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1、1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。It was an interesting story that I want to share with you. In 2006, when I was 19, I think I was grown up and its time for me to get ready for living independently. So

2、 I decided to earn and save money to RMB 10k in one year from my 19th birthday to 20th birthday. I think it was a rather high goal in that time although my parents still give financial support monthly. I think money is better of earning than saving, and the biggest part of bonus in campus is scholar

3、ship So the aim is clear; I have to work hard to get 1st class scholarship, which is 4k, and I got it. 4k is far away from my goal 10k, luckily the stock markets is so hot in 2007 and I brought funds which is related to stock markets using the 4k scholarship and it doubles in the end. Then I have th

4、e chanee to work in Grace as an in ter n for about half a year. The daily salary is as low as 60/day, but the total ear ning is about 4k So at the end of my 19, surprisingly I have earned 12K. I made it.Every boy has a dream about owning power or resources, the differences are how you make it come t

5、rue and how you get ride of your fortune.2. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并R起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希 望的结果。I used to be league branch secretary of our clas

6、s and in charge of organization of annual classroom activities like mid-autumn festival or new year Christmas festival. Usually every class should submit some acting programs and it was the commissarys duty who took responsible for recreation and sports. But in autumn 2006 a week before the festival

7、 show, our commissary quit from our team We needs a director, so I stand up and take this responsibility I change the original plan with some mod讦ication. The acting show is about the old story the beast and the beauty, but we actually made it to be that after marriage, the beast is becoming a perfe

8、ct family man. It is a small English show, actors playing roles while partners speak for them. Km the director and help our actors playing in the role. After a weeks practice, we did very good job in the final show. I was very glad3. Describe a situati on where you had to seek out releva nt in forma

9、tio ndefi ne key issues anddecide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些 步骤能够达到所期望的结果。Once I was in math modeling competition in 2006. I and two friends were in a group We have 3 days to set up a model for evaluating the effects of d iff ere nt dru

10、gs on AIDS. We got lots of experimental data but we had no idea about how to deal with them So the first thing is to seek releva nt in formati on, what are the factors, what are the data means and what model should we use. Then, we discussed about the model which is the key of our paper, and finally

11、 we decide to use the Gray Prediction Model. This model is quite fit for our view of this revaluation. Then is the assignment of tasks I was in charge of model establishing using software, and pre-treat raw data to be suitable in our model. Another guy is doing assessments and verification. So steps

12、 by steps, we moved towards the final completion of our paper. We won the 2nd class in Shanghai Section.4. Describe an in stance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreeme nt of others. 举例说明你是怎样用事实促使他人与你达成一致意见的。It is quite simple. As a chemical engineer, we meet problems very day an

13、d in most cases, we do not share a common viewpoint When facing different opinions, the first thing is to communicate the reasons why I think it should be the way with each other. For example, we meet a problem in water treatme nt, the flux fall dow n stra ngely. We could do two thin gs, one is to i

14、n crease the flow rate, and the other is to in crease the temperature. I and my partner have differe nt ideas So we talk about each reason that affects the water output Both of the ideas are reasonable and we still cant reach an agreeme nt. Then we do serials of experiments to study the in flue nee

15、carefully, let the facts told what the major factor is. At last, we do know the temperature is the major in fluence and if we meet the problem agai n, we will not have any disagreeme nt.5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result. 举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一

16、个重要目标。6. Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.举例证明,你的一个创意曾经対一个项目的成功起到至关重要的作用。7. Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.请举例,你是怎样评估一种情况,并将注意力集中在关键问题的解决。8. Provide an example of how you acquired tech nical skills and con verted them to practical applicati on.举例说明你怎样获



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