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1、百度文库人教版小学五年级英语下册第三单元人教版小学五年级英语下册第三单元A A 部分部分 read and writeread and write 教学设计教学设计一、教材分析:一、教材分析:本课时的教学内容是人教版五年级下第三单元本课时的教学内容是人教版五年级下第三单元PartPart A ReadA Read andand write,write, 本节课是本节课是 Unit3Unit3中的第三课时,中的第三课时, 本节课主要是学生能理解本节课主要是学生能理解JohnJohn 及其家人的生日和掌握主要句型:及其家人的生日和掌握主要句型: When isWhen isyour birthda

2、y? Its in .your birthday? Its in .本节课是在学生掌握自己生日表达方法的基础上,让学生本节课是在学生掌握自己生日表达方法的基础上,让学生学会如何表达和询问别人的生日。学会如何表达和询问别人的生日。 在让学生学会知识的同时,在让学生学会知识的同时, 也让其学会了如何关心家人和也让其学会了如何关心家人和他人。他人。二、学生分析二、学生分析学学生生在在学学习习本本课课之之前前,对对十十二二个个月月份份的的单单词词已已熟熟练练掌掌握握并并且且会会用用 WhenWhen is is youryourbirthdaybirthday?询问他人生日及回答他人对自己的提问。本课

3、时的话题是谈论家人的生日,也?询问他人生日及回答他人对自己的提问。本课时的话题是谈论家人的生日,也是学生比较感兴趣的话题,容易调动学生英语学习的积极性让他们极积参与到教学活动中是学生比较感兴趣的话题,容易调动学生英语学习的积极性让他们极积参与到教学活动中来。来。三、教学目标三、教学目标知识目标:知识目标:1 100%1 100%的学生理解和掌握人名后加s的学生理解和掌握人名后加s表示“某人的”表示“某人的”2 2 100%100%的学生会使用的学生会使用 WhenWhen is youris your ss birthday?询问他人家人的生日及正确回答birthday?询问他人家人的生日及正

4、确回答他人对自己的提问;他人对自己的提问;能力目标:能力目标:100%100%的学生会制作自己家庭的生日表,会和他人谈论家人生日的话题。的学生会制作自己家庭的生日表,会和他人谈论家人生日的话题。情感目标:记住家人的生日,学会关爱家人,关爱他人。情感目标:记住家人的生日,学会关爱家人,关爱他人。四、教学理念:采用任务型教学法,在教学中创设真实情境让学生学会用所学语言去交际。四、教学理念:采用任务型教学法,在教学中创设真实情境让学生学会用所学语言去交际。1111百度文库五、教学准备:卡片、录音机、头饰等五、教学准备:卡片、录音机、头饰等六、教学过程:六、教学过程:Step1Step1 Greeti

5、ngs and warming upGreetings and warming up1. listen and say the chant1. listen and say the chant When is your birthdayWhen is your birthday 2. How many month are there in a year ?2. How many month are there in a year ? what are they ?what are they ?(设计意图:(设计意图: 检测学生的听力和复习已有知识,检测学生的听力和复习已有知识, 教师将十二个月

6、份的单词卡片张贴于黑板右教师将十二个月份的单词卡片张贴于黑板右边,方便后面的交际)边,方便后面的交际)3. T3. T:I like October best. Because my birthday is in OctoberI like October best. Because my birthday is in OctoberT T:When is your birthdayWhen is your birthday?S1S1:My birthday is in :My birthday is in (设计意图:(设计意图:教师询问几个学生的生日,教师询问几个学生的生日,复习已经学过的

7、句子复习已经学过的句子When is your birthdayWhen is your birthday?)?)4. T:What is your name ? S1: XXX4. T:What is your name ? S1: XXXWhen isWhen is xxs birthday?xxs birthday? xxs birthday is in _.xxs birthday is in _.5. Can you tell me when is your partneners birthday ?5. Can you tell me when is your partneners

