Unit 8 Section B 人教版八年级英语上册【习题精练+巩固提升】教材基础知识精准突破 ( 含答案解析 )

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?SectionB 课下注释小练 单词检测 1.____________________ adj. 传统的 2.______________________n. 旅行者 3.___________________n. 英格兰;英国 4.____________________v. 庆祝;庆贺 5.___________________n. 胡椒粉;辣椒 6._____________________n. 烤箱;烤炉 7.______________________v. 遮盖;覆盖 n. 遮盖物;盖子 8.______________________n. 肉汁;肉汤 9._____________________v. 接待,服务 10.______________________ n. 温度,气候 短语自测 1. _________________________ 在此时 2. _________________几个 3. ______________________ 用……装满…… 4. ________________________用……盖住…… 5. _______________________ 一个接一个 6. ________________________长时间 7. ___________________________将……切成碎片 8. ____________________________ 将……加到……上(里) 9. ___________________________ 将……混合在一起 10. _______________________将……混合 11. _______________________用……招待…… 12. ____________________________ 半杯 13. ___________________________另外十分钟 14. ____________________________ 剥香蕉 重点句子 1. You can put more if you like.要是你喜欢,你可以放更多。 2. This is going to taste great.尝起来会很棒。 3. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles. 要制作这种特殊的食物,你需要准备米线。 4. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. 当它准备好后,把火鸡放在一个大盘子上,然后淋上调味肉汁。 5. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. 现在,大多数的美国人依然通过一家人在家一起吃大餐的方式来颂扬感恩这个理念 答案自查 单词: 1.traditional 2.traveler 3.England 4.celebrate 5.pepper 6.oven 7.cover 8.gravy 9.serve 10.temperature 短语: 1. at this time 2. a few 3. fill…with… 4. cover…with… 5. one by one 6. a long time 7. cut… into pieces 8. add…to(into)… 9. mix...together 10. mix up… 11. serve …to… 12. half a cup 13. another ten minutes 14. peel the banana 课后培优练级练 培优第一阶——基础过关练 一、单词填空 1.Americans eat turkey on T________ Day. 2.He likes eating this kind of bread with b________. 3.Be careful! Don’t p________ the cola on your books. 4.Thanksgiving Day is a t__________ holiday in the United States. 5.The t__________ is very low in winter. You should put on more clothes. 6.In winter, much of the north is ______ (覆盖)by snow. 7.Do you like to ________ (相混合) your food together when you eat? 8.I don’t like eating _________ (生菜) at all. 9.It’s better for you to ________ the pear if you would like to eat, because there is some pesticide(农药) on it. 10.The waiters ________ some food and drinks to us just now. 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 11.At first, Linda was sad ________ (final) she became happy again. 12.They usually have some ________ (glass) of milk for breakfast. 13.King Clothes Store has the best ________ (serve). 14.________ (not turn) on the popcorn blender. 15.Which is the best way ________ (make) turkey? 16.I don’t know how ________ (plant) trees. 17.Quite a few__________ (travel) are trying to make less pollution on the beach. 18.The bed was so old that it broke in __________ (piece). 19.__________ (mix) green pears, red apples , purple grapes and some other fruit makes the fruit salad look colourful. 20.How much ________ (butter) is there on the bread? 三、单项选择 21.Don’t ________ sugar and coffee. I don’t like coffee with sugar. A.mix up B.take up C.make up D.put up 22.After ________ the hot water into the tea cup, he then ________ some sugar. A.adds; pours B.pouring; added C.pours; adds D.adding; poured 23.Her eyes were ________ tears when she heard the sad news. A.covered with B.agreed with C.filled with D.full with 24.In the US, Thanksgiving Day is a time ________ thanks for food in the autumn. A.give B.gave C.giving D.to give 25.In order to stop the spread (传播) of COVID-19, we have to take our ________ every day. A.risks B.spirits C.stress D.temperature 26.—How much bread do you need?           —I need two ________ bread. A.piece B.pieces C.piece of D.pieces of 27.—Would you like a __________ to eat?         —No, thanks. A.pear B.butter C.fork D.pork 28.—Why are you so afraid of staying with your uncle? —He is so ________ that he never laughs or says much. A.outgoing B.traditional C.serious D.simple 29.—What did she do at the dinner last night? —She ________ out her troubles to me over a glass of wine. A.served B.shook C.poured D.mixed 30.—Ruth, let’s prepare ________ the women’s football game now. —Good idea! And we can ask Jenny and Amy for help. A.on B.with C.for D.from 四、完成句子 31.关于新加坡的一件很棒的事情就是这里的温度几乎全年都一样。 One great thing about Singapore is that the ________ is almost the same ________ ________ _________. 32.你们如何庆祝中秋节? ________ _______you________ the Mid-Autumn _________ ? 33.评书是我奶奶最喜爱的。它是中国最传统的艺术形式之一。 Pingshu is my grandma’s favourite. It’s ________ ________ ________ ________ traditional art forms in China. 34.请把这个杯子装满水,然后递给我。 Please ________ the cup ________ water, and then pass it to me. 35.我觉得是

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