
英文作文《保护地球,从我做起》 Protect the Earth, Start from Me As the human population increases, so does the amount of natural resources we consume and the waste we produce. The Earth is facing many environmental problems, such as global warming, air pollution, water pollution, and so on. We must take action now to protect our planet. I can start protecting the Earth by reducing, reusing, and recycling. I can reduce the amount of waste I produce by using reusable shopping bags, buying items with minimal packaging, and refusing single-use plastic. I can reuse items such as glass jars, containers, and clothes. I can recycle paper, plastic, and metal. I can also save energy by turning off the lights and appliances when I'm not using them, and by unplugging electronics when they are not in use. I can also use energy-efficient light bulbs, and I can walk or ride my bike instead of driving. Finally, I can plant trees to help reduce air pollution. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants and produce oxygen. Planting trees also helps to reduce soil erosion and provides habitats for animals. Protecting the Earth is everyone's responsibility. I can make a difference by taking simple steps, such as reducing, reusing, recycling, saving energy, and planting trees. I can start today and make a positive impact on the environment.

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