
返回目录北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册全套PPT课件返回目录目 录课 题页码范围进入课题001北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:Anns dream3-19点击进入002北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:Mockys bad day20-43点击进入003北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:School sports day44-67点击进入004北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:Mockys birthday68-87点击进入005北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:Im taller than Mocky88-104点击进入006北师大版一年级起点小学五年级英语上册:Review105-122点击进入返回目录 Anns dream 返回目录Dream,dream,we had a dream.In my dream,I was a teacher.In his dream,he was a doctor.In her dream,she was a dancer.In your dream,what did you do?What did you do?Dream,dream,they had a dream.Everybody had a dream.返回目录wasWerehadNoteNoteCan you make sentences?I at home.He was at school.She in the park.It a sunny day.返回目录We in the kitchen.They were in a spaceship.You at bank.返回目录I a dream.He had an English class.She some fun.We a good time.They dinner.You a party.返回目录waswerehadNote单数人称单数人称复数人称复数人称所有人称所有人称返回目录hadwerewaswerewaswashadwerewashad用方框中的单词填空。用方框中的单词填空。返回目录 My birthday party Yesterday I had a birthday party at home.I was ten years old.There were many balloons in the party.My friends were in the party.Peter and Mary had some gifts for me.Jane took a birthday cake for me.We ate the cake.Then we danced and sang together.We had a good time.Questions:1.How old was Amy?AmyRead and underline the answer.Ten years old.返回目录 My birthday party Yesterday I had a birthday party at home.I was ten years old.There were many balloons in the party.My friends were in the party.Peter and Mary had some gifts for me.Jane took a birthday cake for me.We ate the cake.Then we danced and sang together.We had a good time.Questions:2.Who was in her party?AmyHer friends.返回目录 My birthday party Yesterday I had a birthday party at home.I was ten years old.There were many balloons in the party.My friends were in the party.Peter and Mary had some gifts for me.Jane took a birthday cake for me.We ate the cake.Then we danced and sang together.We had a good time.Questions:3.What did they do in the party?AmyAte the cake,danced and sang.返回目录 My birthday party Yesterday I had a birthday party at home.I was ten years old.There were many balloons in the party.My friends were in the party.Peter and Mary had some gifts for me.Jane took a birthday cake for me.We ate the cake.Then we danced and sang together.We had a good time.Questions:4.Were they very happy?AmyYes,they were.返回目录 My birthday party Yesterday I had a birthday party at home.I was ten years old.There were many balloons in the party.My friends were in the party.Peter and Mary had some gifts for me.Jane took a birthday cake for me.We ate the cake.Then we danced and sang together.We had a good time.Questions:1.How old was Amy?2.Who was in her party?3.What did they do in the party?4.Were they very happy?Amy返回目录Uncle Bookys dream In my dream,I was a.In her dream,she was aIn his dream,he was a.返回目录Can you talk about your dream or birthday party to your friend?Last night,I a dream.I was a .My was .We .Tom.hadvetpet dogin my dreamhad a good time 返回目录 Yesterday I a birthday party.I years old.My were in the party.We .hadwas tenfriendswere happy返回目录Homework Go on writing your dream or your birthday party to your friends.Dear Mary,Best wishes.Yours,Lily Yours,Lily 返回目录返回目录Mockys bad day返回目录What did Ann do yesterday?She watched TV.Ask and answer.返回目录What did Ann do yesterday?She visited a friend.返回目录What did Ken do just now?He hit the ball.返回目录What did Jane do yesterday?She cleaned the room.返回目录What did Peter do yesterday?He coughed and coughed.返回目录返回目录 I I went to school.What did you do yesterday?返回目录eat a bananaate a bananaWhat did Mocky do yesterday?HeHe ate a banana.Lets say.返回目录What did Peter do yesterday?He ate breakfast.He had breakfast.返回目录was wasntwere werentdid didnt返回目录watch TVwatched TV She watched TV.SheShe didnt watch TV.Lets practice.返回目录Peter ate breakfast.He didnt go to school.返回目录 He didnt have a class.Peter cleaned the room.返回目录breathe breathedcleancleanedcoughcoughedlooklookedvisitvisitedwatchwatchedRegular Verbs(add d or ed)返回目录cancoulddodideatategowenthithitputputsitsatIrregular Verbs返回目录watched TVvisited a friendwatched a moviecleaned the roomLets talk.A:What did do yesterday?B:She/He返回目录hadwentwatchedwentLets write.I breakfast at seven.I to school at eight.I to bed at ten.I TV at eight in the evening.返回目录Ken:Hello,Ann.Ann:Hi,Ken.You_ at school yesterday.Where _ you?Ken:I _ sick at home.What _ you do _ school yesterday?Ann:Oh,we _ a movie _ the morning.Then we _ the classroom.werentwerewasdidatwatchedincleaned课堂检测课堂检测:返回目录No.They sat at the table.Lets say.Did they watched TV?返回目录No.He hit the ball.Lets say.Did he danced?返回目录Was he still sick?He wasnt sick any more.返回目录作业作业:1.抄写本课词汇。2.同桌两个练习所学对话。返回目录返回目录返回目录School sports day返回目录返回目录返回目录throw a ball返回目录high jump返回目录long jump返回目录a football game返回目录a basketball game返回目录Yesterday was school sports day.Were going to run in some races.返回目录secondfirstthirdDavid ran very fast.He was first and he won the race.Ken was second.John came last.KenJohnDavid返回目录Ann,Mary and Jane ran in the second race.Mocky was ver

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