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1、民航实用英语ONTENTSChapter SixSpecial PassengersObjective 1 AirsicknessObjective 2 Injury and IllnessObjective 3 The Handicapped, UM and OthersWith the continuous development of civil aviation, the passenger service has greatly improved. Airlines show special courtesy and special care for those special pa

2、ssengers in consideration of their needs during air transport process. As flight attendants, we are supposed to provide considerate service for the elderly, the sick,the handicapped, unaccompanied minors, pregnant women, those with babies, First Class passengers and other persons requiring assistanc

3、e to facilitate their journey. Guidance1Chapter SixSpecial Passengers Objectives2What are the symptoms of airsickness and how to comfort passengers or relieve their airsickness?How to respond to passengers uncomfortableness and conduct First Aid when passengers are sick or injured?How to take care o

4、f the handicapped, UM, the elderly and others?Chapter SixSpecial PassengersObjective 1 AirsicknessBackground Information车、船、飞机等交通工具, 产生不规则的颠簸运动, 剌激内耳前庭, 对有些人来说, 可发生眩晕、恶心、呕吐等症状, 也常伴有头痛、精神不振和软弱无力, 这种情况称为晕动病。某些人前庭功能不良, 内耳前庭和半规管过度敏感, 当直线变速或旋转运动时, 传入冲动引起前庭神经核及小脑有关部位的过强反应, 造成植物神经功能紊乱,就会发生晕车、晕船、晕机现象。造成晕机的情

5、况很多,如飞机颠簸、起飞、爬高、下降、着陆、转弯;个人心情紧张、身体不适、过度疲劳等。Objective 1 AirsicknessBackground Information晕机症状因人而异,有轻重之分。轻者表现为:头晕,全身稍有不适、胸闷、耳痛;重者则会脸色苍白发青、头痛心慌、表情淡漠、微汗, 也常伴有头痛、精神不振和软弱无力;更严重的将会出现浑身盗汗、眩晕恶心、呕吐不止等难以忍受的痛苦症状。乘务员需随时关注乘客的情况,如发现乘客有不适的表现,如脸色苍白、盗汗等,应主动关心乘客,安慰他们,并根据乘客的情况给予相应的帮助,减轻乘客的痛苦。Objective 1 AirsicknessGett

6、ing StartedSection One1 What are the symptoms in the following pictures?2 Are alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee helpful when someone feels airsick?3 Describe the following pictures.Useful ExpressionsPassengers may say:1 I feel like vomiting.2 Ive got dizziness and nausea3 I want to throw up.4 The eara

7、che is killing me.5 Could you give me a pill/ some medicine for airsickness?6 Have you got some medicine for airsickness?7 Do you have any pills for airsickness?8 Will you bring me an airsickness bag?You would say:1 How are you feeling now?2 Take it easy. This symptom is common.3 Have you ever suffe

8、red from airsickness before? Youre probably airsick.4 If you feel sick, please use the airsickness bag. Its just located in the seat pocket in front of you.5 The airsickness bag is in your seat pocket. If you feel sick, use it, and we will take it away later6 You look pale. According to my experienc

9、e youre probably airsick.7 Dont worry! We have airsick tablets. Ill get some for you.8 Let me help you go to the front cabin. There are some vacant seats there. I can take outthe armrests and let you lie down.9 Please lie down. If you still feel sick, please use the airsickness bag.10 Please wait a

10、moment. Ill get some airsick tablets and hot water for you.11 You can also rub this point to relieve this symptom.12 Let me get the airsickness bag ready.DialoguesDialogue A(CC=Cabin Crew, P=Passenger)PA: You look pale. Are you OK?PB: I feel sick. Im going to throw up.PA: Do you? Let me get the airs

11、ickness bag ready.PB: Do you have any medicine for airsickness?PA: Sorry, I dont.PB: Maybe I should not have had that kind of meal.PA: Dont worry. Just close your eyes and relax. Hold the bag in case you vomit.Dialogue BP: Flight attendant, Im not feeling very well right now.CC: What seems to be the

12、 problem?P: Im a little bit stuffy, dizzy, and nauseous as well.CC: You may suffer from airsickness. We have airsick tablets on board. I will get some for you.P: Thank you.(a few minutes later)CC: Here is the pill and warm water. Please take it.P: Its very kind of you.(later)P: Miss, the pill seems

13、useless. I still feel uncomfortable.CC: Oh, Madam, it works best one hour after usage. I will help you to take out the armrestand then you could take a nap.P: OK, I see, thanks.Dialogue CCC: Did you press the call button, Madam? Whats the matter?P: Well, the earache is killing me!CC: Oh, Im sorry to

14、 hear that! The pain in your ears is due to a change in air pressure. The symptom is common during the flight; you can just try chewing gums or swallowing to relieve the earache.P: Yes, I know that. I have tried this many times, but it does not work at all. Oh, my god, what serious earache it is!CC:

15、 You know, sometimes, when your body is not in good condition, it will be easier to get airsickness. Well, let me tell you another way to relieve your earache. Firstly you can draw a deep breath, then stop your nose with the fingers and try to blow your nose. Like this, how are you feeling now?P: Oh

16、, yeah, it seems effective. Thank you very much.Cabin AnnouncementLadies and gentlemen,The “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. However, for your safety, we strongly recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened while seated.Now, I will tell you where the cabin equipment is located and how to use it. Your seat-back can be reclined by pressing the recliner button on your armrest. The reading light, call button, and air flow are located above your seat. Airsickness bags are in the seat poc


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