
课时规范练(二十九) 题型组合练——练准度 (完形填空+语法填空)限时:35分钟 单独成册:对应学生用书第345页 Ⅰ.完形填空 I feel that I was blessed by an Angel not long ago. I was out in town with my husband. We lived in a 1 town. Because of the cold, my 2 shrunk, causing my anniversary ring to 3 . I didn't notice this until we got home. I became 4 ill and ached all over. I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack. Although it was a material item, yet it was very 5 . He went out and retraced our 6 to where we came back. I called the stores we were in and no one 7 it in. I thought it was 8 for sure. Well, at around midnight last night, our dog went mad. We have a sunroom 9 to our home. The door to that is usually 10 . But that night, we left it unlocked. My all­terrain motor scooter (小型摩托车) was 11 there.Inthere.In its basket was a ring box...holding my ring! Along with the ring was a diamond circle. There was also a(n) 12 that told the story of this stranger 13 the ring and recognizing the work, as it was a piece made particularly. The person then went to the jeweler and 14 about finding the ring. The jeweler was a friend of mine so she gave her my 15 and the town was so small that we were 16 to find. The stranger who found the ring 17 the ribbon (丝线) in the store in order to keep the ring around the finger when it is 18 out. And then also left a gift card for us to take our family out to the movies as a Christmas gift. The note was 19 “Santa's Elf (小精灵)”. My friend is keeping her mouth 20 about whom it was. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。不久前“我”和丈夫外出,丢了一枚很有纪念意义的戒指。幸运的是,一位好心的陌生人不但送回了戒指而且还赠送礼物。 1.A.modern B.small C.big D.developed 解析:根据第15空后的“the town was so small”可知,“我们”住在一个小(small)城镇。 答案:B 2.A.ring B.hand C.brain D.finger 解析:因为寒冷,“我”的手指收缩了,致使“我”的周年纪念戒指掉了下来。戒指是戴在手指上的,由此可知此空为finger。 答案:D 3.A.fall off B.leave behind C.break down D.go away 解析:此处指由于寒冷,“我”的手指收缩,致使“我”的戒指掉了(fall off)。 答案:A 4.A.firmly B.formally C.identically D.physically 解析:根据空后的“ill and ached all over”可知,“我”身体(physically)出了问题,全身疼痛。 答案:D 5.A.valuable B.challenging C.memorable D.beneficial 解析:周年纪念戒指当然是具有纪念意义的(memorable)。valuable“有价值的”;challenging“具有挑战性的”;beneficial“有益的”。 答案:C 6.A.footprints B.steps C.streets D.directions 解析:retrace our steps意为“沿原路返回”。句意:他出去并沿原路返回到我们回来的地方。footprint“脚印”;street“街道”;direction“方向”。 答案:B 7.A.took B.pressed C.turned D.counted 解析:“我”给我们去过的店打电话,但没有人退还它。turn sth. in“退还,交还”。 答案:C 8.A.gone B.stolen C.changed D.transformed 解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”认为“我”的戒指肯定遗失了。gone“不见了”。 答案:A 9.A.adapted B.attached C.exposed D.held 解析:我们家有一间日光室。(be) attached to附属于。adapt“使适应”;expose“暴露”;hold“坚持;紧握”。 答案:B 10.A.opened B.abandoned C.closed D.locked 解析:根据空后的unlocked可判断出平时日光室的门是锁着的(locked)。open“打开”;abandon“遗弃”;close“关闭”。 答案:D 11.A.made B.parked C.repaired D.destroyed 解析:“我”的小型摩托车被停放(parked)在那里。 答案:B 12.A.slogan B.advertisement C.note D.announcement 解析:根据语境可知除了戒指之外,还有一个便条 (note)。slogan“口号,标语”;advertisement“广告”;announcement“通告,公告”。 答案:C 13.A.handling B.exploring C.finding D.chasing 解析:根据上下文可知,一个陌生人发现了戒指,所以此句为“便条上讲述了这个陌生人发现(finding)这个戒指的事”。 答案:C 14.A.explained Bplained C.wondered D.argued 解析:根据语境可知,那个陌生人去了珠宝店并且向那里的人说明了(explained)发现戒指的情况。 答案:A 15.A.phone number B.photo C.mailbox D.name 解析:根据空后的“the town was so small that”可知,城镇很小,所以他知道“我”的名字(name)后很容易找到我们。 答案:D 16.A.difficult B.easy C.incredible Dplex 解析:根据空前的the town was so small可知,我们很容易(easy)被找到。 答案:B 17.A.purchased B.tore C.sold D.borrowed 解析:根据空后的“the ribbon in the store”可知,他在商店里买了(purchased)丝线。 答案:A 18.A.warm B.rainy C.foggy D.cold 解析:上文提到因为寒冷“我”的手指收缩,致使戒指脱落,由此可知此处为当外面冷(cold)的时候,戒指上的丝线能使戒指待在手指上。 答案:D 19.A.called B.written C.signed D.noticed 解析:根据note和“Santa's Elf”可知,便条上被签上(sign)了“圣诞老人的小精灵”这个名字。 答案:C 20.A.shut B.open C.secret D.clear 解析:根据上文可知,那人将自己称为圣诞老人的小精灵,说明他不想让作者知道他是谁,所以作者的朋友守口如瓶。keep her mouth shut“守口如瓶,保持缄默”。 答案:A Ⅱ.语法填空 (临沂枣庄两市联考)We recognize our friends' faces. And we are not alone. Many social animals can also identify individuals of their own species by their facial 1. (feature), because they need to adjust their behavior 2. (depend) on who they meet. And a study has shown that some domesticated (驯养的) animals can even distinguish among different faces in photographs. Researchers first 3. (teach) horses to“choose” between two side­by­side images on a computer screen. Then the horses that were shown photos of their keeper alongside faces of 4. (familiar) humans ignored the strangers' faces, identifying 5. (correct) their keeper about 75% of the time. What's more, the horses also preferentially picked photos of their previous keeper. And they 6. (be) at least as accurate in picking out their previous keeper 7. they were in identifying their current one. In addition, horses seem to have 8. strong long­term memory for human faces, consistent w

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