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2、tence(s),secret,learn,learnei;term,turn,impress,press,dress,trouble,soft,essay,easy,easily,unless,until,duty,influence,lose,agreement,disagreement,adult,important,unimportant,importance,soldier,suggest,suggestion(s),mistake(s),information,textbook,magazines,friends,friendly,breakoff friendships,comp

3、lain about sb,二、词组notat all,Not at allJYoure welcomeJThafs all right./It doesnt matter.9 makeflashcards/vocabulary lists,read aloud,practice pronunciation/conversations,payattention to your pronunciation,specific suggestions,memorize the words,learn grammar,end up,spoken English,speaking skills,list

4、ening/speaking/reading/writing practice,make a mistake,make lots of mistakes,how to use commas/colons,first of all,to beginwith,later on,be afraid of,be terrified of,be afraid to,laugh at,complete sentences,take notes,look up,make up conversations,deal with,regard.as,be angry with,Time goes by.try/d

5、o ones best,break off,break down,Listen,listen to tapes,ask.forhelp,help a lot/a little,feel differently,have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time/have a nicetime/have a wonderful time,write down,the answer to the question,the key to the doojthe students of Grade Three,join a club,this kind of paper,s

6、b.be in agreement,sb.have disagreements.三、句式How do you learn English/study for a test?I learn by asking teachers for help/by working with a ground/by reading.sb.see sb doing sth.sb.see sb do sth.(see,hear,)sb.be frustrated.sth.be frustrating.sb.be excited.sb.be excited about sth.sth be exciting.Can

7、I ask you some questions?Sure.Would you like some tea/something to eat?Yes,please./No,thanks,sb.talk to sb.sb.talk with sb.sb.have trouble doing sthsb.be angry,sb.be angry with sb.sb.annoy sb.sb.be annoyed with sb.U nit 2一、单词airplane,plane,airport,insect(s),spider(s),eat candy,chew gum,chat,chatline

8、,daily,daily housework/life,comic,comma(s),colon(s),pros and cons,die,be dead,his death,offer,afford,because,cause,cause trouble/problems,cause cancel;patient,ancient,necessary,exactly,waste,dark,decision,二、词组used to,be afraid of,be terrified of,used to be afraid of the dark,be afraid of be alone,st

9、raight hail;wait a minute/moment,play the piano,play soccei;on the swim team,have so much time,go right home,take sb.to concerts,hardly evei;change a lot,in the last few years,stressed out,study for a test,much more difficult,give up,aboys boarding school,waste time,waste papei;surprise,surprised,be

10、 alone,atop student,teachtaughttaught,not.any more/longei;no more/Iongei;payattention to,take pride in,even though,succeed,success,successful,feel good/soft,feel/sound/look/smell/taste+adj.make sb.+adj,keep+adj,with the help of our teacher,Thanks to your help.Thanks for your help.三、句式sb.used to do s

11、th.sb.didnt use to do sth.sb.be/get used to doing sth.sb.give up sth.sb.care about sb.They prefer English to Chinese.He went to a movie last night.She can speak a little Japanese.I am allowed to go out at night,too./sb.give up doing sth.sb.will succeed!So do we.So did I.So can my fathenI am not allo

12、wed to choose my own clothes,eitherWhat about/How about+名词或者动词 ing?To ones surprise,一个句子.sb.be surprised.sb.take pride in sb/sth.=sb.be proud of sb./sth.sb.try to do sth.sb.try doing sth.sb.pay attention to sb.sb.practice doing sth.sb.finish doing sth.sb.suggest doing sth.sb.find it_+adj.+to do sth.

13、Unit 3一、语法 含 should的 被 动 语 态 sb.should b e 动词过去分词.否定:sb.shouldn b e 动词过去分词.二、单词license=licence,silly,fool,study,iearn,design,opportunity,volunteei;a member of.,mess,sleepy,tired,reply,answer,newspaper,newsletter obey,achieve,realistic,important,importance,point,point to/at.,success,successful,succee

14、d,teachtaughttaught,my own.,myself,pierce,teenagers,wear earrings,instead,instead of.,local,一、词组choose their own clothes,six years old,six-year-old,sixteen-year-olds,get their earspierces,go to the mall,get a drivers license,too wild/silly,not serious enough,work at night,cut your hair,on weekends/w

15、eekdays,at night,have a lot of rules,obey the rules,strict rules,for example,stay at home,on school nights,go out,study with friends,finish a test early,fail a math test,pass an English test,get to classlate,wear school uniforms,wear/design our own clothes,look smart,keep themhappy,concentrate.on.,m

16、ore comfortable,both.and.,get/be noisy,learn alittle/lot,learn from each other,at present,an opportunity,a good/great experience,go back to school,think about,an English-Chinese dictionary,drive a car,a pair ofjeans/socks/pants/glasses,at least,have at least 8 hours sleep a night,a specialday,help others,an old peoples home,perform a play for them,a primary school,an elementary school,once a week,twice a day,be sleepy,betried,go to bed,go to sleep,be/fall asleep,wake up,get up,decide=make a deci


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