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1、2010 年职称英语考试真题试卷分析2010 年职称英语考试于3 月 28 日如期举行,但今年的考试,尤其是综合类令人大跌眼镜,总的来讲有四大特点。一:词汇选项所考原题比例较低在往年的考试中, 第一部分词汇选项一半以上是来自教材或我们所整理的必背词汇表,2009年 A级有 10 道题来自必背词汇表,B、C级有 14 道原题。但今年的B级仅有 1 组词convert=change 来自表中, A级有 4 组是,分别是 hazard=danger;spur =encourage;put up with = tolerate; diligent=hardworking。其余题目要不是全新词汇,要不就

2、是所考词为必背词汇表中的词,但答案不是,例如A级中的 demolish, immense, appalling,vague等,这些词相应的答案词 pull down,enormous,dreadful,imprecise均未在选项中出现,这给给考生带来了极大的困难,很多考生花费了大量时间才完成第一部分的15 道词汇题。二:阅读理解考到了旧文章和往年考过的文章理工类和卫生类的阅读理解部分都考的是所押重点文章,理工A、B级分别考的是How the First Stars in the Universe Came into Existence (宇宙中的最早恒星是如何形成的) 、The Night

3、of Living Ants(蚂蚁的死亡); 卫生 A、B级考的是Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much ( 病人是否太信任医生?) 和 Human Hearts Can Make New Cells (人的心脏能够制造新细胞 ) ;但不幸的是:综合 A的阅读理解考的是一篇2008 年综合 A考过的文章The Best Way to Reduce Your Weight(减肥的最佳方法),综合C级考的文章极其陈旧,有10 年历史的旧文, One-room School (一间教室的学校),综合 B级的文章是我们所押的次重点文章 Immigration and Pr

4、oblems (移民问题 ) ,此文为 2009 年教材的新增文章,但当年没有考,故在次重点之列。三:所考阅读理解的题目变化较多综合 A级所考阅读原题The Best Way to Reduce Your Weight(减肥的最佳方法)的5 道题变化较大,但都是问题与答案的同义改写:并无真正的重新出题的情况。例如:1.The first paragraph tells us that our weight is determined by 答案是 Our genes 教材中的问题是1.What determines your weight ? 答案是 your genes 2.in Jules

5、 Hirschs study, the subjects 答案为 lived only on liuid food 教材中的问题是2. What did Jules Hirsch do in his study 答案是 He gave the eight fat people a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day. 3.After leaving the hospital, the eight fat people 答案是 were back to their original weight 教材中的问题是3. What happened

6、to the eight fat people after they left the hospital?答案是 They were back to normal weight. 4.In Ethan Sims study, the subjects were asked to 答案是 eat as much as they could 教材中的问题是4.What did Ethan Sims make his subjects do?答案是 Increase their weight. 5.which of the following statements is true ? 答案是 eac

7、h person has a natural weight range 教材中的问题是5.What did scientists think was true?答案是 Each person has a fixed weight range. 这些变化如果认真阅读还是能看得出不过是把问题和答案换个方式来表述而已,第1、3、5题比较容易看得出是同义改写,第2 和 4 题则稍不留神会认为是重新出题了。综合 B级 Immigration and Problems (移民问题 ) 1.Many immigrants in the US took to the streets in early 2006

8、, demaning that 答案是 they be treated as citizen 教材中的问题是1. Many immigrants swarmed into streets in the U.S. in early 2006, demanding that they should be treated as 答案是 citizens 2. the expression rounding up in pagraph 1 could be best replaced by 答案是arresting 教材中相应的题目为第5 题: 5. The phrasal verb rounding

9、 up in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by 答案是 capturing;按 ; 此题的答案词由capturing 改为 arresting 3. canada is not very strict with immigration applications because 答案是 it is suffering from labor shortage 教材中的问题是2. Some Canadian officials want to keep the door open because 答案是 Canada is suffering from la

10、bor shortage 4. to solve the immigration problem, the Spanish Goverment has decided 答案是 to take tough measures against illegal immigation 教材中的问题是3. What has the Spanish Government decided to do? 答案是 Take tough measure against illegal immigration 5.after Frances new immigration and integration law ta

11、kes effect it will 答案是make it hard for developing countries to keep talents 教材中的问题是4. After Frances new immigra tion and integration law takes effect, it will 答案是 drain developing countries of talent 综合 B的原题变化更多样一些,除了问题答案的同义改写外,5 道题的顺序也调换了,试卷中的第 2 题词义题是教材中的第5 题,并且答案词也更换了;但其他题目很容看得出是同义改写,做对应该没有任何问题。四

12、:完形填空考到了往年考过的题目并且空格位置变化较多理工卫生类所考完形填空为所押重点文章,但综合 B、 C级的完形填空考的是2008 年和 2006年考过的文章,分别是How a Terrible Battle Helped to Change Europe(一场可怕的战争如何改变了欧洲)和 A countrys Standard of Living(一个国家的生活水平),综合A级考到是一篇有10 年历史的旧文章Racial Prejudice (种族歧视 ) ,值得庆幸的是这篇文章在我们的押题范围之内。综合 A、B级的原题15 个空格只有4或 3 个空格和教材中一致,其余全都不同, 但文章正文

13、除了删去某些段落外无关段落外是没有任何变化的。芒果语录:对于基础不太好的同学,建议认真做下“真题+教材”里面的题目:做题+对照答案 +理解类别级别题型真题内容备注综合类A级阅读理解The best way to lose weight最佳减肥方法2008 年已考过完形填空Sex change surgery guidelines drafted 变性手术准则的起草押中B级阅读理解Immigration and Problems 移民问题押中完形填空How a Terrible Battle Helped to Change Europe 2008 年已一场可怕是战役如何帮助改变了欧洲考过C级阅

14、读理解One room Schools 一间教室的学校没押中完形填空A Country s Standard of Living 一个国家的平均生活水平2006 年已考过理工类A级阅读理解How the First Stars in the Universe Came into Existence 宇宙中的第一颗星是怎样形成的押中完形填空Obtaining Drinking Water from Air Humidity 从空气湿度中获取饮用水押中B级阅读理解Night of the Living Ants 蚂蚁的死亡押中完形填空The Case of the Disappearing Fin

15、gerprints 指纹消失事件押中C级阅读理解Arctic Melt 北极冰山融化押中完形填空Seeing red Means Danger Ahead 看见红色意味着危险在前方押中卫生类A级阅读理解Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much? 病人太信任医生 ? 押中完形填空Skin Cancer Now Top Cancer among Young Women in UK 皮肤癌成英国年轻女性患癌第一疾病押中B级阅读理解Human Heart Can Make New Cells 人体心脏可产生新细胞押中完形填空Nurse! I Want My Mummy 护士,我要妈妈! 押中C级阅读理解U.S. Eats Too Much Salt 美国人吃盐过量押中完形填空8 New York Students Have Swine Flu 8名纽约学生感染甲型N1 H1 流感押中


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