03 阅读理解之应用文-冲刺2022年中考英语名校好题集锦(广东)(解析版)

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03 阅读理解之应用文-冲刺2022年中考英语名校好题集锦(广东)(解析版)_第1页
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03 阅读理解之应用文-冲刺2022年中考英语名校好题集锦(广东)(解析版)_第3页
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《03 阅读理解之应用文-冲刺2022年中考英语名校好题集锦(广东)(解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《03 阅读理解之应用文-冲刺2022年中考英语名校好题集锦(广东)(解析版)(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022届名校最新素材各地模拟试题好题集锦(广东专用)0 3阅读理解之应用文(2022广东汕头一模)About usA!1 r Ton a little corner under the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn.Itventy-two years ago.We have built close relationships with the.Our daily menu offers local,seasonal and fresh foods.With the helpis guests,who continue to return to it.Dine

2、r has become aears,Diner has carried on the traditions of its early days.I D IN E RDiner isopened its doors on New Years Eve tvfarmers in New York and areas aroundof all the people,our workers as wellheartwarming place.For over twenty)Special DishesButtermilk Chicken Sandwich$9.99Chicken,spicy and h

3、ot BBQ sauce,onions,tomatoes and served withfried potatoes.Breakfast Sandwich$9.99Fresh baked bread,eggs,ham andcheese.Served witha side of our countrypotatoes.Chicken Salad$12.99Mixedgreen vegetables,fresh fruits,sweetred peppers.Topped with grilled chickenbreast and potatoes.Special OffersUnlimite

4、d Lunch in June!$5.99Enjoy our classic lunch of unlimited soup,saladand breadsticks.Attention:This coupon may be used to buy oneUnlimited Lunch for$5.99.One coupon can beJuly 11-20,2022 fbr a special menu offering some ofour favorites for just$15!Diner will be offering some of our classic favorites

5、likethe All-American Cheeseburger and Green Salad mixedwith some new dishes like our Birthday Party Pie toused for a meal from Tuesday to Sunday untilcelebrate that our new restaurant has been open for onep.m.It cannot be used with any other offers.year in Time Square!1.What do we know about Diner!A

6、.It is under the Brooklyn Bridge.B.It was first opened on December 31th.C.It has a history of more than 30 years.D.It works with farmers across the country.2.What do the three special dishes have in common?A.All of them cost less than$10 each.B.All of them have chicken.C.All of them are served with

7、potatoes.D.All of them taste hot and spicy.3.What is TRUE about the Unlimited Lunch in June?A.You can have it on Friday.B.It includes only soup and bread.C.You can use the coupon with other special offers.D.You can use as many coupons as you like for a meal.4.Why does Diner offer a special menu in J

8、uly?A.To get more people to its first restaurant.B.To tell people it will open a new restaurant.C.To celebrate the first birthday of its new restaurant.D.To introduce to people American food in the restaurant.5.Where can you find this passage?A.In a science report.B.In a safety handbook.C.In a schoo

9、l textbook.D.On a restaurant website.【答案】1.B2.C3.A4.C5.D【解析】本文是一篇应用文,是餐厅的广告。1.细节理解题。根据It opened its doors on New Years Eve twenty two years ago.“可知,它在 22 年前的新年前夜开门迎客,新年是1月 I 日,也就是于12月 3 1 日开始营业,故选Bo2.细节理解题。根据“served with fried potatoes“,“Served with a side of our country potatoes.和“Toppedwith grille

10、d chicken breast and potatoes.“可知,三道特色菜都有土豆,故选 Co3.细节理解题。根据“Unlimited Lunch in June!”和One coupon can be used for a meal from Tuesday toSunday until p.m.”可知,可以在星期五拿到6 月的自助午餐优惠券,故选A。4.细节理解题。根据“to celebrate that our new restaurant has been open for one year in Time Square”可知,在 7 月提供特别菜单是为 庆祝在时代广场的新餐厅开业

11、一周年,故选C。5.推理判断题。本文是餐厅的广告,所以推测可能在一家餐厅的网站上看到这篇文章,故选D。(2022广东汕头,一模)P o c k e t G a rd e n2022Each year,we invite young people from schools across our city to sendin their designs(设计)for a colorful and environmentally friendly,pocket-sized garden.You dont have tobe an experienced gardener to take part.I

12、mportant Dates:May 20th:All designs must be e-mailed to oneplanetpocketgarden.org by 5p.m.May 25lh:Winners will get the notice and can begin to grow and build their gardens.9a.m.June 12th to 9a.m.June 30th:the online showOther requirements:Size:120 cm by 100 cm,of any shape you want.Plant choice:Use

13、 as many local plants as you can.Your garden needs to be ready in the weekbeginning 12th June.Think about plants that are in flower or leaf at that time of year.We have a team of experts to help the competitors.They are experienced volunteers who can offeradvice by telephone or in person to local sc

14、hools on designing,building and planting the garden.Someexperts can provide you with plants at very low prices.Please e-mail p-gardencleantown.org to find outmore.If you become a winner,we would encourage you to build your garden in the school grounds or inyour community so maybe more people will se

15、e the fun of gardening-remember to share your photos orvideo online with us.6.Who can send their designs?A.Anybody in the city.B.Community workers.C.School students.D.Experienced gardeners.7.When will a garden start to be grown and built?A.On May 20th.B.On May 25th.C.On June 12th.D.On June 30th.8.Wh

16、ich of the following is true about the experts?A.They will offer advice for free.C.They can visit schools to build gardens.9.Why is a winner asked to build his garden inA.For people to take photos.C.To share his joy as a winner.10.What is the passage mainly about?A.Directions on gardening.C.A news report on a school activity.【答案】6.C7.B8.A9.DB.You can get free plants from them.D.You can have online meetings with them.his community?B.To cheer people up when they are sad.D.To get more people intere


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