8、 birthday ?(设计意图:让学生通过与同桌互相问答(设计意图:让学生通过与同桌互相问答 WhenWhen is is youryour birthdaybirthday?再来回答?再来回答 xxsxxsbirthday is in _.birthday is in _.来领会名词所有格来领会名词所有格 xxs birthdayxxs birthday 的形式)的形式)6. Show them some picture of Amy John xiyangyang Let them look and say6. Show them some picture of Amy John xiy

9、angyang Let them look and sayAmys birthday is inAmys birthday is in - xiyangyangs birthday is inxiyangyangs birthday is in -S1S1: XXXs birthday is in _. S2:XXXs birthday is in _. S2: XXXs birthday is in _.XXXs birthday is in _.(设计意图:教师通过询问几个学生所熟悉的名人的生日,复习名词所有格(设计意图:教师通过询问几个学生所熟悉的名人的生日,复习名词所有格xxsxxsb

10、irthdaybirthday 为解决课文中名词所有格为解决课文中名词所有格xxs birthdayxxs birthday 问题,扫清障碍)问题,扫清障碍)Step2Step2、Pre-readingPre-reading2222百度文库1. T1. T:boys and girls, I have a big family ,I love them very much . come and meetboys and girls, I have a big family ,I love them very much . come and meetmy family .my family .s

11、howshow themthem somesome picturespictures ofof familyfamily membersmembers (father(father mothermother grandfathergrandfathergrandmothergrandmother uncleuncle auntaunt cousincousin andand telltell themthem MyMy UnclesUncles namename is isBill.Aunt s name is Mary .The same way teach them “Cousin Ali

12、ce”Bill.Aunt s name is Mary .The same way teach them “Cousin Alice”( (设计意图:教师处理此环节时课件呈现家庭成员的图片及单词,复习巩固家庭成员的称谓设计意图:教师处理此环节时课件呈现家庭成员的图片及单词,复习巩固家庭成员的称谓单词为后面的阅读文本打好基础)单词为后面的阅读文本打好基础)2. I want to make a birthday chart for my family. Lets look it .2. I want to make a birthday chart for my family. Lets loo

13、k it .Teach them “birthday chart”. Who can help me to makeTeach them “birthday chart”. Who can help me to make the chart?the chart?T:My birthday is in June . My mothers birthday is in May. My unclesT:My birthday is in June . My mothers birthday is in May. My unclesbirthday is in June.birthday is in

14、June.( (设计意图:教师出示一张漂亮的不完整生日表,老师指着设计意图:教师出示一张漂亮的不完整生日表,老师指着birthday chartbirthday chart 教授教授 birthdaybirthdaychartchart, 邀请一名学生上台通过老师的描述来粘贴生日表格并询问邀请一名学生上台通过老师的描述来粘贴生日表格并询问When is grandmasWhen is grandmasbirthday ?birthday ?让学生会看着表格回答问题,让学生会看着表格回答问题, 创设帮助老师制作家庭生日表的情境,创设帮助老师制作家庭生日表的情境, 发挥学生主发挥学生主体性,激发学

15、习兴趣,帮助学生提前接触课文内容体性,激发学习兴趣,帮助学生提前接触课文内容) )Step 3 While-readingStep 3 While-reading1. T: John is making a birthday chart for his family, too. Now, lets listen to1. T: John is making a birthday chart for his family, too. Now, lets listen tothe tape and think of “what is John doing ?the tape and think o

16、f “what is John doing ?(设计意图:带着问题初步感知课文)(设计意图:带着问题初步感知课文)2. Read it carefully and find the answer in the dialogue. Then circle it.2. Read it carefully and find the answer in the dialogue. Then circle it.Q: HoQ: How many people are there in Johns family? Who are they?w many people are there in Johns family? Who are they?3333百度文库3.3. ReadRead againagain andand underlineunderline thethe sentencesentence thenthen answeranswer questionquestion aboutabout theirtheirbirthdaybirthdayQ: When are their bi



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