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1、 杨澜TED演讲稿中英文杨澜TED演讲稿中英文精选八篇 Yang Lan: The generation thats remaking ChinaThe night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest?Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im

2、 going to Scotland the next day. She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. ChineseSo its not like hello or thank you, that ordinary stuff. It means green onion for free. Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle - a 50-some year

3、-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didnt understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was green

4、 onion for free. So 余下全文篇二 :杨澜ted演讲稿The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “Chinas Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “Im going to Scotland the next day.”

5、 She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. Chinese So its not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable ven

6、dor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didnt understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So 余下全文篇

7、三 :杨澜 Ted演讲 中英版Yang Lan: The generation thats remaking China杨澜:重塑中国的一代The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im g

8、oing to Scotland the next day. She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. Chinese:送你葱 So its not like hello or thank you, that ordinary stuff. It means green onion for free. Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle - a 50-some y

9、ear-old woman, a vegetable vendor inShanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didnt understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was 余下全文篇四 :杨澜申奥中英文演讲稿杨澜申奥中英文演讲稿杨澜

10、七年前震动世界的经典演讲 杨澜演说技巧启发我们与西方沟通方式 阅读:535720xx年7月13日,是所有中国人永远记住的日子。那天中国获得了北京奥运会的主办权,那天夜晚全中国都沸腾了。而在中国申奥的最关键时刻,赴莫斯科的中国申奥大使杨澜,在月日代表中国在莫斯科作最后陈述成为一次精彩的经典演说,杨澜的演说感动评委、震动世界,杨澜以她的东方魅力嫁接起沟通世界的桥梁。七年后,杨澜代表中国宣誓的奥运梦想正在变为现实。八年前在蒙特卡洛的投票选举中,北京未能获得20xx年奥运会的举办权。杨澜当时作为中央电视台前方主持人,目睹了投票的前前后后。她事后说自己是哭着回来的。八年后,北京申奥的舞台上再次出现了杨澜


12、政府官员,还是方方面面的专家,国际化程度方面提高了许多,不仅能熟练地用英语交流,而且还有长期国际交往的经验,而第一次申办时北京的申奥队伍能用英语和外国人直接交流的还不是很多。媒体和民众心态比上一次申办时更加理性,更加以平常心来看待这次申奥,这也是一个城市自信和成熟的表现。申奥能否成功,其中有许多不确定因素。作为申办者,应该全力以赴,但不要给自己太多的压力。 余下全文篇五 :杨澜申奥中英文演讲稿杨澜申奥中英文演讲稿杨澜七年前震动世界的经典演讲 杨澜演说技巧启发我们与西方沟通方式20xx年7月13日,是所有中国人永远记住的日子。那天中国获得了北京奥运会的主办权,那天夜晚全中国都沸腾了。而在中国申奥



15、申办时更加理性,更加以平常心来看待这次申奥,这也是一个城市自信和成熟的表现。申奥能否成功,其中有许多不确定因素。作为申办者,应该全力以赴,但不要给自己太多的压力。 余下全文篇六 :20xx北京申奥演讲稿中英文(杨澜)Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in Beijing.China ha

16、s its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.Ther



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