
涟水县第一中学2021-2022学年高三年级第一学期第一次阶段检测 英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟;试卷满分:150分) 本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A It’s common knowledge that some countries have higher life expectancies (预期寿命) than others, but the city you live in can also affect your health. Some cities are hard on their residents. In places with poor city planning, for example Lagos, which was called out recently by the Economist Intelligence Unit, public spaces are few, making outdoor activities hard. Lack of infrastructure (基础建设) blocks the streets with cars and the air with pollutants, and residents work long hours for little money. These are just some of the factors concluded by Spotahome, a rental agency. They’ve analyzed data from a range of sources, including the World Health Organization, TripAdvisor and the CIA World Facebook to score each city on health, gym availability and quality, life expectancy, obesity (肥胖), green space and other elements to make a list to work out a list of the world’s healthiest cities. The list is certainly Euro-centric but continuous sunshine is seen as a positive thing, even if it may be more of a disadvantage in other regions. But it does go some way towards suggesting which cities are getting it right in providing a good life for their residents. It may not be surprising to learn that most of the healthiest cities are in northern Europe, known for its people-first approach to city planning. The cities of Australia and Canada also do well — but Alaska, the first U.S. city is only in 34th place. The U.K. doesn’t fare too well either — its only city in the top 50 list is London, in 40th. Whether you’re planning a wholesome holiday, or simply wondering what your city can do better, this list of the 50 healthiest cities will give you pause for thought about the future of city planning. Here are the attractive, healthy-eating, clean-aired cities that are getting it right. 1. What plays the key role in building a healthy city according to the text? A. City planning. B. Local culture. C. Economic condition. D. Geographical position. 2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about? A. What Spotahome discovered in the recent study. B. How the list of healthiest cities came into being C. The reasons why Spotahome carried out the study. D. The places where the data of the study came from. 3. What may be the best title for the text? A. The best places to have a rich life B. The happiest lifestyle in the world C. The nice countries to keep healthy D. The city factors affecting your health 【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D 【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了研究者们通过调查发现城市规划会影响居民的健康。通过对健康、绿化、寿命、阳光等因素进行评分,研究者们列出了一个世界上最健康的城市的清单。 【1题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章第二段“public spaces are few, making outdoor activities hard. Lack of infrastructure blocks the streets with cars and the air with pollutants (公共空间很少,使得户外活动很困难。缺乏基础设施,街道被汽车堵塞,空气被污染物污染)”可推知,城市缺乏基础设施会给城市带来不好的影响,影响居民健康,所以城市规划在建设健康城市中起着关键作用。故选A项。 【2题详解】 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“They’ve analyzed data from a range of sources (他们分析了各种来源的数据)”以及“to score each city on health, gym availability and quality, life expectancy, obesity, green space and other elements to make a list to work out a list of the world’s healthiest cities (对每个城市的健康状况、健身房的可用性和质量、预期寿命、肥胖程度、绿地等因素进行打分,列出了一个清单,列出了世界上最健康的城市)”可知,文章第三段主要介绍了最健康城市名单是如何形成的,评判标准是什么。故选B项。 【3题详解】 主旨大意题。通读全文,再结合文章第一段“the city you live in can also affect your health (你所居住的城市也会影响你的健康)”以及第三段“to score each city on health, gym availability and quality, life expectancy, obesity, green space and other elements (对每个城市的健康状况、健身房的可用性和质量、预期寿命、肥胖程度、绿地等因素进行打分)”可推知,本文主要介绍了影响城市居民健康指数的因素。D项“影响你健康的城市因素”符合文意,最适合作为本文标题。故选D项。 B Misfortune sneaked into my family when I was thirteen.First, my mother fell ill and was hospitalized; then my father, in poor health himself, was filled with anxiety and worry.Both had to stay in the hospital, leaving my younger sister and me alone at home. As the sun set in the west, fear rose in my heart.In the dim of night,the hills beyond the village loomed in a ghostly shape on the windows of our spacious room; the frightening howls of wolves often scared us out of our sleep. Our cries for help were unlikely to reach the villagers, for our home was located in the school some distance away from the village.Suddenly I thought of the whistle my mother used for PE classes.I took out the whistle and, drawing a deep breath,I blew it as loudly as possible.Before long,a bustle of footsteps and voices came nearer and nearer,and flashlight beams crisscrossed outside our windows.Hearing my name called,I went to open the door, and there in front of me stood a group of familiar villagers, each with a hoe on the shoulder.The very sight of their kind faces and deeply concerned eyes drove the fear away from my heart. “Now go to sleep, kid.We are staying out here tonight!” said one old man.Resting their hoes against

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