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1、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”现代语言学离线作业(四)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.() is the study of the relation between language and mind, especially language acquisition and learning, and language comprehension and prod uction.A.PragmaticsB.PhonologyC.DialectologyD.Psycholinguistics参考答案:D2.A () is one that may be use

2、d to distinguish one speech sound from another.A.perfomationB.featureC.distinctive featureD.function参考答案:C3.Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4.() refers to the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech.A.LoudnessB.RhythmC.TempoD.Tone参考答案:B5.According to ()

3、, language determines the framework of speakers perception and thought.A.Sapir-Whorf HypothesisB.Positivist theoryC.Use theoryD.Speech Acts theory参考答案:A6.Stress refers to the feature that is determined solely by the amplitude of the vibration of the sound-wave. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7.() morpheme is a mor

4、pheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.A.FunctionalB.LexicalC.GrammaticalD.Performative参考答案:B8.Cataphoric reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text after the word or expression that is presupposing. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9.() is the science that studies

5、sounds.A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Dialectology参考答案:A10.Phonemes in contrast are differentiated and related by their ().A.perfomationB.featureC.functionD.distinctive feature参考答案:D11.() is the study of the meaning which is not included in semantics and whose interpretation is dependent on its

6、 social contexts.A.PragmaticsB.PhonologyC.DialectologyD.Morphology参考答案:A12.() are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.A.NounsB.AdjectivesC.VerbsD.Deictics参考答案:D13.Oral cavity is the place wher

7、e oral, nasal and nasalised oral sounds are shaped. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14.() refers to the juxtaposition of two elements which are semantically in opposition (or complementary) to each otherA.CollocationB.ReiterationC.Lexical cohesionD.Coherence参考答案:A15.() is a morphological variant of morpheme.A.Allom

8、orphB.WordC.SegmentD.Morph参考答案:A16.() of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality参考答案:D17.The transformational generative grammar was proposed by ().A.Noam ChomskyB.JacobsonC.HalidayD.

9、Nida参考答案:A18.() studies the ways words are combined to form. sentences in a language.A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Syntax参考答案:D19.() refers to the primary and commonly accepted meaning of linguistic forms.A.Lexical meaningB.Sentential meaningC.Utterance meaningD.Literal meaning参考答案:D20.Homonym

10、y refers to the linguistic phenomenon that a word may be used in a number of different senses or is said to have a range of different meanings. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21.Productivity is characterised by the feature of ().A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality参考答案:A22.Lan

11、guage is entirely arbitrary. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A23.In the tree diagram () is the point from which two or more lines descend.A.NodeB.Initial nodeC.BranchingD.Intermediate node参考答案:C24.A language is an isolating language if its morphemes are all bound morphemes. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A25.The implementation of l

12、exical insertion rules need to be subject to no restrictions. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A26.Grammatical morpheme must be a bound morpheme. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27.Inflectional morpheme may be a free morpheme. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28.() is the science that studies how speech sounds are used in language to convey meanings

13、.A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Dialectology参考答案:B29.() is the first stressed syllable in the tone-unit.A.pre-headB.headC.nuclear tailD.nucleus参考答案:B30.() refers to the sameness in meaning between two or more words.A.SynonymyB.PolysemyC.HomonymyD.Antonymy参考答案:A31.Illocutionary force refers to t

14、he power that is conventionally associated with the expressions used in the locutionary act and that enables the speaker to execute the intended act through what he/she says. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B32.() is the bit of spoken or written language that is produced and sent to the receiver in a specific context.A.WordB.SentenceC.UtteranceD.Morpheme参考答案:C33.The l


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