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1、2021年江西省赣州市蓉江中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Reading provides the mind only with materials of knowledge. It is thinking that makes _ we read ours. A. that B. what C. which D. it参考答案:B2. The doctor says you_ stay at home and rest as much as possible if you want a quick recovery A. need B. should C. may D. c

2、an参考答案:B 3. What surprised me was not what he said but he said it .Athe way Bin the way thatCin the way Dthe way which 参考答案:A4. Can it be in the drawer _ you put your keys?A. where B. that C. what D. when参考答案:B5. Crusoe stored _ food in the new cave. A. large quantities of B. a great many C. a large

3、 number of D. quite a lot参考答案:A 6. Australia is one of the few countries _ people drive on the left. A. when B. where C. that D. which参考答案:B7. -Cheer up! Have another go, OK?-_. AWith pleasure BFine, thank you C. Never mind DGood idea参考答案:D8. Youd better stop smoking, _ your health will break down.A

4、. and B. but C. or D. yet参考答案:C9. Some pressure is good for you it can help you to try harder. A. unless B. although C. before D. as参考答案:D10. Train tickets sold online or by telephone have topped 2 million daily, _ that around one-third of passengersdont have to wait long for several hours to get a

5、ticket. A. meaning B. means C. to mean D. meant参考答案:A略11. Many people prefer large cars,_ large cars are safer than small ones.A. thinking B. to think C. think D. having thought参考答案:A12. Youd better go there by train. The train ticket is _ the plane ticket.A. as cheap three times as B. as three time

6、s cheap as C. three times cheaper than D. cheaper three times than参考答案:C略13. _is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be _to her. A. So; too thankful B. Such; so thankful C. So; that thankful D. Such; thankful enough参考答案:D 14. David decided not to work on the program in the office be

7、cause she didnt want her boss to know what she _. A. was doing B. is doing C. has done D. had done 参考答案:A 15. Good advertisements often uses words _ people attach positive meaning.A. in which B. to which C. which D. that 参考答案:B16. We use human translators rather than machines as we believe human per

8、sons are more _.A. beneficial B. sensitive C. reliable D. valuable参考答案:C二、 填空17. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Nowadays, it is common that parents buy 16 educational present for their children. A lot of personal computers are place under the Christmas tree this year. 17 (believe) that computers are the k

9、ey to success, parents are also insisting that children 18 (teach) to use them in school as early as possible. The problem for school is 19 when it comes to computers, parents dont always know best. Teachers found themselves caught in the middle of the problem between parent 20 (press) and wise educ

10、ational decisions. Many schools are giving in to parental impatience and are purchasing hardware 21 good educational planning. Educators do not even agree on how computers should be used. Even those 22 believe that all children should have access to computers warn of potential dangers to the very yo

11、ung. The temptation remains strong largely 23 young children adapt so well to computers. However, not every school can afford to go into computing, and that creates 24 problem: a division between the haves and the have-nots. Very few parents are agitating for(倡导)computer instruction in poor school d

12、istricts, 25 there may be barely enough money to pay the teacher. 参考答案:16. an. 考查冠词,educational以元音开头。an educational present17. Believing. 考查非谓语动词,parents与believe是主动关系。父母相信电脑是成功的关键,所以坚持18. be taught. 考查谓语动词,insist表示坚持主张时,宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 insist that sb. (should) do19. that. 考查表语从句。20. pressure. 考查词形转

13、换,根据下文and wise educational decisions,可知and连接的两个都是名词。21. without. 考查介词,根据前文Many schools are giving in .可知是没有好的教育计划就购买了电脑硬件。22. who. 考定语从句。先行词是those23. because. 考查连接词。前后两句为因果关系。24. another. 考查代词,前文已经出现过problem。在此,表示出现另外的问题。25. where. 考查定语从句,先行词是前文的poor school districts。那些贫穷的地方没有足够的钱付给老师做报酬。略三、 阅读理解18. Many people believe that the common garden slug【鼻涕虫) is nothing more than a pest th


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