
2022年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库大全及答案(新) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、Passage 1 A.gives meaning to readers' life B.makes readers blessed with wisdom C.puts readers in a peaceful state of mind D.enables readers to have a sense of belonging 【答案】: C 2、Passage 1 A.dress B.work C.accent D.meal 【答案】: C 3、In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people. 57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age. A.Of the criminals arrested in 1970, 57 percent were youths below 25 of age B.Lack of education has little to do with the crime rate C.Differences in state laws for death penalty also account for the increase of crime rate D.Drug smuggling is the only product of too many shows and reports 【答案】: C 4、Passage 2 A.Genetically modified seeds should be banned B.Brazil government should crack down on the smuggling of genetically modified seeds C.The fear over the use of genetically modified seeds is uncalled for D.Consumers should file more law suits to protect their rights 【答案】: C 5、Which of the following nominating patterns can a teacher adopt to ensure that all students are actively involved in classroom activities? A.Nominating those who are good at English B.Asking questions in a predicable sequence C.Nominating students after the question is given D.Nominating students before giving the question 【答案】: C 6、The experienced writer is skilled in handling his words, just________the builder is skilled in handling his bricks. A.as B.so C.thus D.like 【答案】: A 7、President Arling has put his long awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress.It provides a coordinateD.program of investment credits,research grants,education reforms,and changes designed to make American industry more A.a review B.a preface C.an advertisement D.an editorial 【答案】: D 8、Which indefinite article "a" should be read emphatically in the following sentences A.He is a handsome boy, but not smart B.He is not a suspect, he is the suspect C.He bought a cartoon book for his son D.He is talking with a middle-aged man 【答案】: B 9、In my opinion she is kind and polite, so I put her rudeness today down as __________. A.ordinal" B.untimely C.progressive D.accidental 【答案】: D 10、To assess how well a student is performing relative to his or her own previous performance,a teacher would use_________ assessment. A.criterion-referenced B.individual-referenced C.norm-referenced D.peer 【答案】: B 11、In the college-admissions wars, we parents are the true fighters. We're pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice. I've twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. We see our kids' college background as a prize demonstrating how well we've raised them. But we can't acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So we've contrivedvarious justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesn't matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford. A.they earn less than their peers from other institutions B.they turn out to be less competitive in the job market C.they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation D.they overemphasize their qualifications in job applications 【答案】: C 12、--Sarah, would you please give me some more milk A.no one B.none C.everything D.it 【答案】: B 13、“The age of melancholy"is how psychologist Daniel Goleman describes our age.People today experience more depression than previousgenerations, despite the technological wonders that help us every day. It might be because of them. A.Technology has increased people' s feelings of happiness B.People become frustrated for lack of on-line experience C.People are getting stressed out because of technology D.Technology can work wonders in mo dern society 【答案】: C 14、From this material we can__________ hundreds of what you may call direct products. A.derive B.discern C.diminish D.displace 【答案】: A 15、The ultimate goal of English education is to develop students′ ability to communicate in English. There-fore, English education should be __________. A.communication-focused B.ability-oriented C.knowledge-centered D.speaking-oriented 【答案】: B 16、 English learning strategies including resource strategies,communication strategies,regulation strategies and__________. A.cognitive strategies B.time strategies C.administrative strategies D.interpersonal strategies 【答案】: A 17、Which of the following has the proper word stress? A.magnificent B.magNificent C.magnifiCe

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