
中考真题模块训练考拉超级课堂考拉超级课堂THE KOCLA SUPER CLLASSES广州近年中考英语真题【完形填空】广州近年中考英语真题【完形填空】(一)2017 年广州中考More than 700 years ago,Scotland(苏格兰)was fighting withEngland The king of England wanted to(16)Scotland He had a strong armyso it was(17)for the Scots to fightThey lost many times,King Robert ofScotland had to run from the English armyOne rainy day,King Robert lay in an old house He thought that he was notgood enough to be kingHe was so(18)that he didnt even see a spider(蜘蛛)near himHe(19)when hesaw the spider climbing It was trying to climb up its web at the top of the house but itfell down”How sadthought King Robert”The spider is like meIts not(20)enoughHe watched while the spider climbed up againIt fell down a second timeBe careful,little spider,or you might die,he said”Life is so hard Youll never getback to your webBut the spider(21)again and againKing Robertwatched while it(22)climbed back to its web After an hour,the spider got dothe web”You are such a great(23),”he saidIf you can keep tryingI cantooI must keep on fightingI wont let the English win”His(24)grewstrong and they(25)the English armyScotland was freeNobody knows if this is a true storyMany parents tell it to their childrenbecause the want them to keep trying16Aleave17Ainteresting18Asurprised19Alooked aheadBcontrolBdifficultBboredBlooked out1ChelpCimportantCworriedClooked onDvisitD necessaryDlonelyD looked up中考真题模块训练考拉超级课堂考拉超级课堂THE KOCLA SUPER CLLASSES20Aold21Atried22Afinally23Aplayer24Aarmy25AkeptBstrongBfellBeasilyBfighterBfeelingBraisedCfastCpracticedCslowlyCsoldierCopinionsCstoppedDfreeDcheeredDsuddenlyDspiderDfamilyDjoined(二)2016 年广州中考When Rebecca was a middle school student,she was often bullied(欺凌)At thattime,she didnt want to tell othersHowever,she now thinks people who are bulliedshould talk about their(16)Rebecca says that many people who are bullied(17)in silence She says thatalthough she(18)heard a lot about bullying when she was in primaryschool,she never thought it would happen to herRebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle schoolPeoplestarted making fun of her for being a(19)student and knowing all theanswersShe went on to say that every time she answered a question correctly in class,everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too(20)for themShe told us that by the end of the year,she was very(21)about the bullyingand became illShe began to hate schoolBut(22)she had a friend whocould talk to,and they told their head teacher about her problem She believes thattalking to the teacher(23)her a lotThey found ways to deal with theproblem,and the bullying finally(24)Her(25)is,dont see yourself as the problem Nobody should be bullied Butif you dont tell anyone what is going on,nobody will know that you need help16AexperiencesBjokes17AsleepChobbiesCsuffer2DstudiesDplayBlaugh中考真题模块训练考拉超级课堂考拉超级课堂THE KOCLA SUPER CLLASSES18Aseldom19Abad20Aclever21Apleased22Ausually23Asurprised24Astarted25AproblemBalwaysBhappyBslowBworriedBinterestinglyBcontrolledBstoppedBagreementCneverCsilentCnoisyCsatisfiedCluckilyCexcitedCincreasedCconditionDsuddenlyDgoodDproudDamazedDstrangelyDhelpedDcontinuedDadvice(三)2015 年广州中考Kierman was born in Sydney,Australia,and grew up near the sea For more than40years,he raced in international sailing competitionsIn 1987,Kierman was competing in an aroundtheworld race when hebegan to(36)the huge amount of rubbish in the worlds oceans When hereturned to Australia,he(37)to do something about itHe organized a community(38)calledClean Up SydneyHarbour On Sunday,January 8,1989,more than 40,000volunteers came out to(39)away rubbish The next year,Kierman made the cleanup a national event It was ahuge(40)Across Australia,about 300,000people spent the day improvingtheir local(41)Since then,”Clean Up Australiahas got(42)every yearIn 2002,for example,800,000people cleaned up almost 15,000tons of rubbish from Australiasbeaches,parks and streetsKierman was(43)with the success of his project In 2003,he started aneven bigger program With the(44)of the United Nations EnvironmentProgram,he introducedClean Up the World”,an international program that supportscommunities around the world in cleaning up and protecting the environment”CleanUp the World”has grown(45)and his wonderful idea has now spread fromone city to the whole world3中考真题模块训练考拉超级课堂考拉超级课堂THE KOCLA SUPER CLLASSES36Asave37Arefused38Alaw39Aclear40Aproblem41Aculture42Aolder43Ahappy44Aneed45AloudlyBcollectBdecidedBpartyBsendBsuccessBprojectBsmallerBangryBhelpBgentlyCnoticeCpretendedCcompanyCturnCsurpriseCgovernmentCbiggerCdisappointedChopeCrapidlyDproduceDstoppedDeventDgiveDfailureD environmentDfasterD concernedDactionDbusily(四)2014 年广州中考One morning a fox was searching for his breakfastHe went down to the lake to(36)some fishSuddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake anddecided to eat it insteadNot wanting the rabbit to discover him,the fox moved(37)towards his mealAs he got closer,he stepped on some dry leaves The rabbit then(38)in fearWhen he sa

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