Anticlimax B.Pun C.Metaphor D.Transferred epithet【答案】A 8、A great deal of talking and listening that_under casual circumstance may seem to be aimless A.is occurred B.are occurred C.occurs D.occur【答案】C 9、Which of the following italicized phrase indicates a purpose?A.She said it for fun,but others took it seriously B.For all its efforts,the team didnt win the match C.Linda has worked for the firms for 20 years D.He set out for Beijing yesterday【答案】A 10、What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A.Textbooks and teaching aids B.Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them C.Objectives of the lesson and procedures to achieve them D.Summary and homework【答案】C 11、Passage 1 A.generally distorted values B.unfair wealth distribution C.a marginalized lifestyle D.a rigid moral code【答案】A 12、When teachers teach pronunciation to students,which suggestion is useless?A.Use hands and arms to conduct choral pronunciation practice B.Move around the classroom when doing choral practice C.Try to use visual aids D.Rely on explanations【答案】D 13、Everyone knows that English departments are in trouble,but you cant appreciate just howmuch trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Language Association.The report is about Ph.D.programs,which have been in decline since 2008.These programs have gotten both more difficult and less rewarding:today,it can take almost a decade to get a doctorate,and,at the end of your program,youre unlikely to find a tenure-track job.A.The job openings for newly-graduated Ph.D.s are incredibly promising B.It seems impossible for newly-graduated Ph.D.s to find a tenure-track joB C.The M.L.A.report has overestimated the number of tenure-track jobs on the job list D.s【答案】C 14、请阅读 Passaqe l,完成第小题。A.It hasnt helped improve balance sheets B.It is an age-old practice for most Americans C.It has been on the rise since the recent recession began D.It has reflected the American tradition of self-abnegation【答案】C 15、Passage 1 A.It monitors the drivers eyes to see if he needs a rest B.It judges if the driver wants to pull over C.It judges if the driver wants to take a rest D.It issues an alarm when the driver speaks【答案】A 16、Which of the following has the proper word stress?A.magnificent B.magNificent C.magnifiCent D.Magnificent【答案】B 17、The synonymous pair _ differ in degree of formality.A.pass away and pop off B.accuse and charge C.poison and jail D.tap and faucet【答案】A 18、请阅读 Passage 2。完成第小题。A.the indigenous culture B.the Western culture C.the academic culture D.the news business culture【答案】A 19、Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts A.the introduction of the rifle B.the spread of British rule C.the extension of luxuries D.the spread of trade【答案】A 20、Which of the following is an example of teachers indirect corrective feedback?A.Say went instead of go B.We never use at that way C.Choice A is not the right answer D.Who can help him with this sentence【答案】D 21、In the college-admissions wars,we parents are the true fighters Were pushing our kids to get good grades,take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice Ive twice been to the wars,and as I survey the battlefield,something different is happening We see our kids college background as a prize demonstrating how well weve raised them But we cant acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them So weve contrivedvarious justifications that turn out to be half-truths,prejudices or myths It actually doesnt matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford A.they earn less than their peers from other institutions B.they turn out to be less competitive in the job market C.they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation D.they overemphasize their qualifications in job applications【答案】C 22、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.i

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