
Learning goals(period1)Warming upReading(para.1)Hot wordsWarming UpWhy are TV,cellphones,and computers so popular?Can you use these things in a good way?Lead inHot wordsnuse v.用,使用 juz n.利用,用途 jus npotato n.马铃薯,土豆 n couch potato 电视迷n mouse potato 电脑迷,网虫nphone n.电话n cellphone/mobile phone useful adj.有用的usefully adv.有效地Hot wordsnspend v.花费 n (spend spent spent)n spend(in)doing 花费做某事n spendon sth.在上花费n spend/cost/take的区别n spend 人n cost/take 物nfront n.前面,正面 in front of (外)in the front of (内)Hot wordsnchat online 网上聊天 naddiction n.成瘾,沉溺naddict n v.沉溺,嗜好n be/get addicted to 上瘾,痴迷于nscience n.科学n scientist n.科学家n scientific adj.科学的 ionHot wordsntechnology n.技术,工艺n technical adj.科技的,工艺的科技的,工艺的 n(bring brought brought)nbringtonsight n.图像,视觉n sightseeing n.观光,旅游nlive v.居住 lv adj.现场直播的,实况的 lav Hot wordsnturn v.转动,旋转 turn left/right on 打开(电灯、自来水、开关)off 关闭(电灯、自来水、开关)up 出现,调高(音量)down 拒绝,调低(音量)to 寻求帮助,求教 e.g Dont turn to him.不要求助于他。nsettle v.(使)安放n settle on 选定n settle down 坐下,安定下来turnPart1(para.1)-Both TV and the Internet are great wonders.电视和网络都是伟大的奇迹。电视和网络都是伟大的奇迹。Part2(para.2-3)-The advantage and disadvantage of TV.电视的优点和缺点。Part3(para.4-5)-The advantage and disadvantage of the Internet.网络的优点和缺点。Part4(para.6)-We should make good use of them.我们应该好好利用他们。TV andTV andInternetInternetReading(fast reading)信息时代ReadingPart1(para.1)-Both TV and the Internet are great wonders.电视和网络都是伟大的奇迹。电视和网络都是伟大的奇迹。bothand 两者都Hot wordsnbook v.预定 book tickets 订票nwithout prep.无,没有 without sth./doing sth.ncommunicate v.通讯,交流n communication n.通讯,交流ncommunicate with sb.与某人交流 Hot wordsna variety of 各种各样的n =all kinds ofn result from 由引起n result in 导致n n grow v.生长,成长n growth n.生长,成长n opinion n.意见,看法n in ones opinion 根据某人的看法 n1.TV brings the world into our home in sight and in sound.n电视电视用图像和声音用图像和声音把世界带到我们家里来。把世界带到我们家里来。nin+抽象名词 “以以的方式,途径的方式,途径”n in English nE.g You must write a message in code.n 你必须用密码写电文。你必须用密码写电文。Part2(para.2-3)-The advantage and disadvantage of TV.电视的优点和缺点。Readingn2.It tells us what is going on across the country and all over the world.n它告诉我们祖国和它告诉我们祖国和世界各地世界各地正在发生正在发生什么事情。什么事情。ngo on “发生,进行,继续发生,进行,继续”n nE.g The hot weather will go on for some time.n 炎热的天气还要持续一段时间。炎热的天气还要持续一段时间。Part2(para.2-3)-The advantage and disadvantage of TV.电视的优点和缺点。Readingn3.Many children also watch too much TV and sometimes even forget to do their homework.n许多孩子也看太多电视,有时甚至许多孩子也看太多电视,有时甚至忘记做忘记做作业。作业。nforget to do sth.“忘记忘记去做去做某事某事”nforget doing sth.“忘记忘记做过做过某事某事”nE.g I forget to close the window.nI forgot closing the window.Part2(para.2-3)-The advantage and disadvantage of TV.电视的优点和缺点。Readingn4.So,parents and teachers are worried about this.n因此,家长和老师都很担心这种情况。因此,家长和老师都很担心这种情况。nbe worried about “担心,忧虑”n =worry about nE.g Dont worry about your son.n =Dont be worried about your son.n 不要担心你的儿子。不要担心你的儿子。Part2(para.2-3)-The advantage and disadvantage of TV.电视的优点和缺点。Readingn5.The Internet has changed the way (we live,work,learn and play).n 互联网改变了我们互联网改变了我们生活、工作、学习和娱乐生活、工作、学习和娱乐的方式。的方式。n(定语从句定语从句)n 修饰修饰the way 的定语从句的引导词可用的定语从句的引导词可用that,in which或省略或省略。n e.g I dont like the way he speaks to his mother.n 我不喜欢他和他妈妈说话的方式。我不喜欢他和他妈妈说话的方式。ReadingPart3(para.4-5)-The advantage and disadvantage of the Internet.网络的优点和缺点。n5.These netizens get addicted to computer gamesn这些网民迷恋网上游戏这些网民迷恋网上游戏nbe/get addicted to+n./v-ing“迷恋于”nE.g The children are addicted to computer games.n 孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。n be used to 习惯于习惯于n look forward to 期望期望n get down to 着手做着手做n object to 反对反对ReadingPart3(para.4-5)-The advantage and disadvantage of the Internet.网络的优点和缺点。+V-ingn6.The Internet addiction,mostly resulting from playing online games,is doing a lot of harm to the and interfering with their studies.n网瘾,多网瘾,多源自源自网络游戏,正在给青少年的成长和发展网络游戏,正在给青少年的成长和发展带来带来很大很大危害危害并并干扰干扰他们学习。他们学习。n result from 源自,由源自,由引起引起n do harm to 对对有害有害n interfere with 妨碍,干扰妨碍,干扰ReadingPart3(para.4-5)-The advantage and disadvantage of the Internet.网络的优点和缺点。

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