2021高考英语(新高考版)一轮复习考点考法精练:第二部分+专题五 代词

专题五代词题组题组 1 1限时模拟限时模拟1.2020 广东六校联考,66Compared with other major types of tea,it distinguishes itself by(it)refreshingly sweet taste and beautiful silver-needle-like shape,thus enjoying great popularityamong tea drinks.2.2020 河北石家庄重点高中毕业班摸底考试,65Fiammetta Rocco said,Reading fiction is one of the bestways we have of putting(we)in other peoples shoes.3.2020 广东惠州高三第二次调研,62It all came from an experience with(he)mother when hewas about two years old.4.2020 江西南昌重点中学高三段考,69And improved body condition makeseasy for you to carryout daily tasks.5.2020 黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学期中,83Today,China is blessed with spirited people,breathtakingdevelopment,a harmonious society and upraised international authority,makingthe focus,the wonder and the envy of the world.6.2020 湖南益阳、湘潭两市教学质量测评,46Sois believed that eating fish will help yourwishes come true in the year to come.7.2019 广西桂林十八中高三检测,50He lives a very regular life,studying every day and never allowing(he)to fall behind with his schoolwork.8.2019 湖南雅礼中学高三检测,44When they grow older than three years old,is easier forgirls to catch colds than boys.9.2019 河北邢台高三检测,50Pregnant women,for example,should limit(they)intake ofcoffee.10.2019 河北唐山一中期中,48Some people buy cloth shoes out of nostalgia(怀旧),whiletrusttheir quality.题组题组 2 2精选真题精选真题1.2019 天津,3A study shows the students who are engaged in after-school activities are happier thanwho are not.2.2018 浙江 11 月,61One cup of coffee in the late afternoon or evening will cause(they)tostay awake almost all night.3.2018 全国,70If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefitsas other sports,so perhaps we should all givea try.4.2017 浙江 11 月,64Another nice thing is that you learn both new words and(they)useunconsciously.5.2017 浙江 6 月,59She thought I had hurt(I),says Pahlsson.6.2016乙卷(全国),68On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejectedby(it)mother.7.2015 浙江,12How would you likeif you were watching your favorite TV program and someonecame into the room and just shut it off without asking you?8.2015 天津,2The quality of education in this small school is better thanin some largerschools.A 专项语篇型填空(代词)The party we held last Saturday was a real success.1 seemed to have a good time.And thefood was good.Almost2 was left.Henry said that he really enjoyedthe whole day3 thepreparations and the party itself.But I felt a bit upset when George complained about thejiaozi.Indeed,4 were so salty,which would have tasted much better if I had put less salt.Some5 guests shared my opinionas well,while there were a few guests who said they were6but salty.Im7 of aperfectionist,so Ill pay attention to this and do better next time.There were more people than I had expected at the party,and nearly8 the food was eatenup.I fearedthe food was far from enough.How I wish Cathy had turnedup as well,so that she mighthave helped me with my problem.There was a happy atmosphere there,but9didnt take enoughphotographs.Bob had promised to buy some film for the camera,but he simply forgot to take10.B 语法填空2020 贵州贵阳高三摸底考试One night1winter,a bear came into Vancouver,Canada.It walkedthrough the city streets passing houses,shops and offices.Then it2(find)some food in bins outsidea restaurant and started eating.In the morning,someone saw the bear and called the police.The policecame with a vet(兽医)from the city zoo.They put the bear in a lorry and took it to the mountainsoutside the city.3(lucky),the bear was safe.But4happens in other countries if big animalscome into cities?In Vancouver it is unusual5(see)a bear,but in some cities you can see big animalson the city streets every day.Big animals usually come into cities to find food.In Cape Town in South Africa baboons(狒狒)comeinto the city when they are6(hunger).Human food is very bad for baboons7(tooth)becauseit has a lot of sugar.Now,there are baboon monitors working in Cape Town.8(they)job is to findbaboons in the city and return them to the countryside.In Berlin,Germany,pigs sometimes come into the city for food.They eat flowers and plants inparks and gardens.Sometimes they eat vegetables from gardens 9they walk on the street,causingaccidents.Some people like the pigs and they give them food and water.Other people do not like thepigs and they want the government and the police to stop them10(enter)the city.题组 1限时模拟1.its此处表示它的,修饰其后的名词 taste,故用形容词性物主代词 its。2.ourselves阅读小说是我们所拥有的最好的换位思考的方式之一。由提示词 we 和语境可知,此处应填ourselves。put oneself in sb.s shoes设身处地,处于某人的境地是固定用法。3.his此处表示的是和他妈妈的一次经历。故填 his。4.it分析句子结构可知,空处应用 it 作形式宾语,句中形容词作宾语补足语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语。5.it此处应用代词 it 指代前面的 China。6.it这里为it+be+过去分词+that 从句句型,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 从句。7.himself根据语境并分析句子结构可知,空处在此作宾语,且与主语 He 表示同一人,故用反身代词 himself。8.it句意:当他们长到超过三岁时,女孩儿比男孩儿更容易感冒。此处 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。9.their句意:比如说,孕妇应该限制她们的咖啡摄入量。intake 为名词,意为摄入量,故其前应用形容词性物主代词作定语。10.others根据Some people及 while(而)可知,空处表示另一些,故用 others。题组 2精选真题1.those句意:一项研究表明,参加课后活动的学生比不参加课后活动的学生更快乐。本句中为了避免重复,用those 代替 the students。2.them分析句子结构可知,空处作宾语,故用 they 的宾格形式。3.it句意:如果你没时间,你只需跑一半的时间就能获得与其他运动一样的益处

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