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1、2022年江西省九江市爱国中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. - The kind-hearted lady is popular with her neighbors, right?- Yes. She is always ready to help others without expecting anything _.A. in store B. in return C. in charge D. in turn参考答案:B2. _ the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids puzzled people for centuries.A

2、. Whether B. What C. How D. Where参考答案:C略3. Mr. Smith _ the grammar book meant for senior high school students and will almost finish it.A. was writingB. has writtenC. has been writingD. has been written参考答案:C4. To her delight(高兴), her wish _ at last. A. realized B. came true C. carried out D. put in

3、to effect参考答案:B 解析:come true没有被动语态,realize是及物动词,才有被动语态。5. I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.-How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone it. A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen参考答案:B6. She had to drop

4、 out of school _ her family couldnt afford the cost of her education. A. although B. unless C. because D. so参考答案:C7. The reason _ she gave us for being late for school was _ her bike broke down. A. why; because B. /; but C. that; why D. why; which参考答案:B8. As you have never been there before ,I will

5、have some_ you the way . A. to show B. showing C. show D. showed参考答案:C9. We were_at what he saidA fondB interestedC amazedD satisfied参考答案:c略10. Tom was about to close the window_ his attention was caught by a bird.A. when B. while C. after D. since参考答案:A11. The Parkers bought a new house but _ will

6、need a lot of work before they can move in.A. they B. it C. one D. which参考答案:B12. Googles new super-cool glasses have a camera and GPS mapping system, which _instant information about nearby buildings and stores right onto the lens before your very eyes.A. delivers B. transports C. consults D. combi

7、nes参考答案:A13. Sorry,I am late.My watch is slow!Thats all right.But dont forget to your watch.A. put away B. put forwardC. put back D. put off参考答案:B14. It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village_ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner. www.ks5 高#考#资#源#网 A. where B. when C. that

8、D. which参考答案:B略15. My friend Mary is _ generous girl, _ girl everyone likes to work with.A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. The, the 参考答案:A16. Today some people get _ because they eat too much fat and sugar and dont take enough _.A. fatter and fatter; exercise B. fatter and fatter; exercisesC. thinner a

9、nd thinner; exercise D. thinner and thinner; exercises参考答案:A17. The young man was happy to sense that his dream was _ reach. A. near B. uponC. within D. around参考答案:C18. Have you finished your experiment report, Jane? Oh, my God. Ive _ forgotten all about that.A. strongly B. extremely C. entirely D.

10、freely参考答案:C二、 单词拼写19. 短文填词Its great to receive your email. Now Id like to tell you something took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon, we 76. _h_ a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old 77. _ birthday. For _ start we made an oath that 78. a grown-ups we should have a sense of du

11、ty for our society 79. from now on. Then we showed our t to our parents 80. _ who had gone through hardships to _ us up and 81. _ teachers who have been educating us (耐心地). And our 82. teachers also gave us cards (表达) their good wishes to 83. us. Finally, we put on w_ performances, singing and 84. d

12、ancing. We learned a lot from the _(活动). I think its 85. very important for us. I will remember the day in my life参考答案:76. that 77. held/had 78.a 79.as 80.thanks 81. bring 82. patiently 83. expressing 84. wonderful 85. activity略三、 阅读理解20. Drink drivers could be prohibited from driving under the infl

13、uence if new technology from Nissan is introduced.The Japanese car maker has developed a new odor (气味) detection system designed to prevent drivers from operating a car if they are over the legal limit. The system works by using a series of sensors (传感器) to detect the level of alcohol the driver has consumed.


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