《金新学案》高三英语一轮复习 一次三峡之旅 外研必修4

佳句展示佳句展示名名师师点点拨拨1.(2009年福建卷,完形年福建卷,完形)Instead,we should choose a story suited to the childs needs,and make eye contact to create“a personal experience”我我们应该选择们应该选择符合孩子需要的符合孩子需要的故事并同他故事并同他们进们进行眼神的交流,行眼神的交流,以以创创造造“一个一个亲亲身身经历经历(的效果的效果)”。(suited to the childs needs是是分分词词短短语语作定作定语语修修饰饰a story,make eye contact with sb.同某同某人人进进行眼神接触行眼神接触/交流交流)2.(2009年江西卷,完形年江西卷,完形)Why dont we look for clues(线线索索)the way that the trackers do in the movies?为为什么我什么我们们不像不像电电影中的追踪影中的追踪者那者那样寻样寻找找线线索呢?索呢?(that引引导导定定语语从句,也可省略从句,也可省略that或用或用in which引引导导)3.(2009年湖南卷,完形年湖南卷,完形)Then he drove off,leaving Johnny staring openmouthed after him.然后他开然后他开车车走了,留下走了,留下Johnny惊惊讶讶地地张张着嘴,着嘴,盯盯着他。着他。(leaving短短语语是是现现在分在分词词短短语语作作结结果状果状语语)1 n同事2adv.向下游;随波而下3vi.做生意4 n迂路;绕行之路5 vt.禁止6 adj.多山的7 adj.极大的8 adj.肥沃的9adj.遥远的10 n景色;风景colleaguedownstreamtradedetourforbidmountainousimmensefertileremoteview11 vt.围绕;环绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境12 vi.变狭窄narrow adj.狭窄的narrowly adv.勉强地;仔细地13 adj.遥远的distance n距离14 vt.开发exploitation n开发15 adj.多变化的vary v(使)不同variety n多样性;种类various adj.各种各样的;不同的variable adj.可变的;易变的16 adv.自然地natural adj.自然的nature n自然surroundnarrowdistantexploitvariednaturallyspot vt.发现,认出,点缀;n.斑点,污点,地点on the spot当场,在现场,立即put sb.on the spot(故意)使某人处于难堪地位be spotted with.满是的斑点My father spotted several spelling mistakes in my composition.我父亲在我的作文中发现了好几个拼写错误。I easily spotted him in the crowd because he was very tall.因为他个子非常高,我在人群中很容易就认出了他。The policeman ran to the spot immediately.警察立即跑到了现场。This is the very spot where the accident happened.这就是事故发生的地点。This problem was solved on the spot.问题被当场解决。surround v(使)包围;围绕(1)surround oneself with喜欢结交(某类人);喜欢身边总有(某类东西)surround sb./sth.with sb./sth.使某人/某物被某人/某物包围be surrounded by/with被围绕着;周围是(2)surrounding adj.周围的(3)surroundings n环境(通常用复数形式,)The city is surrounded on all sides by hills.这个城市四面环山。As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness.幼年时的我备受关爱。As soon as he got out of the car,he was surrounded by reporters.他一走出汽车就被记者包围了。The house was surrounded with trees,and the surroundings are pleasant.这座房子的四周环绕着绿树,环境真是令人感到舒适。Id like to bring up my child in healthy surroundings.我想在健康的环境中养育我的孩子。narrow v变窄;使变狭窄,使缩小;adj.勉强的;狭窄的(1)a narrow escape九死一生narrow victory/defeat险胜/勉强击败(2)narrow down缩小的范围narrow.to.把局限在之内(3)narrowly adv.勉强地;差一点儿;狭隘地She has a very narrow view of the world.她对世界的认识是非常狭隘的。The road was so narrow that two cars could not pass.这条路太窄,两辆汽车无法通过。The road narrows a lot at this point.这条路在这儿变窄了许多。The police have narrowed down their list of suspects.警方已经缩小了嫌疑犯的范围。We narrowly missed hitting another car.我们差一点儿撞上另一辆汽车。forbid vt.禁止,不许Smoking is forbidden in this building.这栋建筑物内禁止吸烟。My father forbade me to watch television.My father forbade my watching television.我父亲不准我看电视。He didnt like his daughters boyfriend,and forbade him to come to the house.他不喜欢女儿的男朋友,不准他到家里来。forbid后跟动词时要用动词的ing形式,而“禁止某人做某事”常用forbid sb.to do sth.,有类似用法的还有:allow,advise,permit等。它们既可用于allow/advise/permit sb.to do sth.,也可用于allow/advise/permit doing sth.。view n风景,景色;(个人的)看法;v.把视为;看;观看(1)come into view看得见in ones view依照某人的见解in view of鉴于;考虑到take the view that.持的观点(2)view.as把看做The view from the top of the hill is wonderful.从山顶上眺望,风景真美。Whats your view on the subject?有关这个问题你的意见如何?In my view,you are wrong.依我看来,你错了。As we rounded the bend in the river,the castle came into view.我们绕过河的转弯处,城堡便出现在眼前。In view of the circumstances,we must give up the plan.鉴于实际情况,我们必须放弃这项计划。1When Yao Ming got off the plane,he found himself _ the reporters and his fans.Asurrounding byBsurrounded byCto be surrounded with Dsurrounded【解析】find himself 后可跟动词的ing 形式或过去分词,根据情景,他发现自己被记者和球迷包围着。【答案】B2Many students want to live outside the school,but the school _ them to do so considering their safety.Astops BpreventsCdiscourages Dforbids【解析】stop/prevent/discourage sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。forbid sb.to do sth.意为“禁止某人做某事”。【答案】D3(2007年天津卷)The final score of the basketball match was 9394.We were only_beaten.Anearly BslightlyCnarrowly Dlightly【解析】句意为“篮球比赛最后的比分是93比94。我们险些被打败”。A项为“几乎”;B项为“稍微”;C项是“勉强地;险些”;D项为“轻微地;轻度地”。【答案】C4When the thief found the police had already_him,he ran away quickly.Arealized BknownCspotted Dstared【解析】句意为:当这个贼发觉警察已认出他的时候,他迅速逃走了。realize意识到;know认识,知道;stare凝视;spot有“发现,认出”之意。【答案】C5_ the late arrival of the train,we shall have to change our meeting to tomorrow.ABecause BOn accountCConsider DIn view of【解析】句意为:由于火车晚点,我们不得不把会议改为明天举行。若选A项,应为 Because of;若选B项,应为 On account of;若选C项,应为 Considering。【答案】D1在的边缘2有大量的3被所包围4敲竹杠;敲诈5(俚语)从中得到乐趣6利用7至少8在远处9经过;经历;通过10反对at_the_edge_ofbe_heavy_withbe_surrounded_byrip_offget_a_kick_out_oftake_advantage_ofat_leastin_the_distancego_throughbe_againstat least起码;至少at the very leastat(the)leastin the least一点儿,丝毫not in the least一点也不at the mostat most最多,至多at(the)latest最晚He had been dead for at least a fortnight.他死了至少有两星期了。That suitcase looks expensive.It must cost 100 dollars at least.那个箱子看样子很贵,至少要100美元吧。I can pay you 10 pounds at(the)most.我最多付你10英镑。There were only 30 people at the meeting at(the)most.最多有30个人参加了那个会议。go through(1)经历,经受He would go through fire and water for

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