
分类句型分类句型Contents一、否定句句型 6.双重疑问句.171.一般否定句.1 7.修辞疑问句.172.特指否定句.1 8.回响疑问句.173.部分否定句.2 9.陈述式疑问句.184.全体否定句.2 六、数词句型5.延续否定句.2 1.各种数目概念表示法.186,半否定句.3 2.年月日时表示法.197.双重否定句.4 3.年龄表示法.198.排除否定句.5 4.倍数表示法.209.加强否定句.5 5.分数减少表示法.21二、判断句句型 6.计量表示法.211.一般判断句.7 7.加减乘除表示法.212.强调判断句.8 8.名量词与不定量数目.223.弱势判断句.8 七、被动句句型4.注释判断句.9 1.基式被动句.235.正反判断句.9 2.I t引导的被动句.246.比较判断句.10 3.保留宾语的被动句.247.互斥判断句.10 4.带主语补足语的被动句.24三、祝愿祈使句句型 5.双重被动句.241.一般祈使句.10 八、关联指代句型2.强语势祈使句.11 1.两相关联.253.委婉祈使句.11 2.先后顺序.264.建议祈使句.12 3.修饰限制.275.祝愿句.12 4.两相连接.286.揭示句.13 九、比较句型7.口号口令式祈使句.13 1.等比句.29四、感叹句句型 2.差比句.29I.H ow 和 W hat引导的感叹句.13 3.极比句.312.副词虚助词引导的感叹句.14 4.比例句.323.回响感叹句.14 5.择比句.324.感叹词引导的感叹句.14 6.对比句.335.其他感叹句.15 十、比喻句型.34五、疑问句句型 H 一、条件假设句型1.一般疑问句.16 1.一般事实条件句.352.反义疑问句.16 2.虚拟条件句.363.特指疑问句.16 3.反是条件句.374.选择疑问句.16 4.唯一条件句.385.间接疑问句.17 5.推论条件句.38I十二、时间句型1.一般时.392.同时.393.限制时.404.交替时.405.先时.406.后时.417.紧接时.418.延续时.42十三、地点句型1.一般地点句.432.方位句.443.地址句.44十四、原因句型.45十五、目的句型1.正面目的句.472.反面目的句.47十六、结果句型.48十七、程度句型1.带 so 和 such的程度句.492.带 too的程度句.493.其他程度句.50十八、让步句型1.用连词的让步句型.512.倒装式让步句.523.由动词命令式构成的让步句.534.带疑问词的让步句.535.其他让步句.53十九、限制句型.54二十、省略句型1.简单句中的省略.552.并列句中的省略.563.复合句中的省略.564.惯用的省略.57二十一、倒装句型与倒置词语1.主谓倒装.582.表语倒装.593.宾语倒装.594.复合宾语倒装.595.复合句中的倒装.606.冠词的倒置.607.形容词的倒置.608.同位语倒置.619.分词倒置.6110.固定短语中的倒置.6111.副词作定语倒置.6112.介词短语作定语倒置.6113.不定式作定语倒置.612Classified Sentence Patterns in English一.否定句句型 i.一般否定句句 型 1 主语+特殊定式动词+not+行为动词或表语+其他1.China of today is not what it was thirty years ago.2,Isnt that Teddy Thomson out?”I think its him,but I cant be a hundred percent sure.”3.“Oh,sir,he cant have said such a thing!He cant have spoken like that to you,sir!”4.We must not wait for favors from Nature;we must take them from her.5.I havent finished the book yet.6.Money could not buy happiness.注 1 He is no fool.Great barkers are no biters.注 2二十四个特殊定式动词:句型2 主语+do(does,did)+not+行为动词+其他1.Sorrow doesnt buy bread.2.Pure gold does not dread fire.3.“Why is Mr.Cooper so angry today?”I dont know why.”4.“They did not steal so much.一I dont care how much.”He said,A thief is a句型3 主语+行为动词+no/not+宾语+其他1.A rolling stone gathers no moss.2.Viola,hearing this,knew not how to behave,nor how to answer her.3.I know not what course others may take,but,as for me,give me liberty or give me death!4.We are fleet-winged men at arms;we fear not mountains high or rivers deep.句型 4 There be+no/not/not any+主语(+状语)1.There was no well in the village at that time.2.Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse.There were no aunts,no sisters,no cousins,no grand mothers.3.There is not a moment to be lost.4.There is no holding back the wheel of history 附注一般否定句的其他表达方式:I.Who knows it?(=No one knows it.)Dare he do it?(=He dare not do it.)2.God only knows!(=No one knows.)As if I would allow it!(=I would certainly not allow it.)3.Catch me doing that!4.If I do I am a villain.(=1 will not do.)Do that again if you dare.5.In Heaven,an angel is nobody in particular.They shun personal fame and gains.6.The city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nuclear weapon-free zone.The building is in a state ofneglect.7.She stood still,trying winly(in vain)to answer the battery of questions raised by the reporters.8.I dislike the idea very much.Mr.White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in thatcountry.Rsterday she failed to get to school on time.The evidence is conclusive,excluding all possibilities of doubt.They excluded children(from)getting in.Well forever live up to what the party expects of us.Avoid operating the keysroughly.She was refused admittance by them.9.Slips are scarcely avoidable when youre new to your work.He is ignorant of conditions at the levels.Our PLA isworthy/being called a great army pf the people.10.The meetings were marked by such an absence of lively discussions that at times they were almost on the point ofbreaking up.Lei Fengs noble deeds are above all praise,lb do this is beyond my ability.He is out of the office.(=He isnot in the office.)Ibm is away from Cambridge.(=Tbm is not at Cambridge.)It is far from perfect.That served tostrengthen instead of weaken our determination(or:That strengthened,rather than weakened,our determination.)Thetruth is quite other than what you think.I know better than to quarrel.2.特指否定句1句型5 not+非谓语成分1.Not a soul was anywhere visible.2.You must always remember not to become conceited.3.The teacher told his pupils not to make such a mistake again.4.I went to see him off,not to meet him.5.We felt sorry for not coming on time句型6 主语+否定式谓语+(宾语)+状语或从句(被否定部分)1.I dont think it is right to make such hasty decision.2.Tm not feeling very well today.3.I dont believe that he will come tomorrow.4.You cant judge a thing only by its looks.5.Hes studying English now,but he doesnt speak English very well yet.6.People did not shake off colonialists yoke in order to put on hegemonist yoke.7.Dont think ill of me because I use her help.She gives it cheerfully as you see.3.部分否定句句型7 All,every等总括词not+谓语动词1.All is not gold that glitters.闪光的不一定是金子(这是谚语!)2.All is not lost that is in peril.3.A

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