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1、 Biology研究生学术英语读写教程Unit 6Outline2. 2. Academic writing skillsAcademic writing skills: : Creating and using mental images Creating and using mental images 1. 1. Text AText A3. 3. Text B Text B 4 4. . Academic reading skillsAcademic reading skills: : Describing processes and proceduresDescribing proce

2、sses and procedures1.Text A Words and expressions Sentence comprehension Theme and structureCoincidental KillersWords and expressionstraumatise v.My wife was traumatised by the experience. contaminate v.The drinking water has become contaminated with lead. They were accused of contaminating the mind

3、s of our young people. capsize v.The sea got very rough and the boat capsized.oscillate v.I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating. dehydrate v.Normally specimens have to be dehydrated. Words and expressionsscavenge v. Dogs and foxes scavenged through the trash cans for somet

4、hing to eat. disintegrate v. The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.Words and expressions1. And so we tend to identify microbes with the disease-causing minority among them, the little buggers that trigger the tickling mist of a sneeze or the pustule on otherwise smooth skin. (Para. 3)我们倾向于

5、将微生物等同于它们中少数致病微生物,这些讨厌的小东西会诱发令人发痒的嚏喷或者让光滑的皮肤起脓包。Sentence comprehension2. This hypothesis does not apply to all infections, and is almost certainly irrelevant to viruses, which always need to reproduce in a host. (Para. 6)这一假设并不适用于所有类型的感染,几乎可以确定的是,该假设与病毒没有任何关系;病毒必须在寄主体内繁殖。Sentence comprehension3. Ant

6、ibiotic resistance genes evolved as part of this ancient war, but they also help todays microbes to deal with the medicines that we mass-produce. (Para. 9)抗生素的抗性基因逐渐成为了这场古老战斗的一部分,但是,它们也使得现在的微生物对批量生产的药物产生耐药性。Sentence comprehension4. In the last decade, people have begun to accept that a lot of these

7、opportunistic pathogens that people assumed were only in the environment transiently between human hosts are actually environmental bacteria that occasionally end up in humans. (Para. 11)在过去十年里,人们的看法开始发生转变,不再想当然地认为形形色色的条件致病菌只是在环境中短暂停留,它们的主要活动场所是人类寄主,而是认为它们实际存在于环境当中,侵入人体只是一个偶然的结果。Sentence comprehensi

8、on5. Evolution, however, is all about small probabilities manifesting through long timescales and large numbers and microbes have both. (Para. 16)然而,所谓进化,就在于种种因为漫长的时间尺度和巨大的数量而得以显现的细小可能性而微生物二者兼而有之。Sentence comprehension6. There are so many microbes out there that some of them will end up with a hand

9、that lets them muscle their way into our game. (Para. 17)世界上有那么多微生物,最终总有一些会凭借某种特性侵入人体。Sentence comprehensionTheme and structureMicrobes evolve to adapt themselves to the environment for a better chance of surviving, which may accidentally allow them to cause diseases in humans.Title: Coincidental Ki

10、llersSection 1Paras. 1-4Antagonism between microbes and humans has long been established. Although only a minority of microbes cause diseases which are sometimes life-threatening, we treat microbes as a whole as adversaries, and search hard for ways to conquer them. Section 2Paras. 5-15The coinciden

11、tal evolution hypothesis suggests that microbes adaptations to their environment may accidentally help their survival in human hosts.Section 3Paras. 16-17Microbes will always find a way to adapt to their environment, natural or human, and we humans are just passers-by, rather than central actors in

12、the process of their evolution. Theme and structureReferenced keys to tasksTask 1:1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 F 6 DReferenced keys to tasksTask 2: CReferenced keys to tasksTask 3: Suggested summary:Experiments with Escherichia coli show that bacterias adaptations to survive the harsh environment may accidenta

13、lly make them suited for life in human hosts.2. Creating and using mental images 2. Creating and using mental imagesAs you read, you should highlight key terms, important ideas and noteworthy details and use notes to keep a record of them.Commonly used note-taking methodsTimelines list event in chro

14、nological order.Commonly used note-taking methodsFlow chart are diagrams to represent workflows, processes or procedures.Commonly used note-taking methodsOutlines are a straightforward way to organize the main ideas and supporting details.Commonly used note-taking methodsSpidergrams present graphica

15、lly the relations between important ideas. Symbols and abbreviationsYou can develop a form of shorthand in notetaking, using symbols and abbreviations.symbolmeaningabbreviationmeaningthereforeNo.numberincrease; higherav.averagedecrease; lowerdiag.diagram=equal; same asgovtgovernmentnot equal; differ

16、ent fromb/cbecauseatimp.importantless/fewer/smalleresp.especiallyReferenced keys to tasksTask 1:Vibrio cholera:A marine speciesGet attached to the shells of small crustaceansGet into our water supplyHumans are infectedReferenced keys to tasksTask 2:(1) amoeba (predator) (2) resist and kill within(3) scavenge nutrients (4) cause illnessReferenced keys to tasksTask 3:Referenced keys to tasksTask 4:3. Text BText B 本文节选文章的研究主题为Cognitive empathy(认知共情),即一方理解另一方感受及情绪,根据其精神状态判断其行为的能力。认知共情是人际交往过程中至关重要的能力



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