《金新学案》山东省高考英语 Module 1 Deep South 外研选修8

真真题题回放回放佳作展示佳作展示(2010浙江卷浙江卷)最近,李越被最近,李越被评为评为你你们们班的班的“每每周之星周之星”。请请你根据她的事迹你根据她的事迹(在上在上周六下午,不周六下午,不顾顾天气炎天气炎热热,为为班班级级选购选购歌咏比歌咏比赛赛服装服装),用英,用英语为语为班班级级板板报报写一篇写一篇100120个个词词的短文。的短文。你的文章你的文章应应包括下列要点:包括下列要点:1李越的事迹及其李越的事迹及其对对同学的影同学的影响;响;2你的你的评论评论。注意:注意:1.文章的文章的标题标题和开和开头头已已给给出出(不不计词计词数数);2参考参考词汇词汇:singing contest歌咏比歌咏比赛赛;costume服装。服装。Star Student of the WeekLi Yue has been awarded the title of“Star Student of the Week”for what she did for our class._ Star Student of the WeekLi Yue has been awarded the title of“Star Student of the Week”for what she did for our class.On the hot afternoon of last Saturday,Li Yue went downtown and walked from one store to another,looking for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest.While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms,she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting.Finally,she found the right clothes.Deeply moved by her efforts,we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest.Li Yue is always warmhearted and cares a lot about the class.Besides,she often devotes her spare time to helping others.She has set a good example for us.Therefore,she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.重点单词聚焦重点单词聚焦1If we keep a b_diet,we do not have to buy any supplements.答案:答案:balanced2Every time after a long_(缺缺席席)from school,I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind others.答案:答案:absence3Only two people s_the fire.Others lost their lives.答案:答案:survived4Threequarters of the worlds s_is covered by water.答案:答案:surface5He has got a_(独特的独特的)opportunity to study abroad.答案:答案:unique6It was a_(殊荣殊荣)for me to cover this moving match.答案:答案:privilege7He was almost_(泄气泄气)to hear the terrible news.答案:答案:discouraged8She found it_(极其,非常极其,非常)difficult to get a job.答案:答案:extremely9Difficult books are sometimes_(使使适适应应、改改写写)for use in schools.答案:答案:adapted10Do you have any idea about how to_(促促进进)the sales of this product?答案:答案:promote.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 平均平均2 使适使适应应3 以以形式形式4 陷入陷入5 引人注目,突出引人注目,突出6 进进入,到达入,到达7 特特别别地地8 进进入入视视野野9 想出;提供想出;提供10 信守信守诺诺言言11 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事12 如果;假使如果;假使on_averageadapt_toin_the_form_ofbe_trapped_instand_outset_foot_onin_particularcome_into_sightcome_up_withkeep_ones_promisediscourage_sb.from_doing_sth.in_case_of.课文原句突破课文原句突破1_ _14 million square kilometres around the South pole,it is the fifth largest continent in the world.南南极极洲洲覆覆盖盖了了南南极圈周极圈周围约围约1,400万平方公里的面万平方公里的面积积,是世界第五大洲。,是世界第五大洲。答案:答案:Covering about2_ _the late 18th century_the British explore James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle,but he never saw land.直直到到18世世纪纪末末,英英国国探探险险家家詹詹姆姆斯斯库库克克才才穿穿越越了了南南极极圈圈,但但他他却却从从未未发发现现任何任何陆陆地。地。答案:答案:Not until;did3_ _Shackleton 17 days_ _South Georgia.沙克沙克尔尔顿顿花了花了17天的天的时间时间到达了南佐治到达了南佐治亚亚州。州。答案:答案:It took;to reach4Then in 1895,a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became_ _ _ _ _foot on the Antarctic mainland.后后来来到到了了1895年年,一一个个叫叫卡卡斯斯腾腾博博克克格格雷雷温温克克的的挪挪威威人人成成为为第第一一个踏上南极大个踏上南极大陆陆的人。的人。答案:答案:the first man to set5We_ _ _ _except in specific areas.除了在除了在专门专门的区域,我的区域,我们劝们劝你不要吸烟。你不要吸烟。答案:答案:discourage you from smokingbalance n天平,平衡;天平,平衡;结结余;余余;余额额;v.平衡,平衡,权权衡衡(教教 材材 原原 句句 P3)But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balanced the land in the north,.但但是是2 000多多年年以以前前,古古希希腊腊的的地地理理学学家家就就认认为为地地球球南南边边会会存存在在一一个大个大陆块陆块来与北来与北边边的的陆陆地保持平衡。地保持平衡。Try to achieve a better balance between work and play.争取把工作和争取把工作和娱乐娱乐更好地更好地结结合起来。合起来。He lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs.他上楼他上楼时时失去了平衡,摔失去了平衡,摔伤伤了自己。了自己。Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet.许许多人开始多人开始认识认识到他到他们应该们应该均衡均衡饮饮食。食。You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得你得权权衡一下住在衡一下住在乡乡下的好下的好处处和坏和坏处处。1.完成句子完成句子Its very important to _(保保持持大大自自然然平平衡衡)However,at times it is disturbed,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.I think its important to_(保保持持平平衡衡)study and a social life,so Im going to join a few clubs.答案:答案:keep the balance of naturehave a balance betweenpromote vt.促促进进;增;增进进;晋升,使升;晋升,使升级级;宣;宣传传(教教材材原原句句P3)In particular,it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste;to promote international scientific projects;and to end arguments about who owns the land.该该条条约约尤尤其其致致力力于于保保护护南南极极洲洲不不受受核核试试验验以以及及放放射射性性废废物物的的污污染染,推推进进国国际际科研科研项项目,并且目,并且终终止那些关于止那些关于这这片土地所有片土地所有权权的争的争论论。(1)promote growth/understanding促促进进增增长长/了解了解promote sb.from sth.to sth.把某人从某把某人从某职职位提升至某位提升至某职职位位be promoted to.被升被升为为(2)promotion n提升,晋提升,晋级级get/win promotion获获得晋得晋级级They often have a talk to each other to promote understanding.他他们经们经常相互交常相互交谈谈以增以增进进了解。了解。Our English teacher has been promoted to headmaster.我我们们的英的英语语老老师师已被提升已被提升为为校校长长了。了。We launched a big advertising campaign to promote our new products.我我们发动们发动了一了一场场声声势势浩大的广告宣浩大的广告宣传传,旨在推,旨在推销销我我们们的新的新产产品。品。2.(2011厦厦门门模模拟拟)The general manager declared that whoever performed well would be_to a higher position.Aevolved BpromotedCdominated Dallocated解解析析:考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为:总总经经理理宣宣布布任任何何表

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