上教版(三起)英语四年级下册 教学设计 Module 2 Unit 6

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1、309教育网 Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 6 Music. 教材分析本课是教材Module 2 Unit 6的教学设计。本单元的语言功能项目是正确使用Whose is it? Its xxxs本课内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。 教学目标【知识目标】1.让学生能听、说、读、写本单元单词:wonderful, violin, guitar, whose, piano.2.熟练运用Whose is it? Its xxxs的句式。【能力目标】1.

2、能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇:guitar、pianoviolin.2.能用Whoseis it?询问某个物品的主人是谁,并能用Its xxxs做出相应回答。【情感目标】利用多种游戏或活动形式培养学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。 教学重难点【教学重点】1、词汇:wonderful, violin, guitar, whose, piano.2、句型:Whose is it? Its xxxs【教学难点】Does he/she like(doing)?问句及其答句的迁移使用。 课前准备Useful phrases and sentences. 教学过程活动1【导入】激趣导入,引入课题Step 1

3、 : Warm-upListenandenjoyasong“Themusicman“T:Ilikemusic.Itswonderful.(使人愉悦的;绝妙的)Themusiciswonderful.Doyoulikemusic? OK,lookattheman,Whatcanheplay?活动2【讲授】图片展示,形象直观Step 2: presentationLearnthenewwords:violinpianoguitarWhose playtheviolin/piano/guitarT:Whatcanyouhear?SayitinChinese.S:钢琴.1.T:violinViolin

4、,theviolinWhatcanheplay?Hecanplaytheviolin.2.Readafterme.Anddotheaction.Likethis:Ding-ding,Ding-ding,Ding-ding, Ding!playthepiano.Icanplaythepiano.Ting-ting,Ting-ting,Ting-ting,Ting!playthetriangle.Zing-zing,Zing-zing,Zing-zing,Zing!playtheviolin.Pling-pling,Pling-pling,Pling-pling,Pling!playtheguit

5、ar.活动3【活动】小组竞赛课堂活跃Step 3 Post-task activitiesPractiseLets say: Miss Fangs bookMy mothers bag 活动4【练习】听说读写全面提高Step 4: presentationListen and say.1.T: Listen carefully! “Whose guitar is it?” Are you right?2. Listen again and repeat.3. Check: Listen and answer the questions.1). 1. What can Kitty play?2)

6、 .2. What can Jill play?3) .3. Is that Jills guitar?4) .4. Whose guitar is it?活动5【测试】做题技巧指导事半功倍Step 5: Ask and answer.1.快速回答:1. Whose is it? Its 2. Group work.根据表格提供的信息,写几句话,介绍一下孩子们会演奏的乐器!Name Age Hobby(爱好)(He/Shecan)Peter 10 PlaytheguitarJoe 12 PlaytheviolinAlice 11 Playthepiano活动6Step 6 Consolidation小结本节课所学内容。(具体小结见PPT展示)活动7【作业】7 Step 7 Homework1. Act the dialogue with your classmates.2. Play the game on Page 31with your partner, and then write down the dialogues on your exercise book. 教学反思略。309教育资源库



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