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1、2019-2020年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题含答案(III)班级 _ 姓名 _考试号 _座位号_南京市第六十六中学20132014学年第二学期阶段检测 高一 年级 英语 学科试卷 2014.3A. that; why B. why; because C. why; that D. that; because1. Father made a promise _ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.A. that B. if C. whether D. that if2. The monitor suggested that w

2、e _ for a picnic on Sunday.A. went B. must go C. could go D. go3. _ gets homes first is to cook the supper.A. Who B. Whom C. Those who D. Whoever4. Yesterday, the city government rewarded to those who _ the citys construction in the last years.A. make achievements for B. made contribution to C. had

3、made contributions to D. made a life 5. It was _ he said _disappointed me.A. what ; that B. that ;that C. what; what D. that; what6. I think _ very convenient _we often communicate with each other by e-mail.A. it; that B. that; that C. it; how D. it; what 7. As we have known from the map of the worl

4、d, this island is _. A. twice as large as that one B. twice as larger than that oneC. as twice as that one D. twice as a large island as that one8. The English language_ the rules and_ each group of people brought to Britain with them.A. consists of; vocabularyB. is consisted of ; vocabularyC. consi

5、sts of; vocabulariesD. consists in; vocabularies10.ItwassaidthatJackwasalreadyveryfamousasadancer_intheUSAwhenhewasonlytwelve. A.inhistwentiesB.onthetwenties C.oftwentyD.inthetwenties11. _ we were worried about was _ they could manage to control the pollution.A. That; how B. That; whether C. What; t

6、hat D. What; whether12. She said that it _ the second time she _ the film. A. was ; had seen B. is; has seen C. would be; had seen D. was; saw13. Mr. Wang came home so thin and weak that his own children hardly_ him.A. knew B. realized C. recognized D. noticed14. It is said _ _ was all _ he said.A.

7、that; that; that B. what; what; whatC. that; which; what D. that; that; which15. Our hometown is quite different from _before.A. that it was B. what it was C. which it was D. when it was16. Our plan certainly _; it was a great idea.A. paid off B. paid back C. carried out D. paid for17. His ideas are

8、 very interesting, but we need _ suggestions to get us out of the mess.A. pure B. similar C. practicalD. traditional18. -Havent you graduated from your university?-Yes, I _ in the English Department of Shandong University for four years. A. studiedB. study C. had studied D. was studying19. -Tellmewh

9、ereyoulive,please. -Ilive_.A.in123,KingStreetB.at123,KingStreetC.inKingStreet,123D.atKingStreet,12320.-Thehouseworkistoomuchforme,Jack.-Sorry,butIcanthelp_.Joan,Ivegotsomethingimportanttodo,youknow.A.doB.doingC.tobedoingD.havingdone二.完型填空(20分)Body language is very important in communication. Studies

10、 _21_ that only 7%of the communication in daily 22 is in words. Westerners 23 people to look at each other in the eyes when they 24 . If you dont do that while you are talking, it may show that you do not like the person, 25 that you are not interested in 26 the person says. When 27 hands westerners

11、 will shake two or three times. Do not shake a 28 hand for a long time. When a man shakes hands with a 29 , it is 30 for the woman to hold out 31 hand first in the west. Pointing with one finger at a person 32 talking usually means that the person who is 33 is criticizing the person 34 is pointed at

12、. 35 , men in English-speaking countries touch men much 36 than men touch men in China. But men and women touch each other 37 more often than men and women touch each other publicly in China. Boyfriends and girlfriends often 38 hands, embrace(拥抱)or kiss in public. Good friends often 39 one another w

13、ith a kiss on the cheek, if they are women or of 40 sexes.21. A. showB. sayC. proveD. report22. A. livesB. life C. live D. living23. A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. ask24. A. speakB. tellC. sayD. talk25. A. andB. butC. exceptD. or26. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where27. A. shakingB. shakeC. shakenD. being shaken28. A. personsB. EnglishmansC. ChinesesD. westerners29. A. manB. girlC. womanD. who30. A. worseB. betterC. right


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