Abstract Virtual Reality History, Applications, Technology and Future

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1、Virtual RealityHistory, Applications, Technology and FutureTomasz Mazuryk and Michael GervautzInstitute of Computer GraphicsVienna University of Technology, Austriamazuryk|gervautzcg.tuwien.ac.athttp:/www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/AbstractVirtual Reality (VR), sometimes called Virtual Environments (VE) has dr

2、awn much attention inthe last few years. Extensive media coverage causes this interest to grow rapidly. Very fewpeople, however, really know what VR is, what its basic principles and its open problems are.In this paper a historical overview of virtual reality is presented, basic terminology and clas

3、sesof VR systems are listed, followed by applications of this technology in science, work, andentertainment areas. An insightful study of typical VR systems is done. All components of VRapplication and interrelations between them are thoroughly examined: input devices, outputdevices and software. Ad

4、ditionally human factors and their implication on the design issues ofVE are discussed. Finally, the future of VR is considered in two aspects: technological andsocial. New research directions, technological frontiers and potential applications are pointedout. The possible positive and negative infl

5、uence of VR on life of average people is speculated.1.Introduction1.1.HistoryNowadays computer graphics is used in many domains of our life. At the end of the 20thcentury it is difficult to imagine an architect, engineer, or interior designer working without agraphics workstation. In the last years

6、the stormy development of microprocessor technologybrings faster and faster computers to the market. These machines are equipped with better andfaster graphics boards and their prices fall down rapidly. It becomes possible even for anaverage user, to move into the world of computer graphics. This fa

7、scination with a new(ir)reality often starts with computer games and lasts forever. It allows to see the surroundingworld in other dimension and to experience things that are not accessible in real life or even notyet created. Moreover, the world of three-dimensional graphics has neither borders nor

8、constraints and can be created and manipulated by ourselves as we wish we can enhance it bya fourth dimension: the dimension of our imagination.VIRTUAL REALITYHISTORY, APPLICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY AND FUTURE- 2 -But not enough: people always want more. They want to step into this world and interactwith

9、it instead of just watching a picture on the monitor. This technology which becomesoverwhelmingly popular and fashionable in current decade is called Virtual Reality (VR). Thevery first idea of it was presented by Ivan Sutherland in 1965: “make that (virtual) world in thewindow look real, sound real

10、, feel real, and respond realistically to the viewersactions” Suth65. It has been a long time since then, a lot of research has been done and statusquo: “the Sutherlands challenge of the Promised Land has not been reached yet but we are atleast in sight of it” Broo95.Let us have a short glimpse at t

11、he last three decades of research in virtual reality and itshighlights Bala93a, Cruz93a, Giga93a, Holl95:Sensorama in years 1960-1962 Morton Heilig created a multi-sensory simulator. Aprerecorded film in color and stereo, was augmented by binaural sound, scent, wind andvibration experiences. This wa

12、s the first approach to create a virtual reality system and ithad all the features of such an environment, but it was not interactive.The Ultimate Display in 1965 Ivan Sutherland proposed the ultimate solution ofvirtual reality: an artificial world construction concept that included interactive grap

13、hics,force-feedback, sound, smell and taste.“The Sword of Damocles” the first virtual reality system realized in hardware, notin concept. Ivan Sutherland constructs a device considered as the first Head MountedDisplay (HMD), with appropriate head tracking. It supported a stereo view that wasupdated

14、correctly according to the users head position and orientation.GROPE the first prototype of a force-feedback system realized at the University ofNorth Carolina (UNC) in 1971.VIDEOPLACE Artificial Reality created in 1975 by Myron Krueger “a conceptualenvironment, with no existence”. In this system th

15、e silhouettes of the users grabbed bythe cameras were projected on a large screen. The participants were able to interact onewith the other thanks to the image processing techniques that determined their positions in2D screens space.VCASS Thomas Furness at the US Air Forces Armstrong Medical Researc

16、hLaboratories developed in 1982 the Visually Coupled Airborne Systems Simulator anadvanced flight simulator. The fighter pilot wore a HMD that augmented the out-the-window view by the graphics describing targeting or optimal flight path information.VIVED VIrtual Visual Environment Display constructed at the NASA Ames in 1984with off-the-shelf technology a stereoscopic monochrome HMD.VPL the VPL company manufactures the popular DataGlove (1985) and the EyephoneHMD (1988) the first commercially av



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