
守波工程当防誓课 程 大学英语视听说IV教师 林琼_教 案(首页)NO _课 题Unit 1 Enjoy your feelings课 时4课 型新 授 课V 讨论课 习题课 实验课 其它授课班级授课日期教 学目 的Teaching Aims:1 .Describing good and poor memory,2.expressing sympathy,3.resuming interrupted speech教学重点、难点及处理Teaching Content1.Lead In2.Basic listening practice3.Listening In4.Speaking out5.Lets talk6.Assignment教具设备挂 图多媒体课件PPT,电脑,投影外业课作1 .Further Listening and Speaking2.Speaking课 后分 析制订日期2014年9月1日备 注备课笔记附后:Unit 1 Enjoy your feelingsI.lead-in1.Watch the video clip from The Sleeping Beauty and answer the following questions.Questions:a.What makes you happy?b.Why do people get angry?Please give at least three reasons people get angry.c.How do you understand happiness?2.Pair work:Do you agree with each other?Procedure:a.Divide yourselves into pairs.b.Each pair will receive a handout on which are some statements.c.Read the statements and share your views to see whether you agree with each other.If thereare some disagreements,try to convince each other with details,examples etc.If you agreewith each other,also provide reasons for thinking so.d.Check your answers with those provided by the teacher to see whether you are well equippedwith information of this kind.IL Basic listening practice1.Brainstorma.What words or expressions can you use instead of happy?b.What words or expressions can you think of as related to sad?c.What words or expressions can you think of as related to angry?2.Class work:ImprovisationDirections:Think of the situations or affairs that make you happy and complete the sentence:I am happy when.Each student should give at least a situation.For example:I am happy when I have something to look forward to with excitement andanticipation.III.Listening in1.Pair wok:Role-playDirections:Create a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation and act it out.Please use as many of the listed words and expressions as possible in your dialogue.Situation:A and B are classmates.A accidentally spills some ink on the beautiful dress of B,whois going to attend an important party in it.A apologizes for his carelessness but B is a little angryas she has no other dress for the party.But As sincere attitude and words please B and they go toget the dress cleaned.Words and expressions:spill,ruin,wash off,look upset,blow up,lose your cool,fly off thehandle,cost a fortune,accident2.Group work:How to make yourself in a happy state of mind?Procedure:a.Divide yourselves into groups of three students.b.People have quite different ways to adjust their moods:relieving anxiety,stress,depression,etc.Some people like to go shopping when depressed,some like eating,some like having aheart-to-heart talk with intimate friends.Think about the ways you make yourselves happy,especially when you are depressed or upset.c.Share your experiences or methods that can make you in a high mood.3,Pair work:Test your view on happinessProcedure:a.Divide yourselves into pairs.b.Each student in a pair will receive a handout on which there are test items.Keep yours secretfrom your partner.c.Read the test items on your handout and get the main idea.d.Begin the test by repeating the test items from memory and ask your partner to tell you hischoices and give reasons for thinking so.Do the test in turns.e.Tell each other the answers and convince your partner by supporting your answers withexamples or research results.4.Language Tipsa.“Darn is used for emphasizing what you are saying,especially when you are annoyed aboutsomething.(Informal)b.If something cost a fortune,it is very expensive,“fortune means“a very large amount ofmoney”.c.Youve got the nerve talking like that”means youve got a rude attitude talking like that”.IV:Speaking out1.Class work:ImprovisationDirections:Give out expressions about describing ones state of mind,making and acceptingsuggestions,promising and refusing to help according to what you have heard in this part.a.Describing ones state of mind-You look angry/depressed/gloomy.一 No wonder youre livid.一 Id be mad too if someone ripped me off like that.-I almost hit the roof.I flew into a rage/fury.-Youve been down in the dumps.Youve got a bad case of the blues.一 Im too sad/blue.-I am feeling really low.You seem to be on tup of the world tonight.Im so happy Im about to burst.一 Pm so happy I want to jump for joy.No wonder youre beaming.b.Making and accepting suggestions Dont lei it get to you.Better ignore them.I agree.I did manage to keep my cool.Well,the best thing you can do is to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency.Sounds like a good ideac.Promising and refusing to help-fve come to cheer you up.Fm here to brighten your life.-Fil help you let some sunshine into your life.Its not going to work.-Dont worry.Ill help you solve the biggest problem.一 Ill help you with the main problem.-I can help you sort out the major difficulty.一 Look,relax.PH help you wilh those courses.Forget it.Youre on your own.一 Forge)aboul il.Theres nobody here but you.-Dont give it a thought.Youre the only one who sees it.2.Pai

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