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1、2022年浙江省温州市乐清小芙中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He stood up and looked forward to _ what had happened and there was a terrible accident that a bus _ with 15 people dropped down into the river.A. seeing; loaded B. see, loadedC. seeing; loading D. see; loading参考答案:B【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他站起身来,向前看所发生的事情。这发生了一起一辆满载15人

2、的公共汽车掉进了河里的可怕事故。这里looked forward是“向前看”,to在此是不定式符号,表示目的,故第一空用动词原形;that之后的从句为同位语从句,从句为一般过去时,bus与load在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作后置定语。故B选项正确。2. The Internet is a wonderful discovery, _of great significance to peoples lives. A. as is I think B. which I think it is C. as I think D. which I think is参考答案:D3. I fee

3、l quite upset my teacher _ me when I speak English in class.A. is always correcting B. has always correctedC. will always be correcting D. always corrected参考答案:A 4. Inside the box _ a letter written in simple English saying “Goodbye, MomI will always love you”Ahas Bhaving Cwas Dbeing参考答案:C5. Paula _

4、 a special mention for all the donations he had _. A. purchased; gave B. urged; did C. deserved; made D. occupied; made参考答案:C6. _ from the fifth floor when the policemen surrounded him.A. Jumped down the thief B. Down the thief jumpedC. Down jumped the thief D. Down did the thief jump参考答案:C 7. Rober

5、ts new book about space exploration is fantasticYou simply _ read it()AmustBcanCneedDmay参考答案:A罗伯特关于太空探索的新书非常精彩,你一定要看看本题考查情态动词的用法simply must务必,一定要,是一个常用短语,表示强调例如:If you go there alone,you simply must be careful你一个人去那,请务必小心8. While taking part-time jobs indeed provide,many obvious benefits,its effects

6、on students shouldnt be ignored.A.sensitiveB.alternativeC.effective D. negative参考答案:D9. It must have been a wonderful evening last nightIm terribly sorry I was late ,but please come a bit earlier for the next party AAll right BIts kind of you to say so CDont mention it DIts OK参考答案:D10. Reportedly, y

7、esterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when abomb was _, three of whom were killed. A. set off B. set out C. set up D. set about参考答案:A略11. I thought the teacher would say something about our exam result but he it. A. doesnt mention B. hasnt mentionedC. wouldnt ment

8、ion D. didnt mention 参考答案:D12. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. ! Im sure youll make it.A. Go ahead B. Cheer up C. No problem D. Good luck参考答案:B13. I made a condition that everybody must be present at the conference. A.itB.thisC.thatD.one参考答案:A14. She didnt come to

9、his birthday party just _what he had said to her the day before. A. because B. as result of C. because of D. thanks for 参考答案:C15. Drinking water can be in every office and classroomAacceptable B Csensitive Daccessible参考答案:D略16. Since you have practiced so much in driving, there be any difficulty in

10、passing the road test. Amustnt Bshouldnt Cshant Dneednt参考答案:B二、 完型填空17. I woke up by my dog barking in the early morning. I went outside to find a koala(考拉) at the yard gate wanting to enter. It was the first time that I had _21_ a koala in my neighborhood. What a welcome _22_ !I was wondering why h

11、e was here, as Koala _23_ came down from the trees and didnt like walking, either._24_ , there was no eucalyptus(桉树)around. Was he hungry or lost? Or maybe the bushfire across Kangaroo Island _25_ him here?He just sat there, apparently _26_ , and sort of looked at me with a look, like helping me out

12、 of my suffering. At a(n) _27_ look, I discovered a long cut at his back with bloods, _28_ of attacks or cuts of something sharp in some other way.I rushed into my room and came out with some iodophor(碘伏药水), It was not a _29_ problems as I was a nurse. This poor soul seemed to quite _30_ my kindness

13、 when I _31_ the cut with the liquid. It _32_ me that he came to seek my _33_ !After the treatment, I watched the koala finally _34_ in the wild, hoping he was able to _35_ the hard time and live his life as he should.21. A. grabbedB. encounteredC. investigatedD. tackled22. A. chanceB. reliefC. surpriseD. message23. A. frequentlyB. slightlyC. mostlyD. rarely24. A. Once moreB. Ever sinceC.



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