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1、人机功效学主讲人:时间:目 录CONTENTS12人工搬运的危害与风险办公室工作环境的危害及风险Hazards and Risks Associated with Manual Material Handling of LoadsHazards and Risks Associated with Office Work EnvironmentPart章 节01人工搬运的危害与风险Hazards and Risks Associated with Manual Material Handling of LoadsOccupational Ergonomics人体工效学Occupational E

2、rgonomics is the art and science of reducing physical and psychological problems that might arise from the interaction between people,equipment and the environment.人体工程学是一门研究减少由人、设备和环境之间的相互作用而可能产生的身体和心理问题的科学。Primary focus of an ergonomics program is the reduction of work related musculoskeletal diso

3、rders(WMSD).人体工程学主要关注点是减少与工作有关的肌肉骨骼损伤。work related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSD).人体工程学主要关注点是减少与工作有关的肌肉骨骼损伤。Occupational Ergonomics人体工效学This is accomplished through the management of employee exposure to workplace hazards控制下面工作场所中的危害因素,可以达到上述目标:lAwkward postures/不良的、笨拙的姿势lForceful exertions/用力过度lHi

4、gh rates of repetition/重复性高Cumulative Trauma Disorder累积性外伤Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder工作相关的肌肉骨骼损伤 Repetitive Motion Injury重复运动损伤Repetitive Strain Injury 重复过度疲劳损伤Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 腕管综合症 Low Back Pain 腰背痛Tendonitis/Tenosynovitis 肌腱发炎/滑膜炎Manual Handling of Loads人工搬运的定义Manual handling of l

5、oads(MHL)is any of the following activities carried out by one or more workers.以下任何一种由一人或多人完成的活动称为人工搬运LiftingHoldingPutting downPushingPullingCarrying or moving将物品提升(高)托物放下推拉运送或移动Ergo Risk Factor of MHL人工搬运的人体工程学因素 There are several risk factors that make MHL hazardous and thereby increase the possi

6、bility of injury.下面几个因素会导致作业人员受到损伤,及增加了受伤的可能性Contact Stress 接触压力Temperature温度Vibration 振动123用力姿势频率MHL Hazards&Solutions:Force MHL危害因素和解决方法:用力Lifting out of a bin从储物箱内取出物品Difficult pulling费力拉运Difficult power gripping抓握困难HAZARDS危害MHL Hazards&Solutions:Force MHL危害因素和解决方法:用力Use lift/tilt devices使用升降翻转装置

7、Use good power grips使用好的抓握Use powered pallet jack使用机动托盘车SOLUTIONS解决方法HAZARDS 危害 MHL Hazards&Solutions:Other-contact stress MHL 危害和解决办法:其他-接触压力Tool digging into fingers/palm/hand工具抵在手指/手掌/手上HAZARDS 危害 SOLUTIONS 解决办法HAZARDS 危害 Use tools with handles that extend past the palm使用手柄长过手掌的工具HAZARDS 危害 MHL H

8、azards&Solutions:Repetition MHL 危害和解决办法:重复动作Repetitive lifting and carrying 重复搬运HAZARDS 危害 SOLUTIONS 解决办法HAZARDS 危害 lUse roller conveyors reduce lifting/handling使用滚轴输送机,以减少搬运;lJob rotation工作轮换lFrequent breaks工间休息MHL Risk Assessment:Force MHL风险评价:用力Excessive weights must not be lifted without mechani

9、cal assistance不能人工搬抬过重的物品Lifting of weights 搬抬重物MHL Risk Assessment:Contact Stress MHL 风险评估:接触压力Parts of the body must not continuously rest or be supported against hard or sharp surfaces身体的部位不能连续地搁或扶在硬或锋利的边缘面Forearm support against hard surface前臂搁在硬面上Wrist/forearm support against hard surface手腕/前臂搁

10、在硬面上MHL Hazards&Solutions:Posture MHL 危害因素和解决办法:姿势HAZARDS 危害Bending forward向前弯腰Elbows/arms away from body 肘/手臂远离躯干Bending wrist sideways手腕侧弯MHL Hazards&Solutions:Posture MHL 危害因素和解决办法:姿势SOLUTIONS 解决办法Adjust work surface height调整工作面高度Use lift tables with turntables on them使用带旋转台面的升降机Select tools that

11、 promote good wrist postures and power grips选择能促进正确手腕姿势和抓握得工具MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿势Workstations must be designed for neutral body postures while standing设备的操作部件,须按作业人员在自然的身体姿势下操作该设备所要求的尺寸设计Poor standing postures不佳站姿Seating must be designed to properly support body postures while seat

12、ed设计座椅时,须保证作业人员就座后,椅背恰好支撑作业时的身体姿态Poor seating support不佳的座椅支撑MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿势Routine activities must not require continuous static postures,grips or holds 日常工作中,不能有要求连续的静态姿势、紧握或托住物品的作业Pinch gripping捏握Continuous static standing postures连续性静态站姿MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿

13、势Routine activities must not require excessive or repetitive neck flexion up,down or side-to-side日常工作中,不能有要求作业人员过度的或重复的上下或左右弯曲颈部的动作Side-to-side neck flexion颈部左右弯曲Down neck flexion向下弯曲颈部MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿势Routine activities must not require continuously repetitive or awkward hand o

14、r wrist motions日常工作中,不能有要求连续重复的或不佳的手或腕部动作Hand/wrist motions手/腕动作Awkward hand/wrist motions不方便、笨拙的手/腕动作MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿势Routine activities must be conducted within a close proximity to the body to minimize excessive or repetitive reaching日常工作中,必须保证物品尽量靠近身体,减少过度的或重复性的身体伸展Reaching

15、to the product伸展身体以便取到物品Routine activities must not require excessive or repetitive reaching to over-the-shoulder heights日常工作中,不能有要求过度的或重复的将手臂伸到超过肩部高度的动作Over-the-shoulder reaching将手臂伸到超过肩部的高度MHL Risk Assessment:Posture MHL风险评价:姿势Routine activities must not require excessive or repetitive reaching to

16、 below-the-knee heights日常工作中,不能有要求过度的或重复的伸手去够低于膝盖高度的物品的动作Below-the-knee reaching伸手去够低于膝盖高度的物品Routine activities must not require repetitive twisting at the waist while handling loads日常工作中,不能有要求在搬重物时重复扭腰的动作Twisting at the waist扭腰Knuckle height手指自然下垂处高度肩高小腿中间高度肘高Shoulder height Mid lower leg heightElbow heightGeneral Risk Assessment Guidelines of MHL M H L 一般风险评估导则General risk assessment guidelines:There is no such thing as a completely“safe”manual handing operation,But working with in the followi



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