
Topic1 You look excited.Section AUnit5 Feeling Excited初中英语仁爱版八年级学习目标一、掌握以下单词和短语:invite,film,smell,disappointed等二、熟练掌握以下句型:1.How are you doing?2.Please say thanks to your room.3.What a pity!4.How do the parents feel?三、掌握感官动词look,smell,feel,sound,taste的基本用法。How is your winter holiday?What places of interest did you visit?How was the weather there?How did you get there?What did you do there?TalkingWarm-upTalk about this movie1aListen,look and say.Listen to 1a and match the three parts.1.The parents2.The children3.Mr.Browncouldnt get a ticket to the moviewill go to see the movie can spend the evening togetherhappy exciteddisappointed1bHow are you feeling today?Im feelingHow is feeling today?He/She is feelingAsk and answerh_s_a_appyadngrydisappointedHe/She is feeling _.沮丧的frightenedworried 受惊的担忧的He looksShe feelsIm feeling沮丧的upsetSome words about feelingsExample:A:How do the parents feel?B:They feel happy.A:Why do they feel happy?B:Because they will go to see the movie.Ask and answer questions in pairs based on 1b.Pay attention to the underlined parts.1c Read 1a and complete the passage.Kangkang looks _ because his parents want to _ Janes parents to go to see the movie,The Sound of Music,this _.The children plan to _ the evening at his house.His parents will prepare some _ food for them.Jane is very _ about the news.Kangkang saw Mr.Brown on his way.Mr.Brown was disappointed because he couldnt buy a _ to the film.excitedinviteSaturdayspenddelicioushappyticket1d1.系动词“连系动词+形容词”通常称为“系表结构”。常见的系动词有look,sound,taste,smell,feel,keep等。例:Walking is a good way to keep _.步行是一种保持健康的好方法。The music _ wonderful.这音乐听起来很优美。healthysoundsLanguage points2.invite的用法固定短语:invite sb.to do sth./to sp.例:He invites us to his restaurant.=He invites us to go to his restaurant.他邀请我们去他的餐馆。Act out the conversation in groups of four.smell/niceLook at the pictures.Then ask and answer in pairs.Example:A:How do the flowers smell?B:They smell nice.2Pair workfeel/excitedlook/happytaste/delicioussound/wonderfulPair workA.Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.1234563_ _ _ _ _looks happyis sadare activefeels angrytastes delicioussounds greatB.Listen again and write down the linking verbs and the adjectives.123456_ _ _3 A:How are you doing,Mike?B:Very well,thank you.You look happy.Why?A:Because What about you,Maria?How do you feel?C:I feelNameFeelingsReasons Mikehappynice weatherMariaunhappycant find new watchMake conversations using the information on the table.Project 1.How is your father doing?He is very _(good/well).Thank you.2.English is _ _ my favorite _(最喜欢的学科之一).3.David wants to _(邀请)some friends to his birthday party this Friday evening.wellone ofsubjectsinvite一、填空题。Exercise4.Helen,you _ _(看起来不高兴).Whats the matter?I cant find _ _ _(的票)Han Hongs concert(音乐会).5.You must _ _ _(道谢)him or her if getting ones help.6.The _(气味)of roses is very nice.look unhappythe ticket tosaythanks tosmell1.这个主意听起来很不错。(sound)2.学生们看来非常兴奋。(look)3.Mr.Brown觉得很失望。(feel)4.那些食物闻起来很香。(smell)The idea sounds great.The students look/looked very excited.Mr.Brown feels/felt disappointed.The food smells good.二、翻译。SummaryWe learn:New words:Linking verbs:Adjectives about feelings:Sentence pattern:invite,smell,film,disappointedbe,look,feel,smell,taste,soundhappy,angry,excited,How are you doing?Very well,thanks.disappointed,upset,frightenedWe can:Use the structure:Talk about our feelings.Use“because”to talk about the reasons.linking verbs+adjectivesHomeworkCollect the linking verbs you learned and try to make more sentences with them.Survey at least three of your friends using the following questions and write them down:How are you feeling today?Im feelingWhy?Topic1 You look excited.Section BUnit5 Feeling Excited初中英语仁爱版八年级学习目标一、掌握以下单词和短语:seem,opera二、熟练掌握以下句型:1.He seems a little unhappy.2.I think its very interesting.三、正确运用以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。四、能够运用系表结构的句子来谈论情绪。Talk about these moviesWarm-upA:How are you feeling today?B:Im feeling.(use as many words about feelings as you can)Ask and answerTalkingShe is feeling _/_.excitedhappyShe is feeling _.surprisedPresentationHe is _/_.upset unhappyShe is very _.saddisappointedShe looks very f_.rightenedHe looks very _.angryHe seems to be angry.seem 似乎,好像She seems very frightened.1aListen,look and say.Listen to 1a and mark T(True)or F(False).1.Mr.Brown couldnt get a ticket to Avatar,so he was unhappy.()2.Jane likes the film,The Sound of Music,because it is very interesting.()3.The opera,Cats,is Marias favorite.()4.Kangkangs parents think that Beijing Opera is boring.()FFTT1bMatch the pictures of their favorite things with the names.MariaJaneKangkangKangkangs parentsRead the following words,paying attention to the stress and the underlined parts.Then listen and check.interestinterestinginteresteddisappointdisappointingdisappointedworryworryingworriedboreboringboredexciteexcitingexcitedRemembering words in groups can help you learn them better.2a知识探究interested和interesting都是由动词interest(使感兴趣)派生而来的。其区别是:interesting多用来指事物,常作定语或表语;interested多

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