
Unit 1Lesson 1一、单项选择根据语境选择最佳答案()1.What does a do?He is someone who can do tricks,David Copperfield is the mostpopular one n the world.A.magic,magician B.magician,magical C.magician,magic()2.-What do you think of the concert last night?It was excellent.He won standing when he ended his show.A.applause B.applaud C.applauder()3.The young man quickly jumped into the river and the boy the water.-What a brave man!We should learn form him.A.pull,out of B.pulled,out from C.pulled,out of()4.-We should look after the old men during the vacation.一Good idea!,we should have enough time.A.Start with B.To start with C.At last()5.Do you know the person a black hat on the head?-Certainly,he is our headmaster.Do you want to meet him?A.putting on B.dressing C.wearing()6.-BBC Learning Station is really an way to learn English.Tm at it.I think so.It helps me improve my English ability.Join it!A.amazing,amazed B.amazed,amazing C.amaze,amazing()7.Someone is tapping the door.Who is it?-Nobody outside.Its me.I tapped the desk my fingers.A.on,in B.to,for C.at,with()8.Little Tom put a hat in his hand,some magic words“Abracadabra”,itseemed that he could do a magic trick.A.speaking B.saying C.talking()9.It is too hot in my room and youd be t t e r your coat.一OK,thank you.A.put on B.take off C.push off()10.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others?A.Magician B.Amazing C.Audience二、词形转换用所给词的适当形式填空1.David Copperfield is the most famous (magic).2.He can do an (amaze)magic trick.3.(finish),we won the football game.4.The audience (applause)after the show.5 He (tap)my shoulder and told me that I got a good grade.三、句型转换按要求进行句型转换,每空一词1.He is wearing a black cape.(变为同义句)H e a black cape.2.The magician did a very amazing trick.(变为感叹句)amazing trick the magician did!3.At first,he took off his hat.(变为同义句)To,he took off his hat.4.He pulled a bird out of the box.(变为同义句)A bird out of the box by him.5.Merlin is a famous magician.He can do magic tricks.(变为同义句)Merlin is a famous magician do magic tricks.四、补全对话根据语境选择最佳选项补全对话A:Have you ever seen a magic show?B:Y e s.A:What is the magic trick that you have seen?B:2A:What did he do after that?B:3A:To finish,what happened?B:4A:What an amazing trick!B:I want to learn a magic trick.And I love magicA: 2一、单项选择根据语境选择最佳答案()1.Excuse me.I want to write down an important telephone number.Could you giveme,please?-Certainly.Here you are.A.a piece of paper B.a sheet of paper C.A and B()2.The airport waiting building passengers because of the heavy storm.A.is filled of B.is full of C.is full with()3.-Im an English beginner,I have some trouble in learning it.Could you give mesome my English study?Of course.Do more speaking and do more reading,they can help you.A.assistances in B.assistance by C.assistance with()4.-In England,people can drink or smoke until they 21.A.He pulled a bird out of the hat.B.I went to a cinema yesterday.C.I went to a famous magic show yesterday.D.He did an amazing trick.E.To start with,the magician took off his hatand said some magic words.F.He tapped the hat with his wand.G Maybe you will be a famous magician.()6.Peter got angry and put on his coat,opened the door and in the heavy rain.-What a good rule!It?s good for their health.A.gets to B.arrive atC.reach()5.Lucy realized that she was wrong.She washer hands.too shy and _ her faceA.covered,by B.covered,withC.be covered,withAll of us worried about his safety.A.disappeared B.disappearance C.disappearing()7.the show,we enjoyed some wonderful performances.We had a good timethat night.A.In B.At C.A and B()8.She had won her a singer before she became an actress,now she still loves singing.A.fame as B.famous as C.fame for()9.Harbin is very beautiful in winter,it attracts(吸弓I)many tourists every year.Aftersnowing,the whole city a white snow world.A.changes in B.turns into C.changes from()10.Which world of the following has a different stress from the others?A.Egyptian B.Assistant C.Empty二、词形转换用所给词的适当形式填空1.There are (assist),and they often give (assist)to others.2.一Where was the tiger?-It (disappear).3.She put some clean (sheet)on the bed and then went to bed.4.Some of his own fame today comes from tricks fi rst (do)in Egypt many years ago.5.She likes (tap)her daughter on the face and says,“I love you.”三、词汇辨析使用所给同义词或词组的适当形式填空I.amazed/amazing/amazement1.He is to find her there.2.The audience applauded after the trick.3.He asked me in that why I got such good grades.II.know/know about/know of4.一Do you the answer to the question?-Yes,I do.5.I dont that matter.6.I the student,but I dont him.四、任务性阅读 先阅读短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务(A)magic tap appear Tim amaze“Tim,do you want to see a magic trick?asked Liu Chang.“Are you a now?Sure!I love magic,“said Tim.Liu Chang opened his hand to show Tim a coin.He closed his hand and 2 on it withhis finger.When he opened his hand,it was empty.4The coin 3!said Tim.“Just wait,“said Liu Chang.Liu Chang then reached over and pulled the coin from 4 ear.“What an 5 trick!said Tim.(B)David Coppe

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