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1、2022年湖南省衡阳市水口山希望中学高三英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. This argument sounds reasonable, but _ its incorrect. A. actually B. fortunately C. naturally D. obviously 参考答案:A2. Is the river_ through that town very large?A which flows B flows C that flowing D whose flows参考答案:A3. _ is conveyed here to children is that readi

2、ng is one of lifes greatest treats.AsB. WhatC. ThatD. It参考答案:B4. He _ writing the paper now. He hadnt written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.A. shouldnt be B. cant have finished C. cant be D. mustnt have finished参考答案:B5. After years of united efforts,the children of migrant workers ca

3、n_take the college entrance exam in Fujian Province from 2014 onA. eventually Bgradually Capproximately D. occasionally参考答案:A6. I cannot tell whether the book is worth reading, _ I havent read it myselfAbut Bso Cor Dfor参考答案:D7. Only when we realize the severity of the environment being destroyed, _

4、is usually ignored, _ fight the cause of it Ait, can we B what, can we C which, we can D which, can we参考答案:D8. Pip and Estella will pick up the marriage after they meet online several times, which is not sensible.A. acquisition B. identification C. certificate D. qualification参考答案:C略9. Whats that no

5、ise? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _ .A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested 参考答案:C解析:本题考的是动词的时态和语态。主语the new machine和谓语test是被动的关系,故用被动语态。从上文可判断出该动作一直在进行中,所以本题应该使用进行时的被动语态。10. 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A, B, C, D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:have

6、A. gave B. save C. hat D. made答案是C.1.searchA.heartB.wear C. beardD.learn2.decisionA. musicianB. biscuitC. collarD.pronunciation3. nervousA. increaseB. raiseC. husbandD. outdoors4.patternA. orangeB. dangerC. manyD. cabbage5. combA. removeB. tongueC. goldenD. potato参考答案:1-5 DDADC略11. Did he _ the lect

7、ure the other day?A join B take part in C attend D join in参考答案:C12. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature _ to Mo Yan, Chinese writer ,whose novel Red Sorghum was successfully filmed in 1987.A. returned B. distributed C. awarded D. went参考答案:D13. Does this meal cost $50? I _something far better than thi

8、s?A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose参考答案:B略14. A new tax law, _ the use of electric cars to reduce pollution and oil dependence, is under consideration.A. having encouraged B. to encourage C. encouraged D. encouraging参考答案:B15. The region was served by a railway line, with station stops from t

9、hree to five miles. _ , so there was a natural limit to the spread of any particular community.A. ahead. B. away. C. apart. D. aside参考答案:C16. How much are those mobile phones? between 600 and l000 Yuan,Madame A. Somewhere BEverywhere CAnyhow DAnyway参考答案:A17. I had my computer stolen in my office, bu

10、t luckily the police got it back to me.How unbelievable! The thief it.A. need have sold B. might have soldC. should have sold D. must have sold参考答案:B18. The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light yellow, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work. A. that B. it C. what D

11、. which参考答案:D二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写(共10题,每小题05分,满分5分)请将答案写在答卷纸相应题号的横线上。1They study in a large classroom, which is 7 metres long and 5 metres b_2To our d_, the athlete fell during the race and failed to enter the final3E_ to so much information on the Internet, young students should learn to make good choic

12、es4The girl gained a_ to her dream university for her excellent performance in the entrance examination5Whenever having an aim, people usually s_ something or give up something to attain it6_ (代表) from different areas attended the conference and reached an agreement7Do you think it reasonable to ask

13、 for a _ (回报) when they have done a good deed8Every student dreams of going to the school with an excellent _ (名声)9Youve won a place in the literary world_ (祝贺) on your success10You neednt _ (花时间精力) to help me with the washing upI will do it later参考答案:1 broad2 disappointment3 Exposed4 admission5 sacrifice6 Representatives7 reward8 reputation9 Congratula


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