
02.2进港指南151ALL GEAR,SUCH AS PILOT LADDER,ACCOMMODATION LADDER,HOIST,ETC.,NECESSARY FOR A SAFE TRANSFER OF THE PILOT is known as.A.RigginsB.GearsC.Boarding arrangementsD.FittingsKEY:C152An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s)at night?A.A sternlight onlyB.Anchor lights onlyC.A white light over a red light onlyD.A white light over a red light and anchor lightsKEY:D153An embarked Pi l ot.A.is a specialist hired for his local navigational knowledgeB.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vesselC.relieves the Master of his dutiesD.relieves the officer of the watchKEY:A154Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the.A.Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present courseB.vessel must be in extremisC.Master should agree to sign a release of liability formD.Master must first request the Pilot to take coiTective actionKEY:A155Coral atolls,or a chain of islands at right angles to the radar beam,may show as a long linerather than as individual targets due to.A.the effects of beam widthB.limitations on range resolutionC.the pulse length of the radarD.the multiple-target resolution factorKEY:A156Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the.A.Mariners GuideB.Tidal Current TablesC.Nautical AlmanacD.Tide TablesKEY:B157ETA/PILOT REVERTING me a n s .A.ETA pilot station has been given.B.ETA pilot station will be given afterwards.C.ETA pilot station was not given.D.ETA pilot station is givenKEY:B158For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,SailingDirection,Current Atlas,etc.A.watchB.look forC.seeD.regardKEY:C159From the mariner can know the data of tide.A.the Sea PilotB.the Cargo PlanC.the Tide TableD.the Port ListKEY:C160From the mariner can understand the data of tide.A.cargo planB.tide tableC.port listD.sea pilotKEY:B161Gangway with pilot ladder on my starboard side.A.being rigged combinedB.is rigged combiningC.rigs combiningD.is rigged combinedKEY:B162If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilots actions,or intentions,he shouldA.notify the Captain as soon as possibleB.seek clarification from the pilotC.take action by his own judgmentD.cease the duty of pilots at onceKEY:B163Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be foundin which publication?A.List of LightsB.Coast PilotC.Sailing DirectionsD.List of RadiobeaconsKEY:A164Insufficient space between the hull and bottom in shallow water will prevent normal screwcurrents resulting in.A.waste of powerB.sudden sheering to either sideC.sluggish rudder responseD.All of the aboveKEY:D165Is the pilot boat station?A.inB.atC.withD.onKEY:D166Is the pilot ladder all right at t hi s?A.highB.highlyC.heighD.heightKEY:D167It*s all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee si de.A.to allow port Authorities to boardB.allowing port Authorities to boardC.to allow port Authorities boardingD.allowing port Authorities to be boardedKEY:A168Keep to that point,said the pilot.A.straightB.directC.forwardD.onKEY:A169Monsoons are characterized by.A.light,variable winds with little or no humidityB.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all yearC.steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme lowpressure systemKEY:C170My ship needs a pilot.A.requiresB.hasC.takesD.getsKEY:A171On no account proceed without pilot in this water area.A.the vesselB.shall not vesselC.the vessel shouldD.should vesselKEY:D172Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a system.A.conveyB.convoyC.escortD.conformKEY:B173Pilot ladder is on port side.A.equippedB.riggedC.put onD.put offKEY:B174Place names used should be t hos e.A.specified by international authoritiesB.specified by national authoritiesC.on standard mapD.on the chart or Sailing Directions in useKEY:D175Please wireless to let me know I am to anchor or to meet pilot.A.whichB.whereC.whatD.whoKEY:B176Temperature and moisture characteristics are modified in a warm or cold air mass due toA.pressure changes in the air massB.movement of the air massC.the heterogeneous nature of the air massD.upper level atmospheric changesKEY:B177The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be.A.very quick flashingB.flashingC.fixedD.occultingKEY:A178The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be.A.large cumulonimbus(thunderclouds)building upB.high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratusC.fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler waterD.low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rainKEY:B179The iron mike is a(n).A.pilotB.speakerC.standby wheelD.automatic pilotKEY:D180The pilot embarked the ship at 1830 hours.A.boardedB.leftC.pilotedD.loadedKEY:A181 The pilot is on board,?A.is itB.isnt itC.is heD.isnt heKEY:D182The pilot motor launches are blue,with the PILOT in white.A.furnishedB.paintedC.preparedD.writtenKEY:B183The pilot said he ou

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