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1、江苏省徐州市丰县丰孙中学2022-2023学年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Ill_on the corner at three oclock.Dont be late.Apick up you Bpick you upCpick you off Dpick you out参考答案:B解析考查动词短语。句意:三点在拐角处我去接你。用车中途接某人为pick;up。2. Do you know the man _ himself _ the disabled won the Nobel Prize for Peace yesterday?A. devoted; to help B. de

2、voted; to helpingC. devoting; to help D. devoting; to helping参考答案:D3. The foreigners are _ by the _ progress that the Chinese have made.A. amazingamazing B. amazedamazedC. amazedamazing D. amazingamazed参考答案:C略4. What do you think made her so happy?_ the first prize.A. Get B. Getting C. Got D. To get

3、参考答案:B5. Edible oils(食用油)safety is a subject _ we have argued for a long time.A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which 参考答案:C6. The past 30 years the greatest changes in China, making it one of the world powers.A. have found B. have seen C. have been D. have shown参考答案:B7. With a lot of

4、 difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. to settle B. settled C. settling D. was settled参考答案:A8. Was it at the Olympic Games_ were held this year_ Liu Xiang got a gold medal? A. which; thatB. which; which;C. that; whenD. when; that参考答案:A【名师点睛】首先要知道强调句的结构It is/was+

5、被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他成分,如果被强调的部分是人,可以用who或that;如果被强调部分不是人,只能用that。具体是用is还是 was,要根据具体的时态确定。强调句的用法及判断:如果把句子中的It is/wasthat去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整的句子,并且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型,否则为其他从句。我们应熟记这些基本规则。【举一反三】It is these poisonous products _can cause the symptoms of the flu,such as headache and aching muscles. A. who B. that

6、 C. how D. what答案B考点考查强调句型。解析这是一个强调句, 对主语these poisonous products进行强调。这是一个限制性定语从句, 由于先行词是these poisonous products, 关系代词只能是which或that, 备选答案中没有which, 于是选B项that。答案为B。9. You can browse the duty free shops while _ for your flight AwaitBwaitedCwaitingDare wait 参考答案:C10. Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black, pl

7、ease?Sorry. He is out. Could I _a message?A. give B. take C. write D. leave参考答案:B11. Mikes father, as well as his mother, commanded that he _ home. A. stayed B. could stay C. stay D. has stayed 参考答案:C12. Moving to another city can _ both your salary level and your cost of living, so youd better thin

8、k it over before you make a final decision. A. rise B. inspect C. arise D. affect参考答案:D13. Every time the father comes into his room, the boy pretends _ attentively. A. reading B. to be reading C. to be read D. to have read 参考答案:B略14. _ of the students who took part in the military training _ 450.A.

9、 A number, is B. A number, areC. The number, are D. The number, is参考答案:D考查 A number of和 The number of的区别以及主谓一致。 A number of意为许多的,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。The number of意为.的数量。句意为参加军训的学生数量是450人。故第一个空选The number of。The number of+可数名词的复数,意为.的数量,谓语动词用单数形式。A number of+可数名词的复数,谓语是复数形式。故第二个空选is。故选D。15. Putin ha

10、s signed an order_ Crimea as a fully independent and self-governing state, making it possible to accept Crimea into Russia. A. realizingB. consultingC. spottingD. recognizing参考答案:D16. The man tried to _ his son the importance of being honest.A. dress up B. impress on C. watch out D. look after参考答案:B

11、17. -I will lend you a hand tomorrow morning. - _.A. It couldnt be better. B. Of course you can. C. Really? Can it be true? D. Congratulations.参考答案:A18. It is too hard for a junior high student to _ such a difficult maths problem. A. work outB. work forC. work atD. work on参考答案:A19. The volleyball ma

12、tch will be delayed if it _ tomorrow.A. will rain B. rainsC. rained D. is raining参考答案:B条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。二、 新的题型20. I went to visit an old friend of mine one _41_ (sun)afternoon last week. I sat in the car,_42_ followed long lines of cars. Finally, all cars started moving _43_ one stayed still.W

13、hen I also drove forward, a man was standing outside the car and talking to each driver as they _44_ (drive)past. With his request refused by these drivers, he kept _45_ (ask). As I moved on, he also stopped me and asked whether I would do him _46_ favor to start his car as his battery had died, and

14、 he didnt want to call his wife.I told the man that I didnt have any _47_ (tool), but he said he did,and that all I needed _48_ (do) was open the hood(发动机盖子). After a few moments he was on _49_ (he) way again. He thanked me for helping him as he had asked four persons before and they told him no.It _50_(simple)took a fe


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