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1、UNIT 7 “Being on time is very important.”WARM-UPLook at the picture and find some examples of improper behaviors. Share your ideas with a partner.Sample:One worker is arriving late.One worker is wearing inappropriate footwear or sandals.One worker is sleeping on desk.“Being on time is very important

2、.”SHOWTIMEREADINGWRITINGGRAMMARVOCABULARY BUILDERCHATTIMEMY STORYUNIT 7CONTENTSVOCABULARY BUILDERListen and repeat.A1. I always _ at the gym. I never give up. 2. On the course we received _ in every aspect of the job. 3. Smoking is a very bad _. You should quit. 4. Did you _ for the meeting today? I

3、m ready.5. Miguel has really good_. He is never negative about anything.6. Nina showed a lot of _ in getting that job.7. Being a team player and being on time are great _ for an employee to have.8. If we _ on this project, it will be much easier. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A.Bpe

4、rseverequality:质量,品质。如:qualityoflife(生活质量)。此外还有“素质,品性”的意思。如:leadershipqualities(领导素质),personalqualities(个人素质)。teamplayer:具有团队精神的人。具有团队精神和守时是职场的基本准则。其他准则还有:着装适宜,不在办公区域大声打电话,手机调成静音状态,不迟到早退等。CULTURAL NOTEtraininghabitprepareattitudepersistencequalitiescooperateLANGUAGE NOTEBoss: I cant believe it. You

5、are (1) _ again.Employee: Am I? What time is it? Boss: Its 9:15. You start at 9 oclock.Employee: Im so sorry. It was (2) _ hard and I couldnt get a taxi.Boss: Thats the (3) _ time this week.Employee: I know. Im very sorry.Boss: Look, you are a good employee. However, if you keep coming to work late,

6、 I will have to find someone else.Employee: I understand. It wont happen again, I (4) _.Boss: It had better not. This is your final (5) _.Listen and complete the conversation.Clate参考译文参考译文rainingthirdpromisewarning老板: 我简直不能相信。你又迟到了。员工: 我迟到了吗?几点了?老板: 现在9:15。你应该9点上班。员工: 抱歉。雨下得很大,我打不到车。老板: 你这周是第三次迟到了。员

7、工: 我知道。非常抱歉。老板: 听着,你是一名好员工。但是,如果你上 班继续迟到,那我就不得不找别人了。员工: 我明白。我保证再也不迟到了。老板: 最好不要。这是对你最后一次警告。参考译文Complete the job ad with words from the boxes.DexperienceQualitiescooperatingattitudepersistencetrainingbenefitsWORDS & EXPRESSIONSattitude cooperatehabit perseverepersistenceprepare quality trainingattitud

8、e n. 态度;看法E.g. If you want to pass your exams youd better change your attitude! 你若想通过考试最好改变你的态度!words and expressionscooperate v. 合作;协作E.g. They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project. 他们曾密切合作,共同规划这一项目。words and expressionshabit n. 习惯;习性E.g. You need to change your eating habits. 你得改变

9、你的饮食习惯。words and expressionspersevere v. 坚持;不屈不挠E.g. She persevered in her idea despite obvious objections raised by friends. 虽然朋友们明确反对,她还是坚持己见。words and expressionspersistence n. 坚持不懈;毅力E.g. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence. 只有不断练习,有耐心和毅力,才能学会一门技艺。words and expressionsprepar

10、e v. 准备;筹备E.g. The college prepares students for a career in business. 这个学院是培养商务人才的。words and expressionsquality n. 品质;质量E.g. When costs are cut, product quality suffers. 一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。words and expressionstraining n. 训练;培养E.g. He called for much higher spending on education and training. 他呼吁在教育和

11、培训方面加大投入。words and expressionsSHOWTIMEWatch the video. Match the pictures to the sentences which best describe them.Acabd00:05 / 03:00SHOWTIMEMatch the events to the results.BSHOWTIMEWatch the video again. Complete the conversation.cScript 参考译文 语言解析timehardattitudedoinghardworkingcooperativeMatch ea

12、ch sentence to the appropriate response.DHector: Mr. Patel, good morning.Mr. Patel: Good morning, Hector. You are just in time.Hector: Yes, sir. I know. I tried to get here earlier, but the bus was running late.Mr. Patel: Its OK, Hector. Youre not late. But try to come a little earlier so that you c

13、an prepare before you start working.Hector: Yes, sir. I know. Ill leave earlier tomorrow. I just didnt know that the bus was going to take so long.Mr. Patel: Well, better safe than sorry. Being on time for work is very important, especially when you are just starting.Hector: Thank you, Mr. Patel. Il

14、l work hard to get here early from now on.Mr. Patel: Thats good, Hector. Thats a very good attitude to have. Having the right attitude is very important for a good employee. You seem to be doing a very good job so far.Hector: Oh, I am. I really am doing my best to learn all about the job.Mr. Patel:

15、I can see that. Mateo and the other employees tell me you are very hardworking and you listen carefully when learning new things.ScriptHector: Well, I try. But sometimes it is a little confusing.Mr. Patel: Thats all right, Hector. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. But if you listen carefully, are

16、cooperative with the other employees, and are always helping the customers, I am sure youll do a very good job here.Hector: Thank you, Mr. Patel, and Im grateful for the opportunity to work here. Mr. Patel: Im really glad to feel that way. And some day in the future, the training that you get on this job is going to help you get another job.Hector: Yes, I know. Im not sure yet what I want to do in the future, but I know that the experience I get at this job will help me prepare for lots of other


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