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1、outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor disci pline, illegal operations consequences of units and i ndividuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to implement moral encouragement with material reward

2、combination, criticized the principle of combining education and economic punishment, rewards and punishments as a means for educational purposes. 82nd article: at least once a year commendations a nd awards for safety work to make outstanding contributions to the collective and individual. 83rd art

3、icle: assessment criteria: 1, safety goals unimplemented unit not involved in t he companys annual assessment; 2, without the required level of safety education assessment unit related to leadership responsibilities 10% a month; 3, tertiary education without the required records or failing to comple

4、te assessment responsibility unit leaders training archives 5% a month; 4, the new post or transferred without the require d training, examination appointment, evaluation units related to leadership responsibilities 10% a month; 5, the company organizes a safety examination, do not participate in or

5、 fail to cancel the salary; 6, is not required to complete the daily security checks, responsible for the complete summary of the evaluation 10% 5% monthly salary, responsibilities leadership; 7, not a ccording to company requirements and improve regulations system assessment unit leaders 10% a mont

6、h; 8, was not requeste d by the company establish a secure archive assessment unit leaders 10% a month; 9, does not require amendments to the rules of the evaluation units of the company officials 10% a month; 10, recor d, save the report without the required evaluation unit leaders 10% a month; 11,

7、 the failure to timely report the accident assessment responsible leaders of their 5%; 12, units not complying with the requirements of the acci dent incident report or accident report is not qualified, evaluation units and technology and leadershi p 10% monthly report delayed a day due assessment 5

8、% of his salary; 13, accident investigation team members breach of disci pline evaluation 10% monthly, serious adverse effects of the minimum wage. 14, does not cooperate with the accide nt investigations, acci dent-related stop. 15, other matters not covered under the carbon companies reward and pu

9、nishment regulations. 16, General accident occurred in the light of the following criteria for liability and responsibility leader assessment (qualitative assessment of specific notification date) of accidents .Second, safety Committee Charter 1. relating to the implementation of national laws and r

10、egulations, policies, standards, resolutions and the companys safety management system. 2. develop the companys work safety policy, objectives, audited the company safety management system. 3. every quarter safety leadership group meeting on safety inspections, safety hazards and safety accident sta

11、tus, layout of work safety. 4. regular analysis of the companys security situation to devel op major work safety measures or plans of the company. 5. the major problems encountered in themanagement of production safety, difficulties, to greater security risks a nd major hazards research and adopt a

12、resolution. 6. production leadership team to conduct emergency drills are regularly organized and reviewed and revi sed the plan after the walkthrough. 7. the Organizations comprehensive security checks and the special security checks carried out on a regular basis, to e nsure production safety. 8.

13、production leadership team regularly participates in primary production activities. 9. is responsible for accident investigation, analysis and proce ssi ng. 10. to sum up the safety work on a regular basis, and commended and awarded performance units or individuals.Chapter carbon company administrat

14、ive rules on safe production responsibility system section I General provisions article I: line safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach, Luoyang wanji carbon clear safety responsibility at all levels of the company, do a carbon production safety work, ac

15、cording to the Pe opl es Republic of Chi na production safety law and other relevant laws and regulations, these measures are formulated. Se cond: this approach applie s to carbon units of the company. Article III: carbon companys safety responsibility is divided into three levels: carbon company is

16、 the companys safe production responsibility each w orkshop, the secti ons are the main unit of safe production responsibility; the team was the team of the safety production responsibility. Responsibility at all levels according to the appropriate division of responsibilities within the terms of reference of the safety production responsibility. Fourth: at all levels ofadministrative responsibility for safety day is this unit, and overall leadership responsibility for the units safety. Chief De



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