英语对话—— “搭乘公共汽车”

对话“搭乘公共汽车”Which Bus Should I Take?Traveler:Is this the bus that goes by the park?Driver:No,it isnt.But you can transfer fromthis bus to bus number 24 when we get to the 1 st Street.Traveler:Good.How much is the fare?Driver:Its eighty cents for adults and thirty-fivecents for children under twelve.Dont use bill,anddrop the exact fares into the money box after getting onthe bus.Traveler:Will it cost for the transfer?Driver:Yes.When you get on the transfer bus,just show the bus driver the ticket stub.You willonly have to pay ten more cents for yourself and anickel for your child.Traveler:Its good.Driver:You can take a seat now.And when youreready to get off,remember to press the button nearyour seat.Traveler:Then how far ahead of time do I need toring the bell for you to stop the bus?Driver:One minute is OK.译文:我该搭乘哪路公共汽车?旅客:这班公共汽车经过公园吗?司机:不经过。但是你可以搭这班车到第一街转乘二十四路汽车到达那里。旅客:好,那么车费多少钱?司机:大人八十美分,十二岁以下的小孩三十五美分。不要用纸币,上车之后把钱数整好的硬币投入收款箱中。旅客:转车要钱吗?司机:要。当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。你只需另外再付十美分,而你的孩子只需再付五美分。旅客:不错。司机:现在你找个座位坐下吧。当你要下车的时候别忘了按你座位旁的按钮。旅客:我应提前多久按铃请你停车呢?司机:提前一分钟就可以了。对话-乘坐火车(Jenny and Tony are at the train station)Tony:We want to take a train to New York.Ticket agent(A):Regular or express train?Tony:How much time would we save if we took the express?A:About one hour.The next express train arrives in New York at 3:15.Tony:And how much more do we have to pay for the express?A:First class is 24 dollars more,and second class is 15 dollars more.Tony(to Jenny):What do you think?Jenny:As long as we can arrive one hour earlier,I dont mind paying a littleextra.Tony:OK.(to A)Then give me two second-class tickets on the express,please.(Tony and Jenny arrive in New York)Jenny:Oh!At last we are in the Big Apple!Now we have to take a subway toget to the Village.Dont we need to buy a subway map?Tony:Yes,but I think we can get it free at the subway station,at the tokenbooth.(At the subway station)Tony:Can I have ten tokens?And also can I get a free subway map?Ticket booth employee(:Sure.Heres a pack of ten tokens,twelve-fifty,andthis is your subway map.Tony:Thank you.Jenny:We are going to the East Village.Which train should we take?B:Take the No.8 train and get off at Astor Place.Tony/Jenny:Thanks a lot.(东尼和珍尼在火车站)东尼:我们要搭火车去纽约。售票员:要普通车还是快车?东尼:如果我们坐快车,可以节省多少时间?售票员:差不多一个小时。下班快车在3点15分到达纽约。东尼:那么坐快车的话,我们要多付多少钱?售票员:头等票多付24美元,二等票多付15美元。东尼:(对珍尼)你认为如何?珍尼:如果能早一个小时到达我不介意多付一些钱。东尼:好。(对售票员)那么来两张二等快车票。(东尼和珍尼抵达纽约)珍尼:啊!我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?东尼:是的。但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的。(在地铁车站)东尼:给 我 来10个代币。另外可否给我一份地铁路线图?售票员:当然可以。这是一包代币,12.50美元。这是地铁路线图。东尼:谢谢。珍尼:我们要去东方村庄该坐哪一列车呢?售票员:坐8路车,在亚士都站下车。东尼/珍尼:多谢。公司各个部门的描述来源:洋话连篇英:CorporateHeadquarters/main office of the entire business enterprise,whetherit is local,national,or international.ExecutiveDealing with high levels of management and strategic decision-making.ManagerialResponsible for managing staff,projects,and operations,and fortactical decision-making.AdministrativeAssisting executive and managerial ranks(e.g.Executive Assistant/Personal Assistant/Secretary).ClericalDealing with paperwork(real or computerized).MaintenanceResponsible for the upkeep of the companys assets.Can compriseboth preventive maintenance and repair functions.Back officeDealing with such activities as billing,networking,accountsreceivable/payable,payroll.SupportProvide assistance to a higher-level authority(personnel can beprofessional or non-professional).RegionalDealing with large-scale company operations outside of headquartersRegions can be arbitrary areas within a country,or can consist of entirecountries or even groups of countries(eg.Europe,Asia).FieldDealing with company affairs at any level other than corporate(alsocommonly used to describe personnel working outside of the office).中:公司总部整个企业的总部,包括地方性的,全国性的,和国际性的。最高决策部门负责高层管理和战略决策。管理部门负责公司职工、项目和企业运营的管理及策略的制定。行政主管部门协助经理和管理者的职位(如,行政或经理助理/私人助理/秘书)。文书主要处置 一 些“文书工作”(包括书面的和电子的)。资产维护部门负责维护公司的资产。包括定期保养和设备修理。后勤部门处理诸如账单、互联网、应收帐款、应付帐款、薪资帐册等事务。支持部门协助较高职位的管理(人员可以是专业人士或非专业人士)。地区部门/公司处理公司总部之外的大型商务活动。地区可以是一国内的任何地区,也可以包括整个国家或几个国家(如欧洲)总部以外领域处理公司总部外的公司事务,也用来表示那些在公司办公区外工作的公司职工,如在街上推销产品的人。对话关于打“的”Taking Taxi(Tony makes a phone call to the front desk of the hotel.)Tony:Please get me a taxi.Clerk:Yes,sir.Whafs your room number,please?And where do you want to go?Tony:My room number is 3028.I will go to the SAMS CLUB.Clerk:Yes,sir.The number of your taxi is NY0668Tony:Thanks.How long will I have to wait?Clerk:Im afraid they are very busy.It may be about ten minutes.(The taxi arrives 9 minutes later.)Tony:Is your taxi number NY0668?Driver:Yes,sir.Get in,please.Tony:Thank you.Please hurry,Tm late.Can I get to the SAMS CLUB beforefour?Driver:All right,sir.I think well get there ifthere are no delays on the way.Tony:How exactly do you figure out the car fare?Driver:According to the kilometer rage,the first five kilometer are US$4and every kilometer extra costsyou 50 cents.Tony:Oh,I see.Driver:Here we are,sir.Tony:Thank you.How much do I owe you?Driver:You owe US$19.Tony:Thats 20 dollars.Keep the change.Driver:

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