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1、Text Dinner at JoannesDinner at Joannes1 It was snowing heavily, and although every true New Yorker looks forward to a white Christmas, the shoppers on Fifth Avenue were in a hurry, not just to track down the last-minute presents, but to escape the bitter cold and get home with their families for Ch

2、ristmas Eve.Text 2 Josh Lester turned into 46th Street. He was not yet enjoying the Christmas spirit, because he was still at work, albeit a working dinner at Joannes. Josh was black, in his early thirties, and an agreeable-looking person, dressed smartly but not expensively. He was from a hard-work

3、ing family in upstate Virginia, and was probably happiest back home in his parents house. But his demeanor concealed a Harvard law degree and an internship in DC with a congressman, a junior partnership in a New York law firm, along with a razor-sharp intellect and an ability to think on his feet. J

4、osh was very smart.Text 3 The appointment meant Josh wouldnt get home until after Christmas. He was not, however, unhappy. He was meeting Jo Rogers, the senior senator for Connecticut, and one of the best-known faces in the US. Senator Rogers was a Democrat in her third term of office, who knew Capi

5、tol Hill inside out but who had nevertheless managed to keep her credibility with her voters as a Washington outsider. She was pro-abortion, anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment, as fine a progressive liberal as you could find this side of the Atlantic. Talk show hos

6、ts called her Honest Senator Jo, and a couple of years ago, Time magazine had her in the running for Woman of the Year. It was election time in the following year, and the word was she was going to run for the Democratic nomination. Rogers had met Josh in DC, thought him highly competent, and had in

7、vited him to dinner.Text 4 Josh shivered as he checked the address on the slip of paper in his hand. Hed never been to Joannes, but knew it by reputation, not because of its food, which had often been maligned, or its jazz orchestra, which had a guest slot for a well-known movie director who played

8、trumpet, but because of the stellar quality of its sophisticated guests: politicians, diplomats, movie actors, hall-of-fame athletes, journalists, writers, rock stars and Nobel Prize winners in short, anyone who was anyone in this city of power brokers.5 Inside, the restaurant was heaving with peopl

9、e. The head waiter at the front desk looked at Josh as he came in.Text 6 “Can I help you?”7 Josh replied, “Yes, I have an .”8 “Excuse me, sir,” the head waiter interrupted as two guests arrived. “Good evening Miss Bacall, good evening Mr Hanks,” and clicked his fingers to summon another waiter to sh

10、ow them to their table.9 “Now, sir .,” said the head waiter. “. do you have a reservation?” He shrugged his shoulders. “We have no spare tables whatsoever, as you can see.” 10 “Im meeting a Ms Rogers here tonight.”Text 11 The head waiter looked at Josh up and down, and asked, “May I have your name?”

11、12 Josh told him, and although the waiter refrained from curling his lip, he managed to show both disdain and effortless superiority with a simple flaring of his nostrils.13 “Let me see,” said the head waiter. “Well, yes, we do have a table for a Ms Rogers, but will she be arriving soon?”Text Text 1

12、4 Josh had encountered this doubtful treatment before but was not intimidated.15 “Im sure she will,” said Josh. “Could you please show me to her table?”16 “Come this way, sir.” The head waiter led Josh through the restaurant to a table at the back, and pointed.17 “Thank you. Could you get me a Marti

13、ni, please?” said Josh. But the head waiter was impatient to go back into the heady swirl of New York society, everyone clamoring, or so it appeared to him, for his attention.Text 18 The table was close to the bathroom and right by a half-opened window, apparently positioned where an icy breeze from

14、 the Great Lakes, passing down the Hudson Valley, would end its journey.19 Suddenly there was a moments silence in the restaurant, only for the noise to resume as intense whispering.20 “Senator Rogers!” said the head waiter. “What a great honor it is to see you at Joannes again!”21 “Good evening, Al

15、berto. Im dining with a young man, name of Lester.”22 The head waiter blinked, and swallowed hard.Text 23 “Yes, Senator, please come this way,” and as Senator Rogers passed through the crowded room, heads turned as the diners recognized her and greeted her with silent applause. In a classless societ

16、y, Rogers was the closest thing to aristocracy that America had. Alberto hovered for a moment, then went to speak to a colleague.24 “Its good to see you again, Josh,” said Rogers. “Lets have something to eat, then Id like to talk to you about a business proposition.”Text 25 Alberto returned, bent half double in almost laughable humility.26 “Senator, as this table is so cold, so uncomfortable, I was wondering if .”27 Senator Rogers waited and then said quietly, “Go on.”28 “I was wondering if youd


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