
江苏省常州市吕墅中学2022-2023学年高三英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. ---_____word has come that Romney is closely behind Barack Obama in this Year’s American Presidential Election so far. --- I hope Romney will be elected _____president. A. A; a               B. /; the         C. /; /         D. A; / 参考答案: C 2. —Electricity prices for industrial use     on Wednesday. —Do you think that measure will work for power shortage in the country? A.is raised B.have been raised C.will be raised D.will have been raised 参考答案: C 3. A teacher's  ______ to education is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings benefits to the development of society.        A.devotion     B.principle      C.identity        D.guidance 参考答案: A 略 4. It is believed that high achievers are ambitious, hard working, and work toward personal standards of excellence ______ material rewards. A. other than       B. or rather  C. rather than   D. or else 参考答案: C 5. As a new graduate, he doesn’t know _______ it takes to start a new business. A. how       B. what         C. when        D.which 参考答案: B 6. —Shall I turn the heating on? —Sure, it's so cold in here. I'm          freezing. A. rarely          B. naturally          C. merely          D. ly 参考答案: D 7. We were greatly encouraged by the news of our team ____ another gold medal.   A. to have won                    B. to win                         C. won                             D. having won 参考答案: D 略 8. —Do you have Mary's address? —Sorry, I don't have it ______ me at present. A.to                        B.on                C.for                 D.from 参考答案: B 9. The newly-built house is         the old one.   A. twice the size of   B. as twice big as         C.the twice size of       D. bigger twice than[学.科 参考答案: 10. A completely new situation will ______ when the examination system comes into existence. A.rise   B.arise  C.arouse   D.raise 参考答案: B 考点:动词 试题解析:试题分析:考察词语辨析。rise 上升,增强(vi)、使...飞起(vt);arise 出现,上升,起立(vi);raise表示提高(vt);arouse 引起,激起(vt)、觉醒,醒来(vi)。根据句意:当考试系统形成时候,一个完全的新局面将会出现。根据句意故选B. 11. — Jim, let's hurry to the airport. Mabel is coming. — Oh, I was afraid________. What's made her change her mind? A. she would never come  B. I would miss her   C. she had already come  D. I might have missed her 参考答案: A  解析:Mabel已经改变了主意,暗示她不会来了。 12. I _____as him because I think I _____ be wrong. A.daren’t;must       B.dare;must    C.dare;mustn’t       D.daren’t;mustn’t 参考答案: A 13. Why this excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is ______ me. A. above         B. outside           C. beside            D. beyond 参考答案: D 14. He has got himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose control over the plan. A. where           B. which            C. that      D. why 参考答案: A 15. Ray is a new graduate, and it seems that he has difficulty in dealing with ________ problems arise. A. whichever   B. whenever   C. whatever   D. wherever 参考答案: C 16. _____ at the back of the temple is the Tianning Tower, which, _____154 metres into the sky, is the tallest tower of the kind in China.   A. Located; rises    B. Locating; rising      C. Located; rising    D. Locating; rises 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17. 假定你是高三学生李华,从网上获悉一家国际青少年自愿者组织正在全球招募暑期志愿者。 请写一封电子邮件申请参加。主要内容如下:     1.写信目的;     2.自我介绍;     3.希望获准。     注意:     1.词数100左右;     2.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;     3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Sir or Madam,                                                                                                                                          With all my best regards. Yours sincerely,                                                            Li Hua 参考答案: Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing this letter to apply for the job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those who are in need live better and become more confident. I will graduate from senior high school in June. In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. My interest and skill in English, communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job. I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the future. With all my best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【亮点说明】I’m writing this letter to apply for the job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet.句中使用定语从句;In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those who are in need live better and become more confident.倒装句和定语从句完美结合;In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience.定语从句在句中体现;另外,In my opinion, In the past, looking forward to hearing from,With all my best regards.在句中的使用非常巧妙。 三、 阅读理解 18. Job Interviews You have the education

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