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1、2022年甘肃卫生职业学院单招英语模拟试题及答案学校:_ 姓名:_ 班级:_ 考号:_题号一二三四总分得分一、单选题1I knew I had not studied enough as soon as I _the exam question.A.seeB.sawC.have seenD.was seeing答案:B2Use your head nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as _learned by yourself.A.thoseB.whatC.thatD.the one答案:C3The river i

2、s _ . Can you swim _it?A.70-meter-wide, acrossB.70 meters wide, acrossC.70-meters wide, inD.70 meters wide, through答案:B4Was it _ the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the world then?A.holdingB.to holdC.heldD.having held答案:A5- They have done a good job- _. _.A.So have they. And so yo

3、u haveB.So they have And so have youC.So they have And so you haveD.So have they. And so have you答案:B6I was surprised at the way _ he treated his father.A.whichB.by whichC.in whichD.about which答案:C7The workers are busy _ windows to the new building these days.A.fixB.fixedC.fixingD.to fix答案:C8For our

4、 own safety,its important to _ the traffic rule on the way to school.A.breakB.makeC.changeD.follow答案:D9The doctors have told him to()on smoking and drinking.A.cut awayB.cut acrossC.cut offD.cut down答案:D10Why() ? It is not very serious.A.to worryB.worryC.not worryD.are you worried答案:D11The manager li

5、stened to the customers, complaints attentively with great patience.()to miss any point.A.not tryingB.trying notC.to try notD.not to try答案:B12_ youre trying to do is really too difficult for you.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhoD.If答案:A13As an adult, you have to tell the right _ the wrong.A.fromB.withC.toD.off答案:A1

6、4The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _ him but failedA.has heldB.was holdingC.had heldD.would hold答案:B15Its foolish _ Jack to do _ thing.A.for, so foolish aB.of, such a foolishC.of, so foolishD.for, such a foolish答案:B二、完形填空1Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water(1) y

7、our house, give light and cook food. But fire can bum things too. Nobody knows(2)people began to use fire. One story from Australia (3)a man a very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought firedown. Today people know how to(4)a fire with matches or lighters or lighters Children som

8、etimes like to play with them. But matches and lighters can be very (5). Fire kills people every year. Soyou must be careful (6) matches and lighters. You should also learn to (7) fires. Fires need oxyen(氧气). Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen in the(8)Cover a fire with water or sand.If you do

9、n t have them around, you could use your (9)or a blanket. This keeps the air from a fire.Be careful with fire, and it will help you.Be careless with fire, and it might (10) you.1)( )A.beautifyB.brightenC.warmD.clean答案:C2)( )A.whereB.whyC.whatD.how答案:D3)( )A.looks afterB.tells aboutC.turns toD.laughs

10、 at答案:B4)( )A.carryB.fixC.makeD.catch答案:C5)( )A.importantB.specialC.smallD.dangerous答案:D6)( )A.toB.aboutC.OnD.after答案:B7)( )A.put outB.turn overC.use upD.take away答案:A8)( )A.sandB.matchC.airD.food答案:C9)( )A.matchB.ropeC.coatD.sand答案:C10)( )A.hurtB.breakC.frightenD.spoil答案:A三、阅读理解1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B

11、、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Youth volunteers from Beijing University visited Song tang Hospital, a care clinic for the aged and dying patients, during the second Global Youth Service Day on April 21. Thirty student volunteers from the universitys School of International Studies sat at the beds of the pati

12、ents in their specially - decorated “care huts”.They talked with them and gave massages(按摩)to patients kept in their beds.I felt sorry that I could not offer more to these people than talking with them and trying to cheer them up.said Deng Yetao, 20, a third - year student.“But it occurred to me tha

13、t they need more care and love than babies.They are afraid of the coming death.Their loneliness is worse than physical pains.”“Even though they are suffering a lot, the majority of the elderly people want to talk to us.Each of them has a lot of life experiences and philosophies to share.Instead of d

14、oing them a favor, I felt I was gaining a valuable lesson.Said Mao Xiaohua, another third - year student.Mao talked with two elderly patients for a whole afternoon.The fact that most of the patients in the 80 - room clinic are aged people with diseases which will lead to death soon made the volunteers hearts heavy.Ninety - one percent of the patients will spend the last days of their lives in the clinic, according to a survey by the hospital.Daily visits and services by social workers and youth volunteers are a very important part of their programmer.A


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