遵义师范学院《大学英语3》课件-unit 4

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1、Unit Four遵义师范学院大学英语3I PreparationII Reading ActivitiesIII Further Development IV Translation&Writing Part I Preparation 1.Group Work3.Matching Game2.Word FamilyActivity 1 Group WorkDirections:Step One You will have 3 minutes to list as many names of occupations as possibleStep Two Work in pairs and

2、try to figure out the occupations of the people in the pictures.Activity 1 Group WorkoFilm directoroSurgeonoFlight attendant (air hostess)oPilotoCook/chefoConductoroLawyeroReceptionistoPolicemanoButcheroDoctor/physician/G.P.oAuto-repairman(mechanic0onurseActivity 2 Word Family1JO B2B U S IN E S S3T

3、R A D E4LA B O R5P R O FE S S IO N6W O R K7 O C C U P A T IO N8C A R E E R9T A S KActivity 3 Matching GameStep One Please work in groups of 2 or 3 and discuss the differences of the following words.Career/occupation/profession/job/workActivity 3 Matching Game Career(职业,一生的事业):the type of work that y

4、ou do or wish to do for most of your working life,especially where this involves several similar jobs over a long period of time.E.g.Like his father,Tom chose a career in the army.Occupation(工作,职业):a word used especially in an official context meaning someones usual full-time job E.g.Please fill in

5、the details of your present occupation.Activity 3 Matching Game Profession(=professional occupation):a type of work which people usually regard with respect,such as teaching,medicine,or law,for which you need special training and have to pass special examination E.g.Teaching is a profession that req

6、uires total commitment Job:the particular activity that someone does regularly in order to earn money,especially when they are employed by someone else E.g.The factory closed down last month and 1,800 people lost their jobs.Part II Reading Activities1.Pre-reading Questions2.Text Organization3.Senten

7、ce Study4.Words&Phrases Describe a career youre likely to pursue in the future.Dont mention its name but ask your classmates to guess what it is.Pre-reading QuestionsThe job Id prefer to take has a flexible working schedule.I dont have to be at work exactly on time.Much of my time will be spent sitt

8、ing in front of the computer or going through the work written by others.When work is due,I will have to burn the midnight oil.But when there is no work,I can take time to enjoy myself even if Im still at work.This job needs a lot of initiative and independence.Ill have to contact potential writers

9、all by myself and choose the topics and books that might sell well or have good academic value.Ill need to be very careful,doing the proofreading many t i m e s u n t i l a b o o k i s f i n a l l y p u b l i s h e d.Text OrganizationIntroduction:Career planning does not necessarily follow routine o

10、r logical steps.Keys to career planningSerious flaws in the ways of decision makingStudents weaknesses in career planningPara.1Para.2Para.3-5Para.6-11Text OrganizationChanges in careersConclusion Although there is no sure way to make career plans work out,there are things that anyone can do now to s

11、hape ones career possibilities.Para.12-13Para.14-15Para.3-51.Career planning includes 1.Career planning includes gatheringgathering information about information about ourselves and about occupations,ourselves and about occupations,estimatingestimating the the probable outcomes of various courses of

12、 action,and probable outcomes of various courses of action,and finally,finally,choosingchoosing alternatives that we find attractive alternatives that we find attractive and and feasible.feasible.(Line 3)(Line 3)Sentence Study【句型】本句中三个动名词短语【句型】本句中三个动名词短语:gatheringgathering,estimatingestimating,choos

13、ingchoosing都作动词都作动词 includesincludes 的宾语,说明的宾语,说明“职业规划职业规划”要涉及的三种行要涉及的三种行为。这三个连续的动名词短语使句子意义表达更充分连贯。为。这三个连续的动名词短语使句子意义表达更充分连贯。includeinclude 后接后接 v.-ingv.-ing 形式。最后一个动词短语中,关系代词形式。最后一个动词短语中,关系代词 thatthat 引导定语从句修饰引导定语从句修饰 alternativesalternatives。【译文】进行择业规划,要收集有关我们自身以及职业的信息资料,估计采取各种举动可能出现的结果,最后做出我们认为有吸

14、引力并且可行的选择.Sentence Study【例句】TheThe solutionssolutions includeinclude workingworking with foreign flower growers with foreign flower growers instead of fighting them,instead of fighting them,havinghaving a few distribution centers to a few distribution centers to sell imported roses,sell imported ros

15、es,wideningwidening their business area andtheir business area and beingbeing a a representative for overseas flower producers.representative for overseas flower producers.解决办法解决办法包括包括与海外花卉种植商与海外花卉种植商合作合作,而不是要与他们竞争;,而不是要与他们竞争;设置设置几个批发中心来销售进口玫瑰;几个批发中心来销售进口玫瑰;扩大扩大他们的经营领域同时他们的经营领域同时兼做兼做海外海外花卉生产者的代理商。花卉

16、生产者的代理商。【例句】【例句】A teachers priorities include exciting students interests A teachers priorities include exciting students interests and stimulating their creativity.and stimulating their creativity.Sentence Study教师首先要考虑的事情教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起之一是唤起学生的兴趣,学生的兴趣,激发激发他们的创他们的创造性。造性。2 They cite evidence that(1)most students 2 They cite evidence that(1)most students choose choose from amongfrom among a very narrow group of occupations;(2)a very narrow group of occupations;(2)as many asas many as 40 to 60 per



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