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1、Chapter 13Understanding Individual BehaviorContents1.Identifythefocusandgoalsoforganizationalbehavior2.Explaintherolethatattitudesplayinjobperformance3.Describedifferentpersonalitytheories4.DiscusslearningtheoriesandtheirrelevanceinshapingbehaviorFocus and Goals of Organizational BehaviorOrganizatio

2、nal Behavior (OB)lBehavior: The actions of people.lThe study of the actions of people at work.Focus of Organizational BehaviorlIndividual behaviorlGroup behaviorGoal of Organizational BehaviorlTo explain, predict and influence behavior.Important Employee BehaviorsnEmployee ProductivityA performance

3、measure of both efficiency and effectivenessnAbsenteeismThe failure to show up for work.nTurnoverVoluntary or involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organizationImportant Employee Behaviors (contd)nOrganizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)Discretionary behavior that is not a part of an employees f

4、ormal job requirements, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.nJob SatisfactionAn employees general attitude toward his or her job. nWorkplace MisbehaviorAn intentional employee behavior that is potentially damaging to the organization or to individual s within the organiza

5、tion.Psychological Factors Affecting Employee Behaviorn nAttitudesn nPersonalityn nPerceptionn nLearningn nEmployee ProductivityEmployee Productivityn nAbsenteeismAbsenteeismn nTurnoverTurnovern nOrganizational Organizational CitizenshipCitizenshipn nJob SatisfactionJob Satisfactionn nWorkplace Work

6、place MisbehaviorMisbehaviorContents1.Identifythefocusandgoalsoforganizationalbehavior2.Explaintherolethatattitudesplayinjobperformance3.Describedifferentpersonalitytheories4.DiscusslearningtheoriesandtheirrelevanceinshapingbehaviorAttitudesnAttitudesEvaluative statements, either favorable or unfavo

7、rable, concerning objects, people, or events.nComponents Of An AttitudeCognitive componentnThe part of an attitude thats made up of the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person. .Affective component nThe part of an attitude thats the emotional or feeling part. Behavioral compone

8、ntnThe part of an attitude that refers to an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. Psychological FactorsnJob SatisfactionAn employees general attitude toward his or her job. nJob InvolvementThe degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participa

9、tes in it, and considers his or her performance to be important to self-worth.nOrganizational CommitmentThe degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in that organization. Attitudes and ConsistencynPeople seek consistency in

10、 two ways:Consistency among their attitudes.Consistency between their attitudes and behaviors.nIf an inconsistency arises, individuals:Alter their attitudesorAlter their behaviororDevelop a rationalization for the inconsistencyCognitive Dissonance TheorynCognitive DissonanceAny incompatibility or in

11、consistency between attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.nAny form of inconsistency is uncomfortable and individuals will try to reduce the dissonance.Contents1.Identifythefocusandgoalsoforganizationalbehavior2.Explaintherolethatattitudesplayinjobperformance3.Describedifferentpersonalitytheor

12、ies4.DiscusslearningtheoriesandtheirrelevanceinshapingbehaviorPersonalitynPersonalityThe unique combination of emotional , thought, and behavioral patterns that affect how a person reacts to situations and interacts with others.Classifying Personality TraitsnMyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)A gener

13、al personality assessment tool that measures the personality of an individual.A100-question personality test that asks people to select how they usually feel or act in particular situations.An indicator not a test there are no right or wrong answers It identifies preferences rather than competencies

14、, abilities or skillsNo Personality Type is better or worse - each has its own giftsUsed for team building, career guidance, leadership and management.Style ofStyle ofDecision MakingDecision MakingJudgmental (J)Judgmental (J)Perceptive (P)Perceptive (P)Preference forPreference forDecision MakingDeci

15、sion MakingThinking (T)Thinking (T)Feeling (F)Feeling (F)Type of SocialType of SocialInteractionInteractionIntrovert (I)Introvert (I)Extrovert (E)Extrovert (E)Preference forPreference forGathering DataGathering DataIntuitive (N)Intuitive (N)Sensing (S)Sensing (S)Myers-Briggs Type IndicatornGet energ

16、y from interaction with people / external worldnEasy to know, outgoingnMay prefer to communicate by talking vs. writingnEnjoy variety and activitynThink out loudnGet energy from within / internal worldnTakes more time to get to knownMay prefer written communicationnSeek privacy to reflect and re-energizenThink before they act or speakExtravertsIntrovertsWhat is your E I preference?nExercise When you are going to a large party, what do you do?SensingINtuitionnFocus on objective reality, verifiabl


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