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1、2021-2022学年度第二学期期中质量检测八年级英语试题答案1-4 DACB 5-8 BBCA 9-12 BCBB 13-16 ABAC 17-20 CDBA21. 198722. front 23. everything 24.photo 25. surprised26-30AADCB 31-35 BDDCA 36-40 BCBCD41-45 BBDDC46-50 DAECB51. happily 52. under 53.others54. so 55.leaves 56. harder 57. white 58.their59. sun 60.again61.were playing

2、62. have been 63. put 64. havent seen 65.must think 66.will go67.hearing 68,to find69.is eating 7O.tell71.Because it is easy to stop and start again.72. reading books/ reading73 .你将能更好的理解你所读的东西。(或者你会更好地理解你所读的内容。)74 . Reading books is fun/ You can read a book anywhere. / Reading books is useful.75 Re

3、ading books is a good hobby.听力原文(一)录音中有四个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子读两遍,然后选出与每个句子 内容相对应的图片。1. Monkey King is my favorite cartoon hero.2. Im afraid I cant go there, because I am ill.3. Gina feels a little hungry. She would like some pizza.4. The man feels terrible. He has a stomach ache.(二)录音中有四个句子,每个句子读两遍,然后

4、从每题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子 做出适当反响的答语。5. Have a pleasant weekend!6. Shall we go fishing this Sunday?7. Whats wrong with your sister?8. Have you ever taken a train?(三)录音中有四组对话,听对话两遍后,从每题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题 的正确答案。9. W: Whos your favorite cartoon hero?M: Mickey Mouse. Hes funny and smart.Q: Who does the girl like in

5、 cartoons?10. W: I have played tennis for six years.M: Wow. That means you started to play tennis at the age of seven.Q: How old is the girl now?11. W: My eyes are in pain now.M: Why not turn off the computer and go out for a walk?Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?12. W: Excuse me. Could y

6、ou tell me how I can get to the post office?M: Go straight along the road until the second crossing. Then you can see a tall white building. It is the post office.Q: What color is the post office?(四)录音中有一段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问 题的正确答案。W: Hi, Mike! Why do you look so happy?M: I got the first pr

7、ize in the speaking competition!W: You are so great! How did you feel when you spoke?M: I felt very nervous at first, but soon I was OK.W: You are so brave. Then what will you do?M: I will tell my parents the good news. I cant wait to do it.W: Your parents must be proud of you when they hear it.M: I

8、 think so. By the way, my cousin is flying to Beijing this afternoon. Would you like to meet him at the airport with me?W: Id love to.M: See you this afternoon. Bye.W: Bye.(五)录音中有四小段独白,听独白两遍后,根据独白内容,将信息配对。17. Tom hasnt reached the airport because the bus is going slowly.18. Im Jim. I like funny cart

9、oons, like Tom and Jerry. I like Jerry because hes both smart and funny. And they all have happy endings.19. Bill has got a pain in his back. He usually plays computer games late at night. The doctor tells him to do some exercise from time to time. Dont play computer games too much.20. David is inte

10、rested in space, including spaceships, astronauts and Mars. If he wants to know more about space travel, he can go online to search for information.(六)听力填表录音中有一篇短文。听短文两遍后,请根据表格内容提示,记录相关信息。(每空一词) Do you believe there are aliens? Last weekend, my old grandpa told me an amazing experience of his.On a c

11、old morning in 1987, he got up and walked down the street as usual. At that time, he saw a UFO land right in front of a tall building. Then an alien came out and walked into the building. He took away everything in the hall of the building. When he was walking to the UFO with the things, he saw my grandpa. He stopped and took a photo of my grandpa with his camera. My grandpa was so surprised when he saw the UFO close the door and fly away!


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