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1、新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后试翻译名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 10 页 -2 作者:日期:名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 10 页 -新世纪大学英语综合教程3 课后练习翻译第一单元一、1、They bound捆绑 his hands and legs with a rope so he could t escape.他们有一根绳子把他的手、脚捆了起来,这样他就逃不了了。2、His bright clothes were hardly appropriate适合的 for such a solemn occasion.他的衣着颜色鲜

2、艳,不太适合这样一个庄严的时刻。3、He s been charged with possessing 占有 guns and attempting to attack the police.他被控持有枪支,并意图袭警。4、Is this your permanent永久的address,or are you only staying there for a short time?这是你的固定地址?还是你只在那儿暂住一段时间。5、Ten minutes before the appointed 约定 time,he sat nervously outside her office.离约定时间还

3、有十分钟,他就紧张地坐在她办公室外了。6、We parted分开 three years ago and haven t met each other ever since.How I miss her!我们三年前分开后就再也没见过面。我多想她啊!7、Janet and Bob had corresponded 通信 with each other for many years before they finally met in Paris.珍妮和鲍勃通信多年后,最终在巴黎见面了。8、Tina gazed盯着 steadily at the famous singer,unable to b

4、elieve she was so close to him.蒂娜目不转睛地注视着那位著名的歌手,不敢相信自己离他这么近。9、The notion 概念 that women should serve as homemakers has alresdy gone out of fashion.认为妇女应该在家里操持家务的观念已经过时了。10.My grandfather still has keen敏锐的 eyesight-he is able to read road signs in the distance.我祖父的视力还是很好-他能看清远处的路牌。11.They try to pres

5、erve保护 their interesting old customs against the impacts of the modern world!他们力图保护一些有趣的古老风俗,使之免受现代社会的冲击。12.The old man grasped 握住 my hand warmly and shook it,saying,“Congratulations.You ve won.老人热情地握住我的手,说道,祝贺你,你获胜了。13.When I saw what a poor driver he was,I figured 认为 he was probably not the best i

6、nstructor for me.当我看见他开车有多差劲后,我想他大概不能当我的最佳教练。14.The lawyer s arguments are well grounded 根据because he has collected enough proof concerning the case.律师的论证充分,因为关于这起案件他已搜集了足够的证据。15.It is very sensible 明智的 to bring your umbrella to Kunming at this tine of the year-it rains so frequently here.在这个时间带伞到昆明

7、是很明智的做法-这里经常下雨的。16.Her greatest attribute 特征is her kindness which has earned her lots of friends in the neighbourhood.她最大的特点就是好心,这为她这一带赢得了很多朋友。17.The two countries are united 统一 by common interests;so I think their relationship is likely to remain stable in the coming years.这两个国家由共同的利益联结在一起;因此我认为它们的

8、关系在今后的日子里会保持稳定的。18.My cousin is leaving the company to pursue寻找 his own fortune even though he has a light workload and is on a very good salsry now.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 10 页 -虽然我表兄目前工作负担不重、薪水很高,但他还是要离开公司去寻找发财的机会。19.The President failed in his attempts to win the second term because he had

9、n t fulfilled his commitments完成实现承诺 made in the previous election.总统没有履行选举时的承诺,所以竞选连任时败选了。20.Even though there are strict rules regulating 控制 the use of chemicals in food,some food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.虽然有严格的条例限制食物中化学剂的使用,但还是有一些食品制造商为了谋取更多的利润,有意对其视而不见。

10、二、1.People who cannot _ distinguish between_ colours are said to be colour-blind.不能辨别颜色的人可说成是色盲。2.Thoroughly,the vet(兽医)_ checked up on_ our horses and pronounced them fit to race.彻底,兽医检查我们的马匹和明显的他们有良好的状态去比赛。3.My fence was _ torn down _ in the storm,so I need to put up a new one.我的篱笆在暴风雨中被拆除了,所以我需要把

11、另一个新的。4.You can _ make a fortune _ out of these useless vases if you call them antiques(古董).你能大赚一笔了这些无用的花瓶,如果你把它们称为“古董”。5.There was silence for a few seconds;then _ all of a sudden _,the child let out a loud scream.沉默了几秒钟,然后突然发出一声尖叫的孩子。6.I_ lost track of _ what he was saying after the first couple o

12、f sentences it was too complicated.沉默了几秒钟,然后忽然之间我忘记了他所说的第一对夫妇的句子后 这是太复杂。这孩子发出一声尖叫。7._ Casting an eye over _the audience,he noticed that about one third of the seats were still vacant.在观众的铸造一只眼睛,他注意到,约三分之一的座位还空着的。8.Their relationship _ broke up _ when the girl learned that the boy was not to be trust

13、ed.当他们的关系破裂的女儿学那男孩不可信任的。9.I dont understand why Susan,a kind-hearted girl,should_ take pleasure in_ my sufferings.我不明白为什么苏珊,一位好心的女孩,应该喜悦我的苦难。10.The treatment has been_ described as _a painless way of curing cancer,which is untrue.治疗被认为是一种无痛苦方式治愈的癌症,这是不真实的。11.The organizers had expected about 500 peo

14、ple to come,but over 1000_ turned up _ in the end.组织者预计约有 500 人来,但有超过 1000名出现在最后。12.She is a Swiss _ in so far as_ she was born in Switzerland,but she became an American citizen in 1978.她是一位瑞士,只要是她出生在瑞士,但她成为了一名美国公民在1978 年。13.The 16-year-old boy,who stabbed another boy in a cyber lounge(网吧),_is under

15、 arrest and awaiting trial.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 10 页 -这位 16 岁的男孩,他刺伤另一个男孩在一个网络酒廊,被逮捕和等待审讯。14.Since we have reached agreement about the first item,let us _pass on _ to the next item on the agenda,said the chairman.“现在我们达成协议关于第一个项目,让我们转到下一项议程,说:”主席。15.She gets lost easily while driving;so no

16、w whenever she is uncertain _as to_which road to take,she will telephone her husband.她开车的时候,很容易迷失了航向,所以现在每当她是确定该走哪一条路去,她会打电话给她的丈夫。四、段落翻译:大家普遍承认人是社会性的动物,生活在同一社会的我们自然指望有朋友。至于什么是友谊,人们有各自不同的理解。有些人交朋友是为了彼此有用,一旦失去这个基础,这种友谊也就中止了。但更多的人渴望“心灵之友(soulpals)”,即那种拥有高尚情操,能共度磨难的朋友。这样的友谊使我们远离贪欲、暴力,鼓励我们敢于按照自己的信念说话和做事。这样的友谊才是我们说的“真挚和完美的友谊”。As is commonly acknowledged/It is commonly recognised that humans are social animals.Bonded together in a community,we naturally expect to have friends.As to what friendship is,p



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