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1、 班级 姓名 学号 装订线淮 阴 工 学 院 考 试 卷 交通运输 (100) 专业(本科)交通运输专业英语课程(考试)试卷(编号:B )学分: 2 课程编号: 153109 考试形式: 闭 卷 考试时间 120 分钟拟卷人(签字): 喻小贤 拟卷日期: 2003年6月3日 审定人(签字): 得分统计表: 4、As speed around comers increases, the steering wheel has to be rotated farther and further to get around a particular comer, until, finally, if

2、understeering is very pronounced, the vehicle refuses to take the comer at all, and, if the wheel is rotated still further, the front wheels skid and the vehicle goes straight on.(5)5、These figures were obtained by skilled drivers on dry surfaces and are unlikely to be obtained in general road use/

3、They do not include the distances traveled by the vehicles from the time the driver perceives the necessity for braking to the time when the brakes are applied.(5)6、In frontal impacts, unbelted car occupants are subjected to lower forces if ery close to the windscreen or back of the front seat than

4、if far away; conversely the requirement for a belted occupant is as much space as possible in front of him to allow for belt extension in the belt, and folding of the body over the belt.(5)7、Obviously, the first object of using a seat belt is to tie the occupant to the car so that his head and body

5、do not strike anything which may cause high localised forces. With no seat belt, the head and body are brought to rest by striking comparatively hard and unyielding objects, causing very large forces acting over very short distances. (5)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总 分得分Translate the following paragraphs into Chin

6、ese.1、It was shown some years ago that these contradictions arise because those countries with large numbers of vehicles per unit of population usually have large numbers of deaths per unit of population but small numbers of deaths per vehicle, perhaps because, as vehicles become more numerous, road

7、 users become more careful and road conscious.(5)2、Medical factors have not been shown to play an important role in accidents, and all forms of sudden illness are probably responsible for about one or two accidents in 1000. Heart disease accounts for about one-sixth or one-seventh of these. Epilepsy

8、 is the major cause of sudden collapse, and any medical condition which can cause collapse when driving is regarded as a bar to obtaining a driving license.(5)3、Accidents tend to occur at crests and near the bottom of downgrades. This is probably due not only to restricted sight distances but also t

9、o speed differentials induced by gradients. The usual remedy is to provide an extra lane so that slow moving traffic can be safely overtaken on the upgrades with double-line lane markings to safeguard overtaking near the crest.(5)第 1 页 共 2 页 班级 姓名 学号 装订线淮 阴 工 学 院 考 试 卷 8、On roads where street lights

10、 are positioned at intervals of not more than 200 yards (defined as a restricted road), an overall speed limit of 30mph applies to all classes of vehicle unless alternatively lower speeds are indicated by signs or unless the vehicle itself is subject to a lower limit by reason of its construction or

11、 its use.(5)9、Within IT systems, one of the fastest-growing areas is that of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) where transport and distributor firms receive orders, delivery documentati-on and invoices direct from their customers computers into their own(compatible) systems via direct communications

12、 links, completely eliminating the delays, errors and other difficulties associated with the creating and movement of paper documents via postal and courier systems.(5)10、Quality starts with the customer, the need to determine exactly what every customer wants. Never assume that one customers servic

13、e requirements are identical, or even remotely similar, to those of another. Each must be asked individually to define his precise expectations when making enquiries and placing orders.(5)11、Most Chinese trucks have a 45 ton capacity. To accommodate flexibly andeffectively the varied demand for road

14、 transport services, a variety of models at both endsof the spectrum should be developed:(i) heavy vehicles to move industrial products including containers, in particular theirinland distribution over medium distance from ports; and(ii) light pickup trucks(小吨位货运汽车) in the 0.5 to 2.0 ton range for t

15、he transport of freight and passengers in rural areas.The heavy trucks are likely to have dicsel rather than gasoline engines and thus would improve the fuel efficiency and reduce road transport costs.On most roads, particularly in eastern China and rural areas in the vicinity of towns and cities, m


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