
2022年最新教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库及精品答案 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under Control A.a large reduction on unemployment B.a growth in the tourist industry C.a reduction in the number of existing industries D.the development of a number of service industries 【答案】: C 2、The University in Transformation,edited by Australian futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley,presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrow’s universities by writers representing both Western and non-Western perspectives.Their A.Internet based courses may be less costly than traditional ones B.Teachers in traditional institutions may lose their jobs C.Internet based courseware may lack variety in course content D.The Internet University may produce teachers with a lot of publicity 【答案】: A 3、When a teacher asks the students to find some key words from a text quickly, be/she areintended to train students'_________ strategy in reading class. A.skimming B.scanning C.extensive reading D.intensive reading 【答案】: B 4、He became very___________ when he found the disloyalty of his wife. A.ingenious B.creative C.empirical D.furious 【答案】: D 5、Cooperative learning emphasizes on and collective responsibility. A.teachers' responsibility B.individual responsibility C.solely responsibility D.team responsibility 【答案】: B 6、Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching? A.Testing does not equate with assessment B.Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning C.The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance D.Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process 【答案】: B 7、请阅读短文,完成此题。 A.Exercising more can reduce the harm brought by sitting B.Sitting for a long time is harmful for people's health C.Exercising regularly is also bad for people's health D.Where you sit will not affect your health 【答案】: B 8、Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true? A.Instructions should be simple and clear B.Instructions can be long and complicated for students to follow C.Teachers can use body language to assist students to understand D.Instructions should be kept to a minimum during activities 【答案】: B 9、请阅读Passage 2,完成小题。 A.Henry I B.No one really knows C.Money borrowers D.Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt 【答案】: A 10、Students are offered with opportunities to integrate what they learned from the text into their existing knowledge and communicate with others using the information in the listening text. This description belongs to _______ stage. A.pre-listening B.while-listening C.post-listening D.none of them 【答案】: C 11、Which of the following words is formed through derivation? A.Students B.Shorter C.Bought D.Insanity 【答案】: D 12、When a teacher says,"Is this sentence right?" , he/she may be doing all of thefollowing EXCEPT____. A.giving students feedback B.eliciting students'responses C.inviting students' judgments D.correcting a mistake explicitly 【答案】: D 13、Which of the following is the proper pronunciation of "meet you" as a result of assimilation A./mi:t ju:/ B./mi:t ju/ C./mi:tju:/ D./mi:t∫u:/ 【答案】: D 14、We have no trust in him because he has never__________ the grandiose promises he makes. A.delivered on B.eaten off C.forgotten about D.abided by 【答案】: A 15、We′re all keeping our__________ crossed that the surgeons do not find anything too seriouswith the patient. A.fingers B.thumbs C.hands D.feet 【答案】: A 16、“Museum”is a slippery word.It first meant(in Greek)anything consecrated to the Muses:a hill,a shrine,a garden,a A.Collection and collectors B.The evolution of museums C.Modern museums and their functions D.The birth of museums 【答案】: B 17、His___________in alcohol mined his whole life. A.indulgence B.habit C.engagement D.addiction 【答案】: A 18、Passage 2 A.Neural processes are likely to be culturally neutral B.The brain is believed to be influenced by different cultures C.Westerners focus on individualism while East Asians on collectivism D.Neuroscience reveals nothing more than we know from anthropology 【答案】: B 19、In which of the following situations does the teacher play the role of organizer? A.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions B.Walking around to offer help to those who need it both in ideas and language C.Giving feedback and dealing with errors D.The teacher joins in students’ activity 【答案】: A 20、What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class time is spent on drilling sentence patterns followed by exercises like repetition, memorization, mimicry, etc.? A.The Natural Approach B.The Commu

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