希腊神话中宙斯造潘多拉 对人类的惩罚 英文

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希腊神话中宙斯造潘多拉 对人类的惩罚 英文_第1页
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1、希腊神话中宙斯造潘多拉 对人类的惩罚 英文 There are two urns that stand on the door-sill of Zeus. They are unlike for the gifts they bestow: an urn of evils, an urn of blessings. If Zeus who delights in thunder mingles these and bestows them on man, he shifts, and moves now in evil, again in good fortune. But when Zeus

2、 bestows from the urn of sorrows, he makes a failure of man, and the evil hunger drives him over the shining earth, and he wanders respected neither of gods nor mortalsThis concept centers on the woman as accountable for the existence of hardship, sufferings, and thus evil in the world. In ancient G

3、reek tradition this woman is Pandora, the one who gives origin to the deadly race of women (Hesiod, Theogony 590); she is also the one for whose creation and inevitable evil nature Zeus is the responsible. From her is the race of female women, the deadly race and population of women, a great infesta

4、tion among mortal men, at home with wealth but not with poverty. Its the same as with bees in their overhung hives feeding the drones, evil conspirators. The bees work every day until the sun goes down, busy all day long making pale honeycombs, while the drones stay inside, in the hollow hives, stuf

5、fing their stomachs with the work of others. Thats just how Zeus, the high lord of thund er, made women as a curse for mortal men, evil conspirators. And he added another evil to offset the good Thus woman, created to give man troubles and sufferings, seems to personify the quintessence of evil 12 ,

6、 the origin of every evil, the source and the reason for evil, the inevitability of encountering evil. Thus, the ultimate reason for the entrance of evil in the world is Zeus. Indeed, Pandora is an instrument in Zeus hands. It is Zeus who meant to introduce her as the source of all troubles. It is Z

7、eus who creates, through Pandora, a precise kind of evil, a deceptive one, attractive and appealing on the outside, resembling something good (a caste and shy girl), but hiding bad things inside, the “sheer deception” wonderfully described through t he striking oxymoron kaln kakn (literally “a beaut

8、iful/lovely evil thing). It is Zeus, finally, who makes his lovely evil an irresistible and incurable one, so that nobody could escape. Whether or not you get married, that is, whether or not you deal with women, because of them you will encounter evils, anyway. And, as Zeus wants, there is no way t

9、o escape this evil if a man tries to escape women and marriage, in order no to be forced to hard work and suffering, he is destined to a sad and lonely old age, without anybody who takes care of him; if a man gets married and he is lucky to have a good woman, nevertheless he will have good and evil

10、forever, since woman per se, independently from her individual character, is evil in that she is meant “to eat” her husbands income; if a man gets married and he is unlucky to have a woman that has also an individual bad attitude, for him there is no way to escape any kind of sorrow and evil. , Pandora is often compared to Eve, who too was created after man and is responsible for his 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第3页 共3页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页



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