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1、译林版九年级上学期 英语期中试卷及答案一、单项选择(20分) 1.This isone-hour TV programme, and it isup-to-date news report.A. an ; an B. a; a C.an; a D. a ; an 2.一Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink.一Yes, because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet. Here“in the pink”means.A. healthy B. lucky

2、 C. beautiful D. creative3.一How much difficulty did you havethis problem?一. Its quite easy.A. to solve; Nothing B. to solve; NoneC. solving; None D. solving; Nothing4.一Do you prefer coffee _milk in it?一Sometimes, but most of the time I _drink black coffee.A. or, would rather B. with, prefer C. with,

3、 would rather D. to, prefer5 . -The drama series Nothing Gold Can Stay (那年花开月正圆) is popular recently. How do you find it?-_.A. I think so B. By reading the TV guides C. Pretty good. D. Thats all right 6. The fireat around 3 a.m. local time while people were celebrating with fireworks.Im sorry to hea

4、r that.A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. went out7.We have a successful school celebration.Thats true. Our chairperson _ all the students _ his good speech.A. impressed; byB. has impressed; withC. made; by D. has made; with8.As a new kind of transport service, public bicycles _ in more Chinese cit

5、ies in the following years.来源:Zxxk.ComA. useB. are usedC. will useD. will be used9. I wish to go to Mars one day in the future._. I think you should study hard today first. A. On your mindB. In your dreamsC. Every dog has its dayD. Put all your eggs in one basket10. We Chinese have made it clear _ w

6、e cant be forced to give up our rights.Awhether Bif Cwhat Dthat 11. My name is Harden. Shall I spell it for you? _.A. Not at allB. My pleasureC. If you dont mindD. Nice to meet you12. The magician is planning to hide the Oriental Pearl Tower before a big audience.Really?I have never heard _ idea bef

7、ore.A. the crazier B. a crazier C. the craziest D. a craziest13. Can you guess if they _to play basketball with us?I think theyll come if they _free.A. will come; are B. will come; will be C. come; are D. come; will be14. The environmenta childrens personality and quality.Yes. Thats why Menciouss (孟

8、子的)mother moved house three times.A. shapes B. represents C. marks D. records15. Henry has madeprogress in Maths over the past weeks that his parents feel very proud of him.A. such a greatB. so a great C. so little D. such great16.You are so kind to lead the way for us. _.A. Thats right B. Im glad t

9、o hear thatC. Dont mention itD. No, thanks17.In the filmMurder in a Country House, a doctor is foundin the house, so the film ishorror and mysteries.A.dying, fill of B.dead, full of C.dead, full with D.die, filled with18. We are covering these _girls wonderful performances_.A. alive; liveB. lively;

10、aliveC. lively; liveD. alive; living19. Yu Min _“Chinas father of the hydrogen bomb(氢弹之父)”,and won the 2014NationalTopScience and Technology Award .A. is thought B. is set C. is praised for D. is praised as20.The world is changing fast every day. I wonder _ in the future.A. what will the world look

11、like B. how we think of the worldC. whether the world will have peaceD. which country wins the match 三、完形填空。(15分)On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,41my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it42over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest

12、down,43to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a lifewith lots of unexpected challenges. We went from the haves to the “have-nots.Yetwhat we discovered later were all the gifts that came out ofsharingdifficulties. We came to learn that something44could happen in a disas

13、ter . All over the world people 45Chris so much that letterspoured in every day. By the end of the third week in amedicalcenter in Virginia, about 35,00046had been received.As47, we opened letter after letter. They gave48comfort(安慰)and became a source(源泉)of strength for us. We used them to49ourselve

14、s. I would go to the pile of letters marked with Funny if we needed a50, or to the Disabled box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or51in bed living happily.These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so52we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris,My husband and I were so sorryto hear of your 53accident


